Set up a regional external proxy Network Load Balancer with an external backend

The guide shows you how to configure a regional external proxy Network Load Balancer that proxies requests to an external backend. An external backend is an endpoint that is external to Google Cloud.

Before following this guide, familiarize yourself with the Internet NEG overview documentation, including the limitations.

The following architecture diagram shows a regional external proxy Network Load Balancer frontend with an external backend.

A regional external proxy Network Load Balancer with an external backend.
Figure 1. A regional external proxy Network Load Balancer with an external backend (click to enlarge).


To follow this guide, you need to create an internet NEG and create or modify a proxy Network Load Balancer in a project. You should be either a project Owner or Editor (roles/owner or roles/editor), or you should have both of the following Compute Engine IAM roles.

Task Required role
Create and modify load balancer components Compute Network Admin
Create and modify NEGs Compute Instance Admin

Set up your external backend environment outside Google Cloud

To set up your external backend environment, see the following sections.

Configure network endpoints

Configure a network endpoint to expose your external backend to Google Cloud. Make sure that the endpoint—either an IP:Port combination or a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) and port—is reachable over the internet. This endpoint is later referenced from the internet NEG.

For detailed configuration requirements for internet NEG endpoints, see the Internet NEGs overview.

Allow the external backend to receive traffic from Google Cloud

This step can be completed after you've created the proxy-only subnet and set up the Cloud NAT gateway.

To allow requests from Google Cloud to reach your external backend, you'll need to perform the following steps:

  1. Configure a Cloud NAT gateway with IP addresses that are used for egress traffic from Google Cloud. The gateway maps the proxy-only subnet range to the external IP addresses. For the steps, see Set up a Cloud NAT gateway.
  2. Make sure that your external backend environment is configured to allow traffic from Google Cloud to reach the external backend. For example, if you used pre-reserved IP addresses for the NAT gateway, you'll allowlist those IP addresses on your external environment. You'll likely need to work with the network or security admin of your external environment to set this up.

Set up your Google Cloud environment

You'll need a VPC network with two subnets: one for the load balancer components and the other for the region's proxy-only subnet. Then you'll create the load balancer with an internet NEG backend.

Create the VPC network and subnet

This subnet is used to create the load balancer's components.

Cloud console

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VPC networks page.
    Go to VPC networks
  2. Click Create VPC network.
  3. Enter a Name: LB_NETWORK.
  4. In the Subnets section:
    • Set the Subnet creation mode to Custom.
    • In the New subnet section, enter the following information:
      • Name: LB_SUBNET_NAME
      • Region: REGION
      • IP address range: LB_SUBNET_RANGE
    • Click Done.
  5. Click Create.


  1. Create the custom VPC network by using the gcloud compute networks create command:

    gcloud compute networks create LB_NETWORK \
  2. Create a subnet in the LB_NETWORK network.

    gcloud compute networks subnets create LB_SUBNET_NAME \
      --network=LB_NETWORK \
      --range=LB_SUBNET_RANGE \

Configure the proxy-only subnet

This proxy-only subnet is used by all regional Envoy-based load balancers in the REGION region.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VPC networks page.
    Go to VPC networks
  2. Select a Network from the list.
  3. Click Add subnet.
  4. Enter a Name: PROXY_ONLY_SUBNET_NAME.
  5. Select a Region: REGION.
  6. Set Purpose to Regional Managed Proxy.
  7. Enter an IP address range: PROXY_ONLY_SUBNET_RANGE.
  8. Click Add.


Create the proxy-only subnet with the gcloud compute networks subnets create command.

gcloud compute networks subnets create PROXY_ONLY_SUBNET_NAME \
  --role=ACTIVE \
  --region=REGION \
  --network=LB_NETWORK \

Set up a Cloud NAT gateway

Before you configure the Cloud NAT gateway, make sure you've reviewed the associated limitations and pricing considerations. For details, see Regional NEGs: Use a Cloud NAT gateway.

The following commands describe how to set up a Cloud NAT gateway. The Cloud NAT gateway can be configured to use either automatic NAT external IP addresses, in which allocation is based on demand, or to use a manually pre-reserved set of external IP addresses. The gateway maps the proxy-only subnet range to the external IP addresses.

Set up automatic NAT allocated IP addresses

When you create a Cloud NAT gateway with automatic NAT IP address allocation, you can specify the Network Service Tiers (Premium Tier or Standard Tier) from which the Cloud NAT gateway allocates the IP addresses.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud NAT page.

    Go to Cloud NAT

  2. Click Get started or Create Cloud NAT gateway.

  3. Enter a gateway name LB_NAT_CONFIG.

  4. For NAT type, select Public.

  5. In the Network list, select LB_NETWORK.

  6. In the Region list, select REGION.

  7. Create a Cloud Router in the region.

  8. For Source endpoint type, select Managed proxy load balancers.

  9. In the Source list, select Custom.

    • For Subnets, select PROXY_ONLY_SUBNET_NAME.
  10. In the Cloud NAT IP addresses list, select Automatic (recommended).

  11. For Network service tier, choose either Premium or Standard.

  12. Click Create.


Use dynamically allocated IP addresses if your external backend environment doesn't require you to allowlist specific Google Cloud IP addresses that can send traffic to the external backend.

  1. Create a Cloud Router:

    gcloud beta compute routers create ROUTER_NAME \
      --network=LB_NETWORK \
  2. Set up the Cloud NAT gateway.

    gcloud beta compute routers nats create LB_NAT_CONFIG \
      --router=ROUTER_NAME \
      --endpoint-types=ENDPOINT_TYPE_MANAGED_PROXY_LB \
      --nat-custom-subnet-ip-ranges=PROXY_ONLY_SUBNET_NAME \
      --auto-allocate-nat-external-ips \

Replace the following:

  • LB_NAT_CONFIG: the name of your NAT configuration.

  • ROUTER_NAME: the name of your Cloud Router.

  • REGION: the region of the NAT to create. If not specified, you might be prompted to select a region (interactive mode only).

  • PROXY_ONLY_SUBNET_NAME: the name of your proxy only subnet.

Set up manually allocated IP addresses

Use manually allocated IP addresses only if your external backend environment requires you to use an allowlist for specific Google Cloud IP addresses. If the external backend environment doesn't need an allowlist, use dynamic allocation instead as shown previously.

When creating a Cloud NAT gateway, you can choose to manually assign NAT IP addresses from either Premium Tier or Standard Tier or both, subject to certain conditions.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud NAT page.

    Go to Cloud NAT

  2. Click Get started or Create Cloud NAT gateway.

  3. Enter a gateway name LB_NAT_CONFIG.

  4. In the Network list, select LB_NETWORK.

  5. In the Region list, select REGION.

  6. Select or create a Cloud Router in the region.

  7. For Source endpoint type, select Managed proxy load balancers.

  8. In the Source list, select Custom.

    • In the Subnets, select PROXY_ONLY_SUBNET_NAME.
  9. In the Cloud NAT IP addresses list, select Manual.

  10. For Network service tier, choose either Premium or Standard.

  11. Select or create a static reserved external IP address to use for NAT.

  12. If you want to specify additional IP addresses, click Add IP address, and then select or create an additional static reserved external IP address.

  13. Click Create.


  1. Create the IP addresses. Because the gateway performs one-to-one NAT translation, you must make sure that the pool of reserved IP addresses is big enough to handle the amount of traffic you're expecting. Insufficiently allocated NAT IP addresses could result in traffic loss.

    gcloud compute addresses create IP_ADDRESS_NAME_1 IP_ADDRESS_NAME_2 [IP_ADDRESS_NAME_3 ...] \
  2. Create a Cloud Router:

    gcloud compute routers create ROUTER_NAME \
      --network=LB_NETWORK \
  3. Set up the Cloud NAT gateway.

    gcloud beta compute routers nats create LB_NAT_CONFIG \
      --router=ROUTER_NAME \
      --endpoint-types=ENDPOINT_TYPE_MANAGED_PROXY_LB \
      --nat-custom-subnet-ip-ranges=PROXY_ONLY_SUBNET_NAME \
      --nat-external-ip-pool=IP_ADDRESS_NAME_1,IP_ADDRESS_NAME_2,[IP_ADDRESS_NAME_3 ...] \

    Replace the following:

  • LB_NAT_CONFIG: the name of your NAT configuration.

  • ROUTER_NAME: the name of your Cloud Router.

  • PROXY_ONLY_SUBNET_NAME: the name of your proxy only subnet.

  • REGION: the region of the NAT to create. If not specified, you might be prompted to select a region (interactive mode only).

For more information, see Specify subnet ranges for NAT in the Cloud NAT documentation.

Make sure that you use an allowlist for the NAT IP address ranges on your external backend environment, so that your external backend can receive traffic from Google Cloud.

Reserve the load balancer's IP address

Reserve an external IP address for the load balancer. This procedure creates the load balancer's IP address in Standard Tier. Regional external proxy Network Load Balancers support both the Premium and Standard Network Service Tiers. However, creating this load balancer in the Premium Tier is not supported in the Google Cloud console. Use either gcloud or the REST API instead.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Reserve a static address page.

    Go to Reserve a static address

  2. Choose a Name for the new address.

  3. For Network Service Tier, select Standard.

  4. For IP version, select IPv4. IPv6 addresses can only be global and can only be used with global load balancers.

  5. For Type, select Regional.

  6. Select a Region.

  7. Leave the Attached to option set to None. After you create the load balancer, this IP address will be attached to the load balancer's forwarding rule.

  8. Click Reserve to reserve the IP address.


  1. To reserve a static external IP address using gcloud compute, use the compute addresses create command.

    gcloud compute addresses create LB_IP_ADDRESS  \
       --region=REGION \

    Replace the following:

    • LB_IP_ADDRESS: the name you want to call this address.
    • REGION: the region where you want to reserve this address. This region should be the same region as the load balancer. All regional IP addresses are IPv4.
  2. Use the compute addresses describe command to view the result:

    gcloud compute addresses describe LB_IP_ADDRESS

Set up the internet NEG

You can create an internet NEG using either INTERNET_FQDN_PORT endpoints or INTERNET_IP_PORT endpoints.


Create a NEG with INTERNET_FQDN_PORT endpoints

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Network endpoint group page.

    Go to Network endpoint group

  2. Click Create network endpoint group.

  3. Specify an INTERNET_NEG_NAME for your Internet NEG. For more information, see Resource naming convention.

  4. In the Network endpoint group type list, select Network endpoint group (Internet) and then do the following:

    • In the Scope list, select Regional.
    • Optional: In the Region list, change the REGION for this NEG.
    • In the Network list, select LB_NETWORK.
    • In the Default port box, enter DEFAULT_PORT_NUMBER.
    • In the Add endpoints through list, select Fully qualified domain name and port.
  5. Select Create.

Add INTERNET_FQDN_PORT endpoints to the NEG

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Network endpoint group page.

    Go to Network endpoint group

  3. Enter the Fully qualified domain name such as You must specify the FQDN objects in standard FQDN syntax.

  4. Optional: For Port type, select Custom. If the Port type is Default, the default port of the NEG is used.

  5. In the Port number box, enter PORT_NUMBER_1.
  6. Select Create.

Create a NEG with INTERNET_IP_PORT endpoints

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Network endpoint group page.

    Go to Network endpoint group

  2. Click Create network endpoint group.

  3. Specify a name INTERNET_NEG_NAME for your Internet NEG. For more information, see Resource naming convention.

  4. In the Network endpoint group type list, select Network endpoint group (Internet) and then do the following:

    • In the Scope list, select Regional.
    • Optional: In the Region list, change the REGION for this NEG.
    • In the Network list, select LB_NETWORK.
    • In the Default port box, enter DEFAULT_PORT_NUMBER.
    • In the Add endpoints through list, select IP and port.
  5. Select Create.

Add INTERNET_IP_PORT endpoints to the NEG

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Network endpoint group page.

    Go to Network endpoint group

  3. In the IP address field, enter IP_ADDRESS_1.
  4. Optional: In the Port type list, select Custom. If the Port type is Default, the default port of the NEG is used.

  5. In the Port number field, enter a PORT_NUMBER_1.
  6. Select Create.


To create a NEG with INTERNET_FQDN_PORT endpoints:

  1. Create the NEG resource.

    gcloud beta compute network-endpoint-groups create INTERNET_NEG_NAME \
        --network-endpoint-type=INTERNET_FQDN_PORT \
        --default-port=DEFAULT_PORT_NUMBER \
        --network=LB_NETWORK \
  2. Add endpoints to the NEG. If a port isn't specified, the default port of the NEG is used.

    gcloud beta compute network-endpoint-groups update INTERNET_NEG_NAME \
        --add-endpoint="fqdn=FULLY_QUALIFIED_DOMAIN_NAME_1,port=PORT_NUMBER_1" \
        [--add-endpoint="fqdn=FULLY_QUALIFIED_DOMAIN_NAME_2,port=PORT_NUMBER_2" \]

    Replace the following:

    • FULLY_QUALIFIED_DOMAIN_NAME: the fully qualified domain name for the endpoint
    • PORT_NUMBER: the port number for the endpoint

    You can add up to 256 endpoints per NEG.

If your domain is resolvable over the internet, no other configuration is needed to set up DNS. However, if you're using private FQDNs, you'll need to configure Cloud DNS to facilitate DNS resolution. The name must be hosted on Cloud DNS or be resolvable through DNS forwarding from Cloud DNS to an on-premises DNS.

Start by creating a Cloud DNS zone to host the DNS records in your project. Then add the DNS records to it. Refer the Cloud DNS documentation for specific configuration steps.

To create a NEG with INTERNET_IP_PORT endpoints:

  1. Create the NEG resource.

    gcloud beta compute network-endpoint-groups create INTERNET_NEG_NAME \
        --network-endpoint-type=INTERNET_IP_PORT \
        --default-port=DEFAULT_PORT_NUMBER \
        --network=LB_NETWORK \
  2. Add endpoints to the NEG. If a port isn't specified, the default port of the NEG is used.

    gcloud beta compute network-endpoint-groups update INTERNET_NEG_NAME \
        --add-endpoint="ip=IP_ADDRESS_1,port=PORT_NUMBER_1" \
        [--add-endpoint="ip=IP_ADDRESS_2,port=PORT_NUMBER_2" \]

    Replace the following:

    • IP_ADDRESS: the IP address for the endpoint
    • PORT_NUMBER: the port number for the endpoint

    You can repeat this step to add up to 256 endpoints per NEG.

Create the load balancer


Start your configuration

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Load balancing page.

    Go to Load balancing

  2. Click Create load balancer.
  3. For Type of load balancer, select Network Load Balancer (TCP/UDP/SSL) and click Next.
  4. For Proxy or passthrough, select Proxy load balancer and click Next.
  5. For Public facing or internal, select Public facing (external) and click Next.
  6. For Global or single region deployment, select Best for regional workloads and click Next.
  7. Click Configure.

Basic configuration

  1. Enter a Load balancer name.
  2. For Region, select REGION.
  3. For Network, select LB_NETWORK.

Reserve a proxy-only subnet

To reserve a proxy-only subnet:

  1. Click Reserve subnet.
  2. For Name, enter PROXY_ONLY_SUBNET_NAME.
  3. For IP address range, enter PROXY_ONLY_SUBNET_RANGE.
  4. Click Add.

Frontend configuration

  1. Click Frontend configuration.
  2. Enter a Name.
  3. For Subnetwork, select LB_SUBNET_NAME.
  4. For IP address, select the IP address reserved previously: LB_IP_ADDRESS.
  5. For Port number, specify a single port number between 1-65535. The forwarding rule only forwards packets with a matching destination port.
  6. Click Done.

Backend configuration

  1. Click Backend configuration.
  2. Click Backend services and backend buckets.
  3. Click Create a backend service.
  4. Enter a name.
  5. For Backend type, select Internet network endpoint group.
  6. For Protocol, select TCP.
  7. For Backends, in the New backend window, select the Regional internet network endpoint group created in the previous step.
  8. Click Done.
  9. Configure the health check:
    1. For Health check, select Create a health check.
    2. Set the health check name to TCP_HEALTH_CHECK_NAME.
    3. For Protocol, select TCP.
    4. Set Port to 80.
    5. Retain the remaining default values, and then click Save.
  10. Click Create.

Review and finalize

  1. Click Review and finalize.
  2. If everything looks correct, click Create.


  1. Optional: Create a health check. Health check probes for external backends use the distributed Envoy health checks and are later NAT-translated.
      gcloud compute health-checks create tcp TCP_HEALTH_CHECK_NAME \
          --region=REGION \
  2. Create a backend service:
      gcloud compute backend-services create BACKEND_SERVICE \
          --load-balancing-scheme=EXTERNAL_MANAGED \
          --health-checks=TCP_HEALTH_CHECK_NAME \
          --health-checks-region=REGION \
  3. Add the internet NEG to the backend service:
      gcloud compute backend-services add-backend BACKEND_SERVICE \
          --network-endpoint-group=INTERNET_NEG_NAME \
          --network-endpoint-group-region=REGION \
      gcloud compute backend-services add-backend BACKEND_SERVICE \
          --network-endpoint-group=INTERNET_NEG_NAME \
          --network-endpoint-group-region=REGION \
  4. Create a target TCP proxy to route requests to your backend service.

      gcloud compute target-tcp-proxies create TARGET_TCP_PROXY_NAME \
          --backend-service=BACKEND_SERVICE \
  5. Create a forwarding rule to route incoming requests to the proxy. For `--ports`, specify a single port number from 1-65535. The forwarding rule only forwards packets with a matching destination port.

      gcloud compute forwarding-rules create FORWARDING_RULE_NAME \
          --load-balancing-scheme=EXTERNAL_MANAGED \
          --network-tier=STANDARD \
          --network=LB_NETWORK \
          --address=LB_IP_ADDRESS \
          --target-tcp-proxy=TARGET_TCP_PROXY_NAME \
          --target-tcp-proxy-region=REGION \
          --region=REGION \

Test the load balancer

Now that you have configured your load balancer, you can test sending traffic to the load balancer's IP address.

  1. Get the load balancer's IP address.

    To get the IPv4 address, run the following command:

    gcloud compute addresses describe LB_IP_ADDRESS
  2. Send traffic to the load balancer on the IP address and port specified when creating the load balancer forwarding rule. Testing whether the internet NEG backends are responding to requests depends on the service running on the external endpoints.

What's next