Organization policy constraints for Cloud Load Balancing

Organization Policy Service gives you centralized, programmatic control over your organization's resources. As the organization policy administrator, you can define an organization policy, which is a set of restrictions called constraints that apply to Google Cloud resources and descendants of those resources in the Google Cloud resource hierarchy.

This page provides supplemental information about organization policy constraints that apply to Cloud Load Balancing. You use organization policy constraints to enforce settings across an entire project, folder, or organization.

Organization policies only apply to new resources. Constraints are not enforced retroactively. If you have pre-existing load-balancing resources that are in violation of a new organization policy, you will need to address such violations manually.

For a complete list of available constraints, see Organization policy constraints.

Restrict load balancer types

Use an organization policy to restrict the Cloud Load Balancing types that can be created in your organization. Set the following organization policy constraint:

  • Name: Restrict Load Balancer Creation Based on Load Balancer Types
  • ID: constraints/compute.restrictLoadBalancerCreationForTypes

When you set the compute.restrictLoadBalancerCreationForTypes constraint, you specify an allowlist or denylist of the Cloud Load Balancing types. The list of allowed or denied values can only include values from the following list:

  • Application Load Balancers

    • GLOBAL_EXTERNAL_MANAGED_HTTP_HTTPS for the global external Application Load Balancer
    • EXTERNAL_HTTP_HTTPS for the classic Application Load Balancer
    • GLOBAL_INTERNAL_MANAGED_HTTP_HTTPS for the cross-region internal Application Load Balancer
    • EXTERNAL_MANAGED_HTTP_HTTPS for the regional external Application Load Balancer
    • INTERNAL_HTTP_HTTPS for the regional internal Application Load Balancer
  • Proxy Network Load Balancers

    • GLOBAL_EXTERNAL_MANAGED_TCP_PROXY for the global external proxy Network Load Balancer with a TCP proxy
    • GLOBAL_EXTERNAL_MANAGED_SSL_PROXY for the global external proxy Network Load Balancer with an SSL proxy
    • EXTERNAL_TCP_PROXY for the classic proxy Network Load Balancer with a TCP proxy
    • EXTERNAL_SSL_PROXY for the classic proxy Network Load Balancer with an SSL proxy
    • GLOBAL_INTERNAL_MANAGED_TCP_PROXY for the cross-region internal proxy Network Load Balancer with a TCP proxy
    • REGIONAL_EXTERNAL_MANAGED_TCP_PROXY for the regional external proxy Network Load Balancer with a TCP proxy
    • REGIONAL_INTERNAL_MANAGED_TCP_PROXY for the regional internal proxy Network Load Balancer with a TCP proxy
  • Passthrough Network Load Balancers

    • EXTERNAL_NETWORK_TCP_UDP for the external passthrough Network Load Balancer
    • INTERNAL_TCP_UDP for the internal passthrough Network Load Balancer

To include all internal or all external load balancer types, use the in: prefix followed by INTERNAL or EXTERNAL. For example, allowing in:INTERNAL allows all internal load balancers from the preceding list.

For sample instructions about how to use this constraint, see Set up list constraints with organization policies.

After you set the policy, the policy is enforced when adding the respective Google Cloud forwarding rules. The constraint is not enforced on existing Cloud Load Balancing configurations.

If you attempt to create a load balancer of a type that violates the constraint, the attempt fails and an error message is generated. The error message has the following format:

Constraint constraints/compute.restrictLoadBalancerCreationForTypes
violated for projects/PROJECT_NAME. Forwarding Rule projects/PROJECT_NAME/region/REGION/forwardingRules/FORWARDING_RULE_NAME
of type SCHEME is not allowed.

If you set multiple restrictLoadBalancerCreationForTypes constraints at different resource levels, they are enforced hierarchically. For this reason, we recommended that you set the inheritFromParent field to true, which ensures that policies at higher layers are also considered.

GKE error messages

If you are using Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Service and Ingress objects, using this organization policy to restrict load balancer creation results in an error message similar to the following:

Warning  Sync    28s   loadbalancer-controller  Error during sync: error running
load balancer syncing routine: loadbalancer FORWARDING_RULE_NAME
does not exist: googleapi: Error 412:
Constraint constraints/compute.restrictLoadBalancerCreationForTypes violated for
projects/PROJECT_ID. Forwarding Rule
of type LOAD_BALANCER_TYPE is not allowed, conditionNotMet

You can view GKE error messages by running the following commands:

kubectl get events -w
kubectl describe RESOURCE_KIND NAME

Replace the following:

  • RESOURCE_KIND: the kind of load balancer, ingress or service
  • NAME: the name of the load balancer

Disable global load balancing

This boolean constraint disables creation of global load-balancing products. When enforced, only regional load-balancing products without global dependencies can be created.

  • Name: Disable Global Load Balancing
  • ID: constraints/compute.disableGlobalLoadBalancing

By default, users are allowed to create global load-balancing products.

For sample instructions about how to use this constraint, see Set up boolean constraints with organization policies.

Restrict the types of protocol forwarding deployments

Use an organization policy to restrict the types of protocol forwarding deployments (internal or external) that can be created in your organization. Set the following organization policy constraint:

  • Name: Restrict Protocol Forwarding Based on type of IP Address
  • ID: constraints/compute.restrictProtocolForwardingCreationForTypes

To configure the compute.restrictProtocolForwardingCreationForTypes constraint, you specify an allowlist or denylist of the type of protocol forwarding deployment to be allowed or denied. The list of allowed or denied values can only include the following values:


By default, newly created organizations have this policy configured to allow only INTERNAL protocol forwarding. That is, any forwarding rules associated with target instances are limited to using internal IP addresses only. If you want to use protocol forwarding with external IP addresses, or, if you want to prohibit users from using protocol forwarding with internal IP addresses, then you need to update this organization policy.

After you update the policy, the changes are enforced when you create any new forwarding rules associated with target instances. The constraint is not enforced retroactively on existing protocol forwarding configurations.

For sample instructions about how to use this constraint, see Set up list constraints with organization policies.

If you attempt to create a protocol forwarding deployment of a type that violates the constraint, the attempt fails and an error message is generated. The error message has the following format:

Constraint constraints/compute.restrictProtocolForwardingCreationForTypes
violated for projects/PROJECT_NAME. Forwarding Rule
of type SCHEME is not allowed.

If you set multiple restrictProtocolForwardingCreationForTypes constraints at different resource levels, and if you set the inheritFromParent field to true, then the constraints are enforced hierarchically.

Enforce Shared VPC restrictions

Use the following organization policies to restrict how users are allowed to set up Shared VPC deployments.

Restrict Shared VPC host projects

This list constraint lets you restrict the Shared VPC host projects that a resource can attach to.

  • Name: Restrict Shared VPC host projects
  • ID: constraints/compute.restrictSharedVpcHostProjects

By default, a project can attach to any host project in the same organization, thereby becoming a service project. When you set the compute.restrictSharedVpcHostProjects constraint, you specify an allowlist or denylist of host projects in the following ways:

  • Specify a project in the following format:
    • projects/PROJECT_ID
  • Specify a project, folder, or organization. The constraint applies to all projects under the specified resource in the resource hierarchy. Use the following format:
    • under:organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID
    • under:folders/FOLDER_ID

For sample instructions about how to use this constraint, see Set up list constraints with organization policies.

Restrict Shared VPC subnetworks

This list constraint defines the set of Shared VPC subnets that eligible resources can use. This constraint does not apply to resources within the same project.

  • Name: Restrict Shared VPC subnetworks
  • ID: constraints/compute.restrictSharedVpcSubnetworks

By default, eligible resources can use any Shared VPC subnet. When you set the compute.restrictSharedVpcSubnetworks constraint, you specify a restricted list of subnets in the following ways:

  • Specify a subnet in the following format:
    • projects/PROJECT_ID/regions/REGION/subnetworks/SUBNET_NAME.
  • Specify a project, folder, or organization. The constraint applies to all subnets under the specified resource in the resource hierarchy. Use the following format:
    • under:organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID
    • under:folders/FOLDER_ID
    • under:projects/PROJECT_ID

For sample instructions about how to use this constraint, see Set up list constraints with organization policies.

Restrict cross-project backend services

You can use this constraint to limit the backend services that a URL map can reference. This constraint does not apply to backend services within the same project as the URL map.

  • Name: Restrict cross-project backend services
  • ID: constraints/compute.restrictCrossProjectServices

By default, URL maps in all host or service projects can reference compatible backend services from other service projects or the host project in the same Shared VPC deployment as long as the user performing the action has the compute.backendServices.use permission. When you set the restrictCrossProjectServices constraint, you specify an allowlist or denylist of backend services in the following ways:

  • Specify backend services in the following format:
    • projects/PROJECT_ID/regions/REGION/backendServices/BACKEND_SERVICE_NAME
  • Specify a project, folder, or organization. The constraint applies to all backend services under the specified resource in the resource hierarchy. Use the following format:
    • under:organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID
    • under:folders/FOLDER_ID
    • under:projects/PROJECT_ID

After you set up an organization policy with this constraint, the constraint goes into effect the next time you use the gcloud compute url-maps command to attach a backend service to a URL map. The constraint does not retroactively affect existing references to any cross-project backend services.

For sample instructions about how to use this constraint, see Set up list constraints with organization policies.

Restrict Shared VPC project lien removal

This boolean constraint restricts the set of users that can remove a Shared VPC host project lien without organization-level permission where this constraint is already set to True.

  • Name: Restrict Shared VPC project lien removal
  • ID: constraints/compute.restrictXpnProjectLienRemoval

By default, any user with the permission to update liens can remove a Shared VPC host project lien. Enforcing this constraint requires that permission be granted at the organization level.

For sample instructions about how to use this constraint, see Set up boolean constraints with organization policies.

Restrict TLS capabilities with custom constraints

To meet your compliance requirements and restrict certain Transport Layer Security (TLS) capabilities, you can create the following organization policy constraint and use it along with custom constraints for SSL policy resources:

  • Name: Require SSL policy
  • ID: constraints/compute.requireSslPolicy

By using the constraints/compute.requireSslPolicy constraint along with your own custom constraints for SSL policy fields, you can create restrictions tailored to your deployments. For example, you can do the following:

  • Improve security and meet compliance requirements by restricting the use of earlier TLS versions (such as 1.0 and 1.1) and cipher suites.
  • Improve performance by reducing the number of required handshakes and by improving the compatibility of the load balancer with clients.
  • Apply a restriction to a specific resource node and its children. For example, if you deny TLS version 1.0 for an organization, it is also denied for all folders and projects (children) that descend from that organization.

To enforce an SSL policy for an Application Load Balancer or a proxy Network Load Balancer, you must attach it to the load balancer's target HTTPS proxy or target SSL proxy.

To update existing SSL policies, see update existing SSL policies attached to target proxies.

Set up boolean constraints with organization policies

To perform this task, you must have the following permissions:

To set an organization policy from the console, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Organization policies page.

    Go to Organization policies

  2. In the Filter field, search for the constraint either by Name or by ID.
  3. Click the name of the constraint.
  4. Click Edit to edit the constraint.
  5. On the Edit page, select Customize.
  6. Under Enforcement, select an enforcement option:
    • To enable enforcement of this constraint, select On.
    • To disable enforcement of this constraint, select Off.
  7. After making changes, click Save to apply the constraint settings.

For detailed instructions about customizing organization policies by using the Google Cloud console, see Customizing policies for boolean constraints.

To enable enforcement of a boolean constraint for an organization policy, use the gcloud resource-manager org-policies enable-enforce command as follows.

To enable restriction of Shared VPC project lien removal:

gcloud resource-manager org-policies enable-enforce \
    --organization ORGANIZATION_ID \

To disable global load balancing:

gcloud resource-manager org-policies enable-enforce \
    --organization ORGANIZATION_ID \

For detailed instructions about working with boolean constraints in gcloud, see Using constraints.

Set up list constraints with organization policies

To perform this task, you must have the following permissions:

To set an organization policy from the console, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Organization policies page.

    Go to Organization policies

  2. In the Filter field, search for the constraint either by Name or by ID. For example, to restrict Shared VPC host projects, you search for the ID: constraints/compute.restrictSharedVpcHostProjects.
  3. Click the name of the constraint.
  4. Click Edit to edit the constraint.
  5. To create a custom policy, select Customize and specify the allowlist or denylist of resources. For more detailed instructions about customizing organization policies by using the Google Cloud console, see Customizing policies for list constraints.
  6. After making changes, click Save to apply the constraint settings.

This section provides a few configuration examples to show you how to create and set an organization policy file with list constraint. For more detailed instructions about working with list constraints and organization policies in gcloud, see Using constraints.

  1. Create the policy file. Use the following JSON configuration samples to create your own policy file based on your requirements.

    • Restrict load balancer types

      • Allow only a subset of load balancers

        "constraint": "constraints/compute.restrictLoadBalancerCreationForTypes",
        "listPolicy": {
          "allowedValues": [
      • Deny all external load balancers

        "constraint": "constraints/compute.restrictLoadBalancerCreationForTypes",
        "listPolicy": {
          "deniedValues": [
      • Deny all load balancers

        "constraint": "constraints/compute.restrictLoadBalancerCreationForTypes",
        "listPolicy": {
          "allValues": "DENY"
    • Restrict protocol forwarding types

      • Deny all protocol forwarding

        "constraint": "constraints/compute.restrictProtocolForwardingCreationForTypes",
        "listPolicy": {
          "allValues": "DENY"
      • Allow only internal protocol forwarding

        "constraint": "constraints/compute.restrictProtocolForwardingCreationForTypes",
        "listPolicy": {
          "deniedValues": [
    • Restrict Shared VPC configurations

      • Restrict Shared VPC host projects

        "constraint": "constraints/compute.restrictSharedVpcHostProjects",
        "listPolicy": {
          "allowedValues": [
      • Restrict Shared VPC subnetworks

        "constraint": "constraints/compute.restrictSharedVpcSubnetworks",
        "listPolicy": {
          "deniedValues": [
      • Restrict Shared VPC backend services

        "constraint": "constraints/compute.restrictCrossProjectServices",
        "listPolicy": {
          "allowedValues": [
  2. Apply the constraint to a resource: either an organization, folder, or project.

    For organizations, run the following command:

    gcloud resource-manager org-policies set-policy POLICY_FILE \

    For folders, run the following command:

    gcloud resource-manager org-policies set-policy POLICY_FILE \

    For projects, run the following command:

    gcloud resource-manager org-policies set-policy POLICY_FILE \

    Replace the following:

Set up an organization policy to apply an SSL policy to target HTTPS proxies and target SSL proxies

To perform this task, you must have the following permissions:

To set an organization policy from the console, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Organization policies page.

    Go to Organization policies

  2. In the Filter field, search for the constraint either by Name or by ID.

  3. Click the name of the constraint.

  4. Click Edit to edit the constraint.

  5. To create a custom policy, select Customize and specify the allowlist or denylist of resources.

  6. After making changes, click Save to apply the constraint settings.

This section provides a few configuration examples that show how to create and set an organization policy file with the constraints/compute.requireSslPolicy constraint.

  • Create a policy file to disallow SSL policy usage.

      "constraint": "constraints/compute.requireSslPolicy",
      "listPolicy": {
        "allValues": "DENY"
  • Create a policy file to apply an SSL policy to all target HTTPS and SSL proxies under the specified resource in the resource hierarchy:

      "constraint": "constraints/compute.requireSslPolicy",
      "listPolicy": {
        "allowedValues": [
  • Apply the constraint to target HTTPS and SSL proxies: either an organization, folder, or project.

    For organizations, run the following command:

    gcloud resource-manager org-policies set-policy PATH_TO_POLICY_FILE \

    For folders, run the following command:

    gcloud resource-manager org-policies set-policy PATH_TO_POLICY_FILE \

    For projects, run the following command:

    gcloud resource-manager org-policies set-policy PATH_TO_POLICY_FILE \

    Replace the following:

  • To get the effective policy to verify the default behavior of the resource (organization, folder, or project), run the following commands:

    For organizations:

    gcloud resource-manager org-policies describe compute.requireSslPolicy \
        --effective \

    For folders:

    gcloud resource-manager org-policies describe compute.requireSslPolicy \
        --effective \

    For projects:

    gcloud resource-manager org-policies describe compute.requireSslPolicy \
        --effective \
  • To delete the policy from the resource (organization, folder, or project), run the following commands:

    For organizations:

    gcloud resource-manager org-policies delete compute.requireSslPolicy \

    For folders:

    gcloud resource-manager org-policies delete compute.requireSslPolicy \

    For projects:

    gcloud resource-manager org-policies delete compute.requireSslPolicy \

To set up custom constraints, see Use custom constraints.

What's next