De Nederlandsche Bank (the Netherlands)

De Nederlandsche Bank is responsible for safeguarding financial stability and contributing to sustainable prosperity in the Netherlands.

Google Cloud’s contracts for financial institutions in the Netherlands address De Nederlandsche Bank’s requirements. We have also created mappings for both Google Cloud and Google Workspace to help you understand how we can support you with meeting the De Nederlandsche Bank’s requirements and assess us as an outsourced service provider. Google Cloud is committed to addressing these requirements regardless of how financial institutions choose to use our services.

De Nederlandsche Bank’s Compliance Offerings

Learn more about the key laws, regulations, and guidelines prescribed by the De Nederlandsche Bank.

Decree on Prudential Rule for Financial Undertakings

Learn more about the Decree on Prudential Rule for Financial Undertakings and how Google Cloud can help support your De Nederlandsche Bank’s compliance efforts.

The DNB Decree on Prudential Rule for Financial Undertakings (“DNB Decree”) defines the supervisory conditions applicable to outsourcing by financial institutions. The purpose of these conditions is to control the relevant risks and ensure that outsourcing does not impede adequate supervision.

Learn more about the Good Practices Outsourcing Insurers and how Google Cloud can help support your De Nederlandsche Bank’s compliance efforts.

The Good Practices Outsourcing Insurers provides recommendations for how insurers can manage outsourcing risks. The Good Practices for managing outsourcing risks provide specific guidance on: business continuity management, the outsourcing agreement, critical and sensitive data, selection of service provider, monitoring of outsourcing, service level reports (SLRs) and quality of outsourced services.

Learn more about the Good Practices for Managing Outsourcing Risks and how Google Cloud can help support your De Nederlandsche Bank’s compliance efforts.

The Good Practices for Managing Outsourcing Risks provides recommendations for how financial institutions can implement the requirement to manage outsourcing risks, e.g. in case of cloud computing. The Good Practices for Managing Outsourcing Risks provide specific guidance on: regulatory requirements, selection and review of service providers, management information, quality of contracts, business continuity and disaster recovery, critical data, service level reporting and assurance reporting.

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