Asia Pacific | Financial services

IA (Hong Kong)

The Hong Kong Insurance Authority ("HKIA") regulates and supervises authorized insurers in Hong Kong and looks to promote the general stability of the insurance industry, while also protecting policyholders.

The GL14 Guideline on Outsourcing ("HKIA Outsourcing GL-14") outlines the HKIA's expectations from authorized insurers when formulating and monitoring its outsourcing arrangements to account for the protection of its existing and potential policyholders. HKIA Outsourcing GL-14 provides specific guidance on the contents of the outsourcing agreement, due diligence, confidentiality, monitoring and controlling outsourced activities, contingency planning, overseas outsourcing and subcontracting.

Google Cloud's contracts for regulated entities in Hong Kong address the requirements in HKIA Outsourcing GL-14. We have also created mappings to HKIA Outsourcing GL-14 for both Google Cloud and Google Workspace to assist you with understanding how we can support you with meeting the requirements and assess us as an outsourced service provider. Google Cloud is committed to addressing these requirements regardless of how financial institutions choose to use our services.

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