Migrate an external passthrough Network Load Balancer from target pool to backend service

This guide provides instructions for migrating an existing external passthrough Network Load Balancer from a target pool backend to a regional backend service.

Moving to a regional backend service allows you to take advantage of features such as non-legacy health checks (for TCP, SSL, HTTP, HTTPS, and HTTP/2), managed instance groups, connection draining, and failover policy.

To follow step-by-step guidance for this task directly in the Google Cloud console, click Guide me:

Guide me

This guide walks you through migrating the following sample target pool-based external passthrough Network Load Balancer to use a regional backend service instead.

Before: External passthrough Network Load Balancer with a target pool
Before: External passthrough Network Load Balancer with a target pool

Your resulting backend service-based external passthrough Network Load Balancer deployment will look like this.

After: External passthrough Network Load Balancer with a regional backend service
After: External passthrough Network Load Balancer with a regional backend service

This example assumes that you have a traditional target pool-based external passthrough Network Load Balancer with two instances in zone us-central-1a and two instances in zone us-central-1c.

The high-level steps required for such a transition are as follows:

  1. Group your target pool instances into instance groups.

    Backend services only work with managed or unmanaged instance groups. While there is no limit on the number of instances that can be placed into a single target pool, instance groups do have a maximum size. If your target pool has more than this maximum number of instances, you need to split its backends across multiple instance groups.

    If your existing deployment includes a backup target pool, create a separate instance group for those instances. This instance group is configured as a failover group.

  2. Create a regional backend service.

    If your deployment includes a backup target pool, you need to specify a failover ratio while creating the backend service. This should match the failover ratio previously configured for the target pool deployment.

  3. Add instance groups (created previously) to the backend service.

    If your deployment includes a backup target pool, mark the corresponding failover instance group with a --failover flag when adding it to the backend service.

  4. Configure a forwarding rule that points to the new backend service.

    You can choose one of the following options:

    • Update the existing forwarding rule to point to the backend service (recommended).

    • Create a new forwarding rule that points to the backend service. This requires you to create a new IP address for the load balancer's frontend. You then modify your DNS settings to seamlessly transition from the old target pool-based load balancer's IP address to the new IP address.

Before you begin

Install the Google Cloud CLI. For a complete overview of the tool, see the gcloud Tool Guide. You can find commands related to load balancing in the gcloud compute command group.

If you haven't run the Google Cloud CLI previously, first run gcloud init to authenticate.

This guide assumes that you are familiar with bash.

Identify the backends and forwarding rule to migrate

  1. To list all the target pools, run the following command in Cloud Shell:

    gcloud compute target-pools list

    Note the name of the target pool to migrate from. This name is referred to later as TARGET_POOL_NAME.

  2. To list all the VM instances in the target pool TARGET_POOL_NAME, run the command in Cloud Shell:

    gcloud compute target-pools describe TARGET_POOL_NAME \

    Note the names of the VM instances. These names are referred to later as BACKEND_INSTANCE1, BACKEND_INSTANCE2, BACKEND_INSTANCE3, and BACKEND_INSTANCE4.

  3. To list the forwarding rules in the external passthrough Network Load Balancer, run the command in Cloud Shell:

    gcloud compute forwarding-rules list
      --filter="target: ( TARGET_POOL_NAME )"

    Note the name of the forwarding rule. This name is referred to later as FORWARDING_RULE.

Creating the zonal unmanaged instance groups

Create a zonal unmanaged instance group for each of the zones in which you have backends. Depending on your setup, you can divide your instances across as many instance groups as needed. For our example, we are only using two instance groups, one for each zone, and placing all the backend VMs in a given zone in the associated instance group.

For this example, we create two instance groups: one in the uc-central1-a zone and one in the us-central1-c zone.

Set up the instance groups

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Instance groups page.

    Go to Instance groups

  2. Click Create instance group.
  3. In the left pane, select New unmanaged instance group.
  4. For Name, enter ig-us-1.
  5. For Region, select us-central1.
  6. For Zone, select us-central1-a.
  7. Select Network and Subnetwork depending on where your instances are located. In this example, the existing target pool instances are in the default network and subnetwork.
  8. To add instances to the instance group, in the VM instances section, select the two instances BACKEND_INSTANCE1 and BACKEND_INSTANCE2.
  9. Click Create.
  10. Repeat these steps to create a second instance group with the following specifications:

    • Name: ig-us-2
    • Region: us-central1
    • Zone: us-central1-c

    Add the two instances BACKEND_INSTANCE3 and BACKEND_INSTANCE4 in the us-central1-c zone to this instance group.

  11. If your existing load balancer deployment also has a backup target pool, repeat these steps to create a separate failover instance group for those instances.

  1. Create an unmanaged instance group in the us-central1-a zone with the gcloud compute instance-groups unmanaged create command.

    gcloud compute instance-groups unmanaged create ig-us-1 \
        --zone us-central1-a
  2. Create a second unmanaged instance group in the us-central1-c zone.

    gcloud compute instance-groups unmanaged create ig-us-2 \
        --zone us-central1-c
  3. Add instances to the ig-us-1 instance group.

    gcloud compute instance-groups unmanaged add-instances ig-us-1 \
        --zone us-central1-a
  4. Add instances to the ig-us-2 instance group.

    gcloud compute instance-groups unmanaged add-instances ig-us-2 \
        --zone us-central1-c
  5. If your existing load balancer deployment also has a backup target pool, repeat these steps to create a separate failover instance group for those instances.

Create a health check

Create a health check to determine the health of the instances in your instance groups. Your existing target pool-based external passthrough Network Load Balancer likely has a legacy HTTP health check associated with it.

You can create a new health check that matches the protocol of the traffic that the load balancer will be distributing. Backend service-based external passthrough Network Load Balancers can use TCP, SSL, HTTP(S), and HTTP/2 health checks.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Health checks page.

    Go to Health checks

  2. Click Create health check.
  3. In the Name field, enter network-lb-health-check.
  4. Set Scope to Regional.
  5. For Region, select us-central1.
  6. For Protocol, select HTTP.
  7. For Port, enter 80.
  8. Click Create.
  1. For this example, we create a non-legacy HTTP health check to be used with the backend service.

    gcloud compute health-checks create http network-lb-health-check \
    --region us-central1 \
    --port 80

Configure the backend service

Use one of the following sections to create the backend service. If your existing external passthrough Network Load Balancer has a backup target pool, you need to configure a failover ratio while creating the backend service.

You also need to designate the failover instance group with the --failover flag when adding backends to the backend service.

Deployments without a backup target pool

  1. Create a regional backend service in the us-central1 region.

    gcloud compute backend-services create network-lb-backend-service \
       --region us-central1 \
       --health-checks network-lb-health-check \
       --health-checks-region us-central1 \
       --protocol TCP
  2. Add the two instance groups (ig-us-1 and ig-us-2) as backends to the backend service.

    gcloud compute backend-services add-backend network-lb-backend-service \
       --instance-group ig-us-1 \
       --instance-group-zone us-central1-a \
       --region us-central1
    gcloud compute backend-services add-backend network-lb-backend-service \
       --instance-group ig-us-2 \
       --instance-group-zone us-central1-c \
       --region us-central1

Deployments with a backup target pool

  1. Create a regional backend service in the us-central1 region. Configure the backend service failover ratio to match the failover ratio previously configured for the target pool.

    gcloud compute backend-services create network-lb-backend-service \
       --region us-central1 \
       --health-check network-lb-health-check \
       --failover-ratio 0.5
  2. Add the two instance groups (ig-us-1 and ig-us-2) as backends to the backend service.

    gcloud compute backend-services add-backend network-lb-backend-service \
       --instance-group ig-us-1 \
       --instance-group-zone us-central1-a \
       --region us-central1
    gcloud compute backend-services add-backend network-lb-backend-service \
       --instance-group ig-us-2 \
       --instance-group-zone us-central1-c \
       --region us-central1
  3. If you created a failover instance group, add it to the backend service. Mark this backend with the --failover flag when you add it to the backend service.

    gcloud compute backend-services add-backend network-lb-backend-service \
       --instance-group FAILOVER_INSTANCE_GROUP \
       --instance-group-zone ZONE \
       --region us-central1 \

Configure the forwarding rule

You have two options to configure the forwarding rule to direct traffic to the new backend service. You can either update the existing forwarding rule or create a new forwarding rule with a new IP address.

Use the set-target flag to update the existing forwarding rule to point to the new backend service.

gcloud compute forwarding-rules set-target FORWARDING_RULE  \
    --backend-service network-lb-backend-service \
    --region us-central1

Replace FORWARDING_RULE with the name of the existing forwarding rule.

Create a new forwarding rule

If you don't want to update the existing forwarding rule, you can create a new forwarding rule with a new IP address. Because a given IP address can only be associated with a single forwarding rule at a time, you need to manually modify your DNS setting to transition incoming traffic from the old IP address to the new one.

Use the following command to create a new forwarding rule with a new IP address. You can use the use the --address flag if you want to specify an IP address already reserved in the us-central1 region.

gcloud compute forwarding-rules create network-lb-forwarding-rule \
    --load-balancing-scheme external \
    --region us-central1 \
    --ports 80 \
    --backend-service network-lb-backend-service

Testing the load balancer

Test the load balancer to confirm that the forwarding rule is directing incoming traffic as expected.

Look up the load balancer's external IP address

Enter the following command to view the external IP address of the network-lb-forwarding-rule forwarding rule used by the load balancer.

gcloud compute forwarding-rules describe network-lb-forwarding-rule
    --region us-central1

Use the nc command to access the external IP address

In this example, we use the default hashing method for session affinity, so requests from the nc command are distributed randomly to the backend VMs based on the source port assigned by your operating system.

  1. To test connectivity, first install Netcat on Linux by running the following command:

    $ sudo apt install netcat
  2. Repeat the following command a few times until you see all the backend VMs responding:

    $ nc IP_ADDRESS 80

Remove resources associated with the old load balancer

After you confirm that the new external passthrough Network Load Balancer works as expected, you can delete the old target pool resources.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Load balancing page.

    Go to Load balancing

  2. Select the old load balancer that was associated with the target pool, and then click Delete.
  3. Select the health checks that you created, and then click Delete load balancer and the selected resources.

What's next