Business Email Compromise

Instructor-led training course.

At a glance

Business Email Compromise is a personalized two-to-four hour seminar in which students can develop skills necessary to protect themselves and their organizations from email-based social engineering and malware.

The instructor will walk through a presentation of the technical information needed to avoid email threats and will also host a Q&A session to address specific concerns.

Course goals

After completing this course, learners should be able to:

  • Identify the risks associated with BEC
  • Avoid common pitfalls which make you vulnerable to phishing and other social engineering attacks
  • Define key terms so that the audience can make informed decisions regarding their email safety

Who this course helps

Corporate employees in need of email security training or a refresher of the same.

How it works

Delivery method

Virtual instructor-led training.


Two to four hours (virtual delivery).

Take the next step

Contact Mandiant Academy to learn more and schedule your course today.

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