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Consider built-in observability tools from cloud platforms for your next application

Google Cloud commissioned a survey and whitepaper from IDC to ask senior IT leaders in operations for their opinions on monitoring and management tools built by cloud platforms versus third parties. 

The first page of the IDC report titled A Built-In Observability Tool Adoption Blueprint for Public Cloud: Driving Quantified Value for DevOps, Development, Operations, and SRE Teams and the table of contents page
Use this report to help you plan out the future of IT operations, DevOps and Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) at your organization

In the face of uncertain economic times, competitive pressure, and an evolving IT landscape, draw on the wealth of knowledge from operations leaders to help you decide on the future direction of your IT Ops. Download the report to read more about why:  

  • 69% of respondents trust that cloud providers can build better tools to manage their own clouds

  • 55% of respondents stated that managing and monitoring tools from public cloud platforms provide more value compared to third-party tools

  • Of the respondents who indicated they plan to decrease spending on operations tooling, 83% will consolidate tools or move to a monthly subscription model

Complete this form for access to the report

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