Vous pouvez utiliser les exemples Terraform suivants pour déployer un VPN haute disponibilité sur Cloud Interconnect.
Dans ces exemples, vous devez déjà disposer de deux connexions Dedicated Interconnect, provisionnées dans deux domaines de disponibilité de périphérie (zones).
Pour savoir comment appliquer ou supprimer une configuration Terraform, consultez la page Commandes Terraform de base.
L'exemple Terraform suivant effectue un déploiement VPN haute disponibilité via Cloud Interconnect avec deux rattachements de VLAN de 5 Gbit/s.
provider "google" {
# Specify the project where you want
# to deploy HA VPN over Cloud Interconnect resources.
# Your Dedicated Interconnect connections can be
# located in a different project.
# project = "your-project"
# Create all resources in the same region, which
# you can specify at the provider level.
# Important: This region must support the creation
# of new VLAN attachments on Dataplane v2.
region = "us-east4"
# VPC Network
resource "google_compute_network" "network_havpn_ic" {
name = "network-havpn-ic"
auto_create_subnetworks = false
routing_mode = "GLOBAL"
# Subnet
resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "subnet_havpn_ic" {
name = "subnet-havpn-ic"
ip_cidr_range = ""
network = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.self_link
# Begin Cloud Interconnect tier
# Create Interconnect Cloud Router, specific to HA VPN over Cloud Interconnect
resource "google_compute_router" "ic_router" {
name = "ic-router"
network = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.self_link
encrypted_interconnect_router = true
bgp {
asn = 65000
# Optional: Reserve regional internal IP ranges to allocate to the HA VPN gateway
# interfaces. Reserve an internal range for each VLAN attachment.
resource "google_compute_address" "address_vpn_ia_1" {
name = "address-vpn-ia-1"
address_type = "INTERNAL"
address = ""
prefix_length = 29 # Allows you to reserve up to 8 IP addresses
network = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.self_link
resource "google_compute_address" "address_vpn_ia_2" {
name = "address-vpn-ia-2"
address_type = "INTERNAL"
address = ""
prefix_length = 29 # Allows you to reserve up to 8 IP addresses
network = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.self_link
# Create encrypted VLAN attachments
data "google_project" "project" {
resource "google_compute_interconnect_attachment" "ia_1" {
name = "ia-1"
project = data.google_project.project.project_id
router = google_compute_router.ic_router.self_link
# If you use the same project for your Dedicated Interconnect connection and attachments, you can keep the variable in the following URL.
# If not, replace the URL and variable.
interconnect = "https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/${data.google_project.project.project_id}/global/interconnects/interconnect-zone1"
description = ""
bandwidth = "BPS_5G"
type = "DEDICATED"
encryption = "IPSEC"
ipsec_internal_addresses = [
vlan_tag8021q = 2001
resource "google_compute_interconnect_attachment" "ia_2" {
name = "ia-2"
project = data.google_project.project.project_id
router = google_compute_router.ic_router.self_link
# If you use the same project for your Dedicated Interconnect connection and attachments, you can keep the variable in the following URL.
# If not, replace the URL and variable.
interconnect = "https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/${data.google_project.project.project_id}/global/interconnects/interconnect-zone2"
description = ""
bandwidth = "BPS_5G"
type = "DEDICATED"
encryption = "IPSEC"
ipsec_internal_addresses = [
vlan_tag8021q = 2002
# Create VLAN attachment interfaces for Cloud Router
resource "google_compute_router_interface" "ic_if_1" {
name = "ic-if-1"
router = google_compute_router.ic_router.name
ip_range = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_1.cloud_router_ip_address
interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_1.self_link
resource "google_compute_router_interface" "ic_if_2" {
name = "ic-if-2"
router = google_compute_router.ic_router.name
ip_range = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_2.cloud_router_ip_address
interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_2.self_link
# Create BGP peers for Interconnect Cloud Router
resource "google_compute_router_peer" "ic_peer_1" {
name = "ic-peer-1"
router = google_compute_router.ic_router.name
peer_ip_address = trimsuffix(google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_1.customer_router_ip_address, "/29")
interface = google_compute_router_interface.ic_if_1.name
peer_asn = 65098
resource "google_compute_router_peer" "ic_peer_2" {
name = "ic-peer-2"
router = google_compute_router.ic_router.name
peer_ip_address = trimsuffix(google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_2.customer_router_ip_address, "/29")
interface = google_compute_router_interface.ic_if_2.name
peer_asn = 65099
# Begin VPN Layer
# Create HA VPN Gateways and associate with Cloud Interconnect VLAN attachments
resource "google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway" "vpngw_1" {
name = "vpngw-1"
network = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.id
vpn_interfaces {
id = 0
interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_1.self_link
vpn_interfaces {
id = 1
interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_2.self_link
resource "google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway" "vpngw_2" {
name = "vpngw-2"
network = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.id
vpn_interfaces {
id = 0
interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_1.self_link
vpn_interfaces {
id = 1
interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_2.self_link
# Create external peer VPN gateway resources
resource "google_compute_external_vpn_gateway" "external_vpngw_1" {
name = "external-vpngw-1"
redundancy_type = "TWO_IPS_REDUNDANCY"
interface {
id = 0
ip_address = ""
interface {
id = 1
ip_address = ""
resource "google_compute_external_vpn_gateway" "external_vpngw_2" {
name = "external-vpngw-2"
redundancy_type = "TWO_IPS_REDUNDANCY"
interface {
id = 0
ip_address = ""
interface {
id = 1
ip_address = ""
# Create HA VPN Cloud Router
resource "google_compute_router" "vpn_router" {
name = "vpn-router"
network = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.self_link
bgp {
asn = 65010
# Create HA VPN tunnels
resource "google_compute_vpn_tunnel" "tunnel_1" {
name = "tunnel-1"
vpn_gateway = google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway.vpngw_1.id
peer_external_gateway = google_compute_external_vpn_gateway.external_vpngw_1.id
shared_secret = "shhhhh"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.id
vpn_gateway_interface = 0
peer_external_gateway_interface = 0
resource "google_compute_vpn_tunnel" "tunnel_2" {
name = "tunnel-2"
vpn_gateway = google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway.vpngw_1.id
peer_external_gateway = google_compute_external_vpn_gateway.external_vpngw_1.id
shared_secret = "shhhhh"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.id
vpn_gateway_interface = 1
peer_external_gateway_interface = 1
resource "google_compute_vpn_tunnel" "tunnel_3" {
name = "tunnel-3"
vpn_gateway = google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway.vpngw_2.id
peer_external_gateway = google_compute_external_vpn_gateway.external_vpngw_2.id
shared_secret = "shhhhh"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.id
vpn_gateway_interface = 0
peer_external_gateway_interface = 0
resource "google_compute_vpn_tunnel" "tunnel_4" {
name = "tunnel-4"
vpn_gateway = google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway.vpngw_2.id
peer_external_gateway = google_compute_external_vpn_gateway.external_vpngw_2.id
shared_secret = "shhhhh"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.id
vpn_gateway_interface = 1
peer_external_gateway_interface = 1
# Create VPN tunnel interfaces for Cloud Router
resource "google_compute_router_interface" "vpn_1_if_0" {
name = "vpn-1-if-0"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
ip_range = ""
vpn_tunnel = google_compute_vpn_tunnel.tunnel_1.self_link
resource "google_compute_router_interface" "vpn_1_if_1" {
name = "vpn-1-if-1"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
ip_range = ""
vpn_tunnel = google_compute_vpn_tunnel.tunnel_2.self_link
resource "google_compute_router_interface" "vpn_2_if_0" {
name = "vpn-2-if-0"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
ip_range = ""
vpn_tunnel = google_compute_vpn_tunnel.tunnel_3.self_link
resource "google_compute_router_interface" "vpn_2_if_1" {
name = "vpn-2-if-1"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
ip_range = ""
vpn_tunnel = google_compute_vpn_tunnel.tunnel_4.self_link
# Create BGP Peers for Cloud Router
resource "google_compute_router_peer" "vpn_peer_1" {
name = "vpn-peer-1"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
peer_ip_address = ""
interface = google_compute_router_interface.vpn_1_if_0.name
peer_asn = 65011
resource "google_compute_router_peer" "vpn_peer_2" {
name = "vpn-peer-2"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
peer_ip_address = ""
interface = google_compute_router_interface.vpn_1_if_1.name
peer_asn = 65011
resource "google_compute_router_peer" "vpn_peer_3" {
name = "vpn-peer-3"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
peer_ip_address = ""
interface = google_compute_router_interface.vpn_2_if_0.name
peer_asn = 65034
resource "google_compute_router_peer" "vpn_peer_4" {
name = "vpn-peer-4"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
peer_ip_address = ""
interface = google_compute_router_interface.vpn_2_if_1.name
peer_asn = 65034
L'exemple Terraform suivant effectue un déploiement VPN haute disponibilité via Cloud Interconnect avec deux rattachements de VLAN 10 Gbit/s.
provider "google" {
# Specify the project where you want
# to deploy HA VPN over Cloud Interconnect resources.
# Your Dedicated Interconnect connections can be
# located in a different project.
# project = "your-project"
# Create all resources in the same region, which
# you can specify at the provider level.
# Important: This region must support the creation
# of new VLAN attachments on Dataplane v2.
region = "us-east4"
# VPC Network
resource "google_compute_network" "network_havpn_ic" {
name = "network-havpn-ic"
auto_create_subnetworks = false
routing_mode = "GLOBAL"
# Subnet
resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "subnet_havpn_ic" {
name = "subnet-havpn-ic"
ip_cidr_range = ""
network = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.self_link
# Begin Cloud Interconnect tier
# Create Interconnect Cloud Router, specific to HA VPN over Cloud Interconnect
resource "google_compute_router" "ic_router" {
name = "ic-router"
network = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.self_link
encrypted_interconnect_router = true
bgp {
asn = 65000
# Optional: Reserve regional internal IP ranges to allocate to the HA VPN gateway
# interfaces. Reserve an internal range for each VLAN attachment.
resource "google_compute_address" "address_vpn_ia_1" {
name = "address-vpn-ia-1"
address_type = "INTERNAL"
address = ""
prefix_length = 29 # Allows you to reserve up to 8 IP addresses
network = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.self_link
resource "google_compute_address" "address_vpn_ia_2" {
name = "address-vpn-ia-2"
address_type = "INTERNAL"
address = ""
prefix_length = 29 # Allows you to reserve up to 8 IP addresses
network = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.self_link
# Create encrypted VLAN attachments
data "google_project" "project" {
resource "google_compute_interconnect_attachment" "ia_1" {
name = "ia-1"
project = data.google_project.project.project_id
router = google_compute_router.ic_router.self_link
# If you use the same project for your Dedicated Interconnect connection and attachments, you can keep the variable in the following URL.
# If not, replace the URL and variable.
interconnect = "https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/${data.google_project.project.project_id}/global/interconnects/interconnect-zone1"
description = ""
bandwidth = "BPS_10G"
type = "DEDICATED"
encryption = "IPSEC"
ipsec_internal_addresses = [
vlan_tag8021q = 2001
resource "google_compute_interconnect_attachment" "ia_2" {
name = "ia-2"
project = data.google_project.project.project_id
router = google_compute_router.ic_router.self_link
interconnect = "https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/${data.google_project.project.project_id}/global/interconnects/interconnect-zone2"
description = ""
bandwidth = "BPS_10G"
type = "DEDICATED"
encryption = "IPSEC"
ipsec_internal_addresses = [
vlan_tag8021q = 2002
# Create VLAN attachment interfaces for Cloud Router
resource "google_compute_router_interface" "ic_if_1" {
name = "ic-if-1"
router = google_compute_router.ic_router.name
ip_range = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_1.cloud_router_ip_address
interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_1.self_link
resource "google_compute_router_interface" "ic_if_2" {
name = "ic-if-2"
router = google_compute_router.ic_router.name
ip_range = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_2.cloud_router_ip_address
interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_2.self_link
# Create BGP peers for Interconnect Cloud Router
resource "google_compute_router_peer" "ic_peer_1" {
name = "ic-peer-1"
router = google_compute_router.ic_router.name
peer_ip_address = trimsuffix(google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_1.customer_router_ip_address, "/29")
interface = google_compute_router_interface.ic_if_1.name
peer_asn = 65098
resource "google_compute_router_peer" "ic_peer_2" {
name = "ic-peer-2"
router = google_compute_router.ic_router.name
peer_ip_address = trimsuffix(google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_2.customer_router_ip_address, "/29")
interface = google_compute_router_interface.ic_if_2.name
peer_asn = 65099
# Begin VPN Layer
# Create HA VPN Gateways and associate with the Cloud Interconnect VLAN attachments
resource "google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway" "vpngw_1" {
name = "vpngw-1"
network = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.id
vpn_interfaces {
id = 0
interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_1.self_link
vpn_interfaces {
id = 1
interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_2.self_link
resource "google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway" "vpngw_2" {
name = "vpngw-2"
network = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.id
vpn_interfaces {
id = 0
interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_1.self_link
vpn_interfaces {
id = 1
interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_2.self_link
resource "google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway" "vpngw_3" {
name = "vpngw-3"
network = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.id
vpn_interfaces {
id = 0
interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_1.self_link
vpn_interfaces {
id = 1
interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_2.self_link
resource "google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway" "vpngw_4" {
name = "vpngw-4"
network = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.id
vpn_interfaces {
id = 0
interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_1.self_link
vpn_interfaces {
id = 1
interconnect_attachment = google_compute_interconnect_attachment.ia_2.self_link
# Create external peer VPN gateway resources
resource "google_compute_external_vpn_gateway" "external_vpngw_1" {
name = "external-vpngw-1"
redundancy_type = "TWO_IPS_REDUNDANCY"
interface {
id = 0
ip_address = ""
interface {
id = 1
ip_address = ""
resource "google_compute_external_vpn_gateway" "external_vpngw_2" {
name = "external-vpngw-2"
redundancy_type = "TWO_IPS_REDUNDANCY"
interface {
id = 0
ip_address = ""
interface {
id = 1
ip_address = ""
# Create HA VPN Cloud Router
resource "google_compute_router" "vpn_router" {
name = "vpn-router"
network = google_compute_network.network_havpn_ic.self_link
bgp {
asn = 65010
# Create HA VPN tunnels
resource "google_compute_vpn_tunnel" "tunnel_1" {
name = "tunnel-1"
vpn_gateway = google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway.vpngw_1.id
peer_external_gateway = google_compute_external_vpn_gateway.external_vpngw_1.id
shared_secret = "shhhhh"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.id
vpn_gateway_interface = 0
peer_external_gateway_interface = 0
resource "google_compute_vpn_tunnel" "tunnel_2" {
name = "tunnel-2"
vpn_gateway = google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway.vpngw_1.id
peer_external_gateway = google_compute_external_vpn_gateway.external_vpngw_1.id
shared_secret = "shhhhh"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.id
vpn_gateway_interface = 1
peer_external_gateway_interface = 1
resource "google_compute_vpn_tunnel" "tunnel_3" {
name = "tunnel-3"
vpn_gateway = google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway.vpngw_2.id
peer_external_gateway = google_compute_external_vpn_gateway.external_vpngw_2.id
shared_secret = "shhhhh"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.id
vpn_gateway_interface = 0
peer_external_gateway_interface = 0
resource "google_compute_vpn_tunnel" "tunnel_4" {
name = "tunnel-4"
vpn_gateway = google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway.vpngw_2.id
peer_external_gateway = google_compute_external_vpn_gateway.external_vpngw_2.id
shared_secret = "shhhhh"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.id
vpn_gateway_interface = 1
peer_external_gateway_interface = 1
resource "google_compute_vpn_tunnel" "tunnel_5" {
name = "tunnel-5"
vpn_gateway = google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway.vpngw_3.id
peer_external_gateway = google_compute_external_vpn_gateway.external_vpngw_1.id
shared_secret = "shhhhh"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.id
vpn_gateway_interface = 0
peer_external_gateway_interface = 0
resource "google_compute_vpn_tunnel" "tunnel_6" {
name = "tunnel-6"
vpn_gateway = google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway.vpngw_3.id
peer_external_gateway = google_compute_external_vpn_gateway.external_vpngw_1.id
shared_secret = "shhhhh"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.id
vpn_gateway_interface = 1
peer_external_gateway_interface = 1
resource "google_compute_vpn_tunnel" "tunnel_7" {
name = "tunnel-7"
vpn_gateway = google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway.vpngw_4.id
peer_external_gateway = google_compute_external_vpn_gateway.external_vpngw_2.id
shared_secret = "shhhhh"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.id
vpn_gateway_interface = 0
peer_external_gateway_interface = 0
resource "google_compute_vpn_tunnel" "tunnel_8" {
name = "tunnel-8"
vpn_gateway = google_compute_ha_vpn_gateway.vpngw_4.id
peer_external_gateway = google_compute_external_vpn_gateway.external_vpngw_2.id
shared_secret = "shhhhh"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.id
vpn_gateway_interface = 1
peer_external_gateway_interface = 1
# Create VPN tunnel interfaces for Cloud Router
resource "google_compute_router_interface" "vpn_1_if_0" {
name = "vpn-1-if-0"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
ip_range = ""
vpn_tunnel = google_compute_vpn_tunnel.tunnel_1.self_link
resource "google_compute_router_interface" "vpn_1_if_1" {
name = "vpn-1-if-1"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
ip_range = ""
vpn_tunnel = google_compute_vpn_tunnel.tunnel_2.self_link
resource "google_compute_router_interface" "vpn_2_if_0" {
name = "vpn-2-if-0"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
ip_range = ""
vpn_tunnel = google_compute_vpn_tunnel.tunnel_3.self_link
resource "google_compute_router_interface" "vpn_2_if_1" {
name = "vpn-2-if-1"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
ip_range = ""
vpn_tunnel = google_compute_vpn_tunnel.tunnel_4.self_link
resource "google_compute_router_interface" "vpn_3_if_0" {
name = "vpn-3-if-0"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
ip_range = ""
vpn_tunnel = google_compute_vpn_tunnel.tunnel_5.self_link
resource "google_compute_router_interface" "vpn_3_if_1" {
name = "vpn-3-if-1"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
ip_range = ""
vpn_tunnel = google_compute_vpn_tunnel.tunnel_6.self_link
resource "google_compute_router_interface" "vpn_4_if_0" {
name = "vpn-4-if-0"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
ip_range = ""
vpn_tunnel = google_compute_vpn_tunnel.tunnel_7.self_link
resource "google_compute_router_interface" "vpn_4_if_1" {
name = "vpn-4-if-1"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
ip_range = ""
vpn_tunnel = google_compute_vpn_tunnel.tunnel_8.self_link
# Create BGP Peers for Cloud Router
resource "google_compute_router_peer" "vpn_peer_1" {
name = "vpn-peer-1"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
peer_ip_address = ""
interface = google_compute_router_interface.vpn_1_if_0.name
peer_asn = 65011
resource "google_compute_router_peer" "vpn_peer_2" {
name = "vpn-peer-2"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
peer_ip_address = ""
interface = google_compute_router_interface.vpn_1_if_1.name
peer_asn = 65011
resource "google_compute_router_peer" "vpn_peer_3" {
name = "vpn-peer-3"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
peer_ip_address = ""
interface = google_compute_router_interface.vpn_2_if_0.name
peer_asn = 65011
resource "google_compute_router_peer" "vpn_peer_4" {
name = "vpn-peer-4"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
peer_ip_address = ""
interface = google_compute_router_interface.vpn_2_if_1.name
peer_asn = 65011
resource "google_compute_router_peer" "vpn_peer_5" {
name = "vpn-peer-5"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
peer_ip_address = ""
interface = google_compute_router_interface.vpn_3_if_0.name
peer_asn = 65034
resource "google_compute_router_peer" "vpn_peer_6" {
name = "vpn-peer-6"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
peer_ip_address = ""
interface = google_compute_router_interface.vpn_3_if_1.name
peer_asn = 65034
resource "google_compute_router_peer" "vpn_peer_7" {
name = "vpn-peer-7"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
peer_ip_address = ""
interface = google_compute_router_interface.vpn_4_if_0.name
peer_asn = 65034
resource "google_compute_router_peer" "vpn_peer_8" {
name = "vpn-peer-8"
router = google_compute_router.vpn_router.name
peer_ip_address = ""
interface = google_compute_router_interface.vpn_4_if_1.name
peer_asn = 65034
Étape suivante
Pour ajouter des passerelles VPN haute disponibilité à votre déploiement VPN haute disponibilité via Cloud Interconnect, consultez la page Ajouter une passerelle VPN haute disponibilité à un VPN haute disponibilité via Cloud Interconnect.
Pour connaître les bonnes pratiques de planification et de configuration de Cloud Interconnect, consultez la page Bonnes pratiques.
Pour résoudre des problèmes de déploiement VPN haute disponibilité via Cloud Interconnect, consultez la page Dépannage : VPN haute disponibilité via Cloud Interconnect.