Static outbound IP address

By default, a Cloud Run service connects to external endpoints on the internet using a dynamic IP address pool. If the Cloud Run service connects to an external endpoint that requires a static IP address such as a database or API using an IP address-based firewall, you must configure your Cloud Run service to route requests using a static IP address.

This page describes how to enable a Cloud Run service to send requests using a static IP address.

We recommend configuring Cloud Run to send traffic to a VPC network using Direct VPC egress. However, you have the option to Create a connector.

Task overview

To enable a Cloud Run service to route requests using a static IP address, configure the Cloud Run service's VPC egress to route all outbound traffic through a VPC network that has a Cloud NAT gateway configured with the static IP address.

Routing your traffic through Cloud NAT does not cause an additional hop in your networking stack since the Cloud NAT gateway and the Cloud Router provide only a control plane and the packets don't pass through the NAT gateway or the Cloud Router.

Configure network address translation (NAT)

If you use Direct VPC egress or a Serverless VPC Access connector, requests from your Cloud Run service arrive at your VPC network. If you want to route outbound requests to external endpoints using a static IP, configure a Cloud NAT gateway.


  1. Create a new Cloud Router to program a Cloud NAT gateway:

    gcloud compute routers create ROUTER_NAME \
      --network=NETWORK_NAME \

    Replace the following values in this command:

    • ROUTER_NAME with a name for the Cloud Router resource that you want to create.
    • NETWORK_NAME with the name of the VPC network that you found earlier.
    • REGION with the region that you want to create a Cloud NAT gateway in.
  2. Reserve a static IP address. A reserved IP address resource retains the underlying IP address when the resource it is associated with is deleted and re-created:

    gcloud compute addresses create ORIGIN_IP_NAME --region=REGION

    Replace the following values in this command:

    • ORIGIN_IP_NAME with the name that you want to assign to the IP address resource.
    • REGION with the region that will run the Cloud NAT router. Use the same region as your Cloud Run service to minimize latency and network costs.
  3. Create a Cloud NAT gateway configuration on this router to route the traffic originating from the VPC network using the static IP address that you created:

    gcloud compute routers nats create NAT_NAME \
      --router=ROUTER_NAME \
      --region=REGION \
      --nat-custom-subnet-ip-ranges=SUBNET_NAME \

    Replace the following values in this command:

    • NAT_NAME with a name for the Cloud NAT gateway resource that you want to create.
    • ROUTER_NAME with the name of your Cloud Router.
    • REGION with the region that you want to create a Cloud NAT gateway in.
    • SUBNET_NAME with the name of your subnet.
    • ORIGIN_IP_NAME with the name of the reserved IP address resource that you created in the previous step.


  1. Create a new Cloud Router to program a Cloud NAT gateway:

    resource "google_compute_router" "default" {
      name    = "cr-static-ip-router"
      network =
      region  = google_compute_subnetwork.default.region

    Replace cr-static-ip-router with your subnet name.

  2. Reserve a static IP address. A reserved IP address resource retains the underlying IP address when the resource it is associated with is deleted and recreated:

    resource "google_compute_address" "default" {
      name   = "cr-static-ip-addr"
      region = google_compute_subnetwork.default.region

    Replace cr-static-ip-addr with your subnet name.

  3. Create a Cloud NAT gateway configuration on this router to route the traffic originating from the VPC network using the static IP address that you created:

    resource "google_compute_router_nat" "default" {
      name   = "cr-static-nat"
      router =
      region = google_compute_subnetwork.default.region
      nat_ip_allocate_option = "MANUAL_ONLY"
      nat_ips                = [google_compute_address.default.self_link]
      source_subnetwork_ip_ranges_to_nat = "LIST_OF_SUBNETWORKS"
      subnetwork {
        name                    =
        source_ip_ranges_to_nat = ["ALL_IP_RANGES"]

    Replace cr-static-nat with your Cloud NAT gateway name.

Route Cloud Run traffic through the VPC network

After Cloud NAT is configured, deploy or update your Cloud Run service with Direct VPC egress or the Serverless VPC Access connector, and set the VPC egress to route all traffic through the VPC network:


  • Direct VPC egress

    To deploy or update your Cloud Run service to use Direct VPC egress and route all egress traffic through it, run the following command:

    gcloud run deploy SERVICE_NAME \
    --image=IMAGE_URL \
    --network=NETWORK \
    --subnet=SUBNET \
    --region=REGION \

    Replace the following values in this command:

    • SERVICE_NAME with the name of the Cloud Run service that you want to deploy.
    • IMAGE_URL with a reference to the container image, for example, If you use Artifact Registry, the repository REPO_NAME must already be created. The URL has the shape .
    • NETWORK with the name of your VPC network.
    • SUBNET with the name of your subnet.
    • REGION with a region for your service.
  • Serverless VPC Access connector

    To deploy or update your Cloud Run service to use a Serverless VPC Access connector and route all egress traffic through it, run the following command:

    gcloud run deploy SERVICE_NAME \
    --image=IMAGE_URL \
    --vpc-connector=CONNECTOR_NAME \
    --region=REGION \

    Replace the following values in this command:

    • SERVICE_NAME with the name of the Cloud Run service that you want to deploy.
    • IMAGE_URL with a reference to the container image, for example, If you use Artifact Registry, the repository REPO_NAME must already be created. The URL has the shape .
    • CONNECTOR_NAME with the name of your Serverless VPC Access connector.
    • REGION with a region for your service.


This Cloud Run service uses a VPC connector and routes all egress traffic through it:

resource "google_cloud_run_v2_service" "default" {
  name     = "cr-static-ip-service"
  location = google_compute_subnetwork.default.region

  deletion_protection = false # set to "true" in production

  template {
    containers {
      # Replace with the URL of your container
      image = ""
    scaling {
      max_instance_count = 5
    vpc_access {
      connector =
      egress    = "ALL_TRAFFIC"


Replace with a reference to your container image.

Verify the static external IP address

After completing the previous steps, you have set up Cloud NAT on your VPC network with a predefined static IP address, and you have routed all of your Cloud Run service's outbound traffic into your VPC network. Requests from your Cloud Run service travel through your VPC network and reach external endpoints using the static IP address.

To verify this behavior and confirm the origin IP address that your service uses, you can make a request to an API or a website such as that shows the originating IP address.

Deleting the static external IP address

If you no longer need a static external IP address, see Release a static external IP address.