This document describes how to restrict the set of Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) networks that can use Cloud Interconnect.
By default, any VPC network can use Cloud Interconnect. To control which VPC networks can use Cloud Interconnect, you can set an organization policy. For general information about organization policies, see Introduction to the Organization Policy Service.
Using Cloud Interconnect to connect a VPC network to your on-premises network requires a VLAN attachment. An organization policy for restricting Cloud Interconnect usage allows or denies the creation of VLAN attachments from specified VPC networks. You can set a policy that allows or denies the creation of VLAN attachments from a specific VPC network or all VPC networks in a project, folder, or organization resource.
You can use the following constraints when defining your policy:
This constraint defines the set of VPC networks that you can use when creating a VLAN attachment using Dedicated Interconnect.
This constraint defines the set of VPC networks that you can use when creating a VLAN attachment using Partner Interconnect.
When you set an organization policy, it only constrains the creation of VLAN attachments in the future. The policy does not affect previously created VLAN attachments.
If a user attempts to create a VLAN attachment that violates an organization
policy, they see an error message. The following is an example error message
from running gcloud compute interconnects attachments partner create
ERROR: (gcloud.compute.interconnects.attachments.partner.create) Could not fetch resource: - Constraint constraints/compute.restrictPartnerInterconnectUsage violated for projects/example-project. projects/example-project/global/networks/example-network is not allowed to use the Partner Interconnect.
This page includes example procedures for setting organization policies to restrict Cloud Interconnect usage.
For more information, including general procedures for setting organization policies, see the following:
Before you begin
To set organization policies, you must have the
Organization Policy Administrator role
Set a policy to deny a specific VPC network
To set a policy to deny a specific VPC network from using Cloud Interconnect, follow these steps:
Find your organization ID by entering the following command:
gcloud organizations list
The command output looks like the following example:
DISPLAY NAME ID example-organization 29252605212
Create a JSON file that defines your policy. The following example JSON file defines a policy that prevents
from using Dedicated Interconnect:{ "Constraint": "constraints/compute.restrictDedicatedInterconnectUsage", "listPolicy": { "deniedValues": [ "projects/project-1/global/networks/network-1" ] } }
Use the
Resource Managerset-policy
command to set the organization policy:gcloud resource-manager org-policies set-policy
JSON_FILE_NAME --organization=ORGANIZATION_ID Replace the following values:
: the name of the JSON file that you created in the previous step, such aspolicy-name.json
: the ID of the organization that you previously found
Set a policy to deny all VPC networks
To set a policy to deny all VPC networks from using Cloud Interconnect, follow these steps:
Find your organization ID by entering the following command:
gcloud organizations list
The command output looks like the following example:
DISPLAY NAME ID example-organization 29252605212
Create a JSON file that defines your policy. The following example JSON file defines a policy that prevents all VPC networks from using Dedicated Interconnect:
{ "Constraint": "constraints/compute.restrictDedicatedInterconnectUsage", "listPolicy": { "allValues": "DENY" } }
Use the
Resource Managerset-policy
command to set the organization policy:gcloud resource-manager org-policies set-policy
JSON_FILE_NAME --organization=ORGANIZATION_ID Replace the following values:
: the name of the JSON file that you created in the previous step, such aspolicy-name.json
: the ID of the organization that you previously found
Set a policy at the organization, folder, or project level
The previous sections describe how to deny a specific VPC network or all VPC networks. You can also use the syntax described in List constraints to allow or deny VPC networks at the organization, project, or folder level.
What's next
To learn more about Cloud Interconnect options, see the Cloud Interconnect overview.
To help you solve common issues that you might encounter when using Cloud Interconnect, see Troubleshooting.