For retailers, gen AI can drive personalized customer experiences and improve store productivity. Discover 4 strategies you can implement.
The retail industry has some of the biggest potential when it comes to the benefits of gen AI, with early adopters already seeing its impact across their businesses.
Today, customers expect personalized experiences – and focusing on engagement and retention sets successful retailers apart from the rest. Gen AI can help improve the discovery, decision, purchase, and post-sale experience for shoppers by delivering highly personalized content recommendations.
Customer service can also benefit from gen AI, speeding up call resolution times and reducing escalation requests to speak to a manager. With enhanced insights on customer behavior, gen AI can even strengthen service conversions by prompting agents with suggested topics and questions.
Download this guide to gen AI in retail to continue exploring proven strategies that help retailers:
1McKinsey. (2023). The economic potential of generative AI: The next productivity frontier.