Setting up NodeLocal DNSCache

This page explains how to improve DNS lookup latency in a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster by using NodeLocal DNSCache.

For GKE Autopilot clusters, NodeLocal DNSCache is enabled by default and cannot be overridden.


NodeLocal DNSCache is a GKE add-on that you can run in addition to kube-dns.

GKE implements NodeLocal DNSCache as a DaemonSet that runs a DNS cache on each node in your cluster.

When a Pod makes a DNS request, the request goes to the DNS cache running on the same node as the Pod. If the cache can't resolve the DNS request, the cache forwards the request to one of the following places based on the query destination:

  • kube-dns: all queries for the cluster DNS domain (cluster.local) are forwarded to kube-dns. The node-local-dns Pods use the kube-dns-upstream Service to access kube-dns Pods. In the following diagram, the IP address of the kube-dns Service is
  • Custom stub domains or upstream name servers: queries are forwarded directly from NodeLocal DNSCache Pods.
  • Cloud DNS: all other queries are forwarded to the local metadata server that runs on the same node as the Pod the query originated from. The local metadata server accesses Cloud DNS.

The path of a DNS request, as described in the previous paragraph.

When you enable NodeLocal DNSCache on an existing cluster, GKE recreates all cluster nodes running GKE version 1.15 and later according to the node upgrade process.

After GKE recreates the nodes, GKE automatically adds the label to the nodes. You must not add this label to the cluster nodes manually.

Benefits of NodeLocal DNSCache

NodeLocal DNSCache provides the following benefits:

  • Reduced average DNS lookup time
  • Connections from Pods to their local cache don't create conntrack table entries. This prevents dropped and rejected connections caused by conntrack table exhaustion and race conditions.
  • You can use NodeLocal DNSCache with Cloud DNS for GKE.
  • DNS queries for external URLs (URLs that don't refer to cluster resources) are forwarded directly to the local Cloud DNS metadata server, bypassing kube-dns.
  • The local DNS caches automatically pick up stub domains and upstream name servers that are specified in the kube-dns ConfigMap.

Requirements and limitations

  • NodeLocal DNSCache consumes compute resources on each node of your cluster.
  • NodeLocal DNSCache is not supported with Windows Server node pools.
  • NodeLocal DNSCache requires GKE version 1.15 or later.
  • NodeLocal DNSCache accesses kube-dns Pods using TCP.
  • NodeLocal DNSCache accesses upstreamServers and stubDomains using TCP and UDP on GKE versions 1.18 or later. The DNS server must be reachable using TCP and UDP.
  • DNS records are cached for the following periods:
    • The record's time to live (TTL), or 30 seconds if the TTL is more than 30 seconds.
    • 5 seconds if the DNS response is NXDOMAIN.
  • NodeLocal DNSCache Pods listen on port 53, 9253, 9353, and 8080 on the nodes. If you run any other hostNetwork Pod or configure a hostPorts with those ports, NodeLocal DNSCache fails and DNS errors occur. NodeLocal DNSCache Pods don't use hostNetwork mode when using GKE Dataplane V2 and Cloud DNS for GKE.
  • The local DNS cache only runs on node pools running GKE versions 1.15 and later. If you enable NodeLocal DNSCache in a cluster with nodes running earlier versions, Pods on those nodes use kube-dns.

Enable NodeLocal DNSCache

For Autopilot clusters, NodeLocal DNSCache is enabled by default and cannot be overridden.

For Standard clusters, you can enable NodeLocal DNSCache on new or existing clusters using the Google Cloud CLI. You can enable NodeLocal DNSCache in new clusters using the Google Cloud console.


Enable NodeLocal DNSCache in a new cluster

To enable NodeLocal DNSCache in a new cluster, use the --addons flag with the argument NodeLocalDNS:

gcloud container clusters create CLUSTER_NAME \
    --location=COMPUTE_LOCATION \

Replace the following:

Enable NodeLocal DNSCache in an existing cluster

To enable NodeLocal DNSCache in an existing cluster, use the --update-addons flag with the argument NodeLocalDNS=ENABLED:

gcloud container clusters update CLUSTER_NAME \

Replace the following:

  • CLUSTER_NAME: the name of your cluster.


To enable NodeLocal DNSCache on a new cluster, use the following steps:

  1. Go to the Google Kubernetes Engine page in the Google Cloud console.

    Go to Google Kubernetes Engine

  2. Next to Standard, click Configure.

  3. Configure your cluster how you want.

  4. From the navigation pane, click Networking.

  5. In the Advanced networking options section, select the Enable NodeLocal DNSCache checkbox.

  6. Click Create.

Verify that NodeLocal DNSCache is enabled

You can verify that NodeLocal DNSCache is running by listing the node-local-dns Pods:

kubectl get pods -n kube-system -o wide | grep node-local-dns

The output is similar to the following:

node-local-dns-869mt    1/1   Running   0   6m24s   gke-test-pool-69efb6b8-5d7m   <none>   <none>
node-local-dns-htx4w    1/1   Running   0   6m24s   gke-test-pool-69efb6b8-wssk   <none>   <none>
node-local-dns-v5njk    1/1   Running   0   6m24s   gke-test-pool-69efb6b8-bhz3   <none>   <none>

The output shows a node-local-dns Pod for each node that is running GKE version 1.15 or later.

Disable NodeLocal DNSCache

You can disable NodeLocal DNSCache using the following command:

gcloud container clusters update CLUSTER_NAME \

Replace the following:

  • CLUSTER_NAME: the name of the cluster to disable.

Troubleshoot NodeLocal DNSCache

For general information about diagnosing Kubernetes DNS issues, see Debugging DNS Resolution.

NodeLocal DNSCache is not enabled immediately

When you enable NodeLocal DNSCache on an existing cluster, GKE might not update the nodes immediately if the cluster has a configured maintenance window or exclusion. For more information, see caveats for node re-creation and maintenance windows.

If you prefer not to wait, you can manually apply the changes to the nodes by calling the gcloud container clusters upgrade command and passing the --cluster-version flag with the same GKE version that the node pool is already running. You must use the Google Cloud CLI for this workaround.

NodeLocal DNSCache with Cloud DNS

If you use NodeLocal DNSCache with Cloud DNS, the cluster uses the name server IP address, as shown in the following diagram:

NodeLocal DNSCache with Cloud DNS architecture.

As a result, the IP address of the kube-dns Service might be different than the name server IP address that your Pods use. This difference in IP addresses is expected, because the name server IP address is required for Cloud DNS to work correctly.

To check the IP addresses, run the following commands:

  1. View the IP address of the kube-dns Service:

    kubectl get svc -n kube-system kube-dns -o jsonpath="{.spec.clusterIP}"

    The output is the IP address of kube-dns, like

  2. Open a shell session in your Pod:

    kubectl exec -it POD_NAME -- /bin/bash
  3. In the Pod shell session, read the contents of the /etc/resolv.conf file:

    cat /etc/resolv.conf

    The output is

Network policy with NodeLocal DNSCache

If you use network policy with NodeLocal DNSCache and you are not using Cloud DNS or GKE Dataplane V2, you must configure rules to permit your workloads and the node-local-dns Pods to send DNS queries.

Use an ipBlock rule in your manifest to allow communication between your Pods and kube-dns.

The following manifest describes a network policy that uses an ipBlock rule:

  - ports:
    - port: 53
      protocol: TCP
    - port: 53
      protocol: UDP
    - ipBlock:
        cidr: KUBE_DNS_SVC_CLUSTER_IP/32
  podSelector: {}
    - Egress

Replace KUBE_DNS_SVC_CLUSTER_IP with the IP address of the kube-dns service. You can get the IP address of the kube-dns service using the following command:

kubectl get svc -n kube-system kube-dns -o jsonpath="{.spec.clusterIP}"

Known issues

DNS timeout in ClusterFirstWithHostNet dnsPolicy when using NodeLocal DNSCache and GKE Dataplane V2

On clusters using GKE Dataplane V2 and NodeLocal DNSCache, pods with hostNetwork set to true and dnsPolicy set to ClusterFirstWithHostNet cannot reach cluster DNS backends. DNS logs might contain entries similar to the following:

nslookup: write to 'a.b.c.d': Operation not permitted

;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

The output indicates that the DNS requests cannot reach the backend servers.

A workaround is to set the dnsPolicy and dnsConfig for hostNetwork pods:

 dnsPolicy: "None"
     - cluster.local
     - svc.cluster.local
     - NAMESPACE.svc.cluster.local
     - c.PROJECT_ID.internal
     - google.internal
     - name: ndots
       value: "5"

Replace the following:

  • NAMESPACE: the namespace of the hostNetwork pod.
  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of your Google Cloud project.
  • KUBE_DNS_UPSTREAM: the ClusterIP of the upstream kube-dns service. You can get this value using the following command:

    kubectl get svc -n kube-system kube-dns-upstream -o jsonpath="{.spec.clusterIP}"

DNS requests from the Pod can now reach kube-dns and bypass NodeLocal DNSCache.

NodeLocal DNSCache timeout errors

On clusters with NodeLocal DNSCache enabled, the logs might contain entries similar to the following:

[ERROR] plugin/errors: 2 <hostname> A: read tcp <node IP: port>-><kubedns IP>:53: i/o timeout

The output includes the IP address of the kube-dns-upstream Cluster IP Service. In this example, the response to a DNS request was not received from kube-dns in 2 seconds. This could be due to one of the following reasons:

  • An underlying network connectivity problem.
  • Significantly increased DNS queries from the workload or due to node pool upscaling.

As a result, the existing kube-dns pods are unable to handle all requests in time. The workaround is to increase the number of kube-dns replicas by tuning the auto scaling parameters.

Scaling up kube-dns

You can use a lower value for nodesPerReplica to ensure that more kube-dns Pods are created as cluster nodes scale up. We highly recommend setting an explicit max value to ensure that the GKE control plane virtual machine (VM) is not overwhelmed due to large number of kube-dns pods watching the Kubernetes API.

You can set max to the number of nodes in the cluster. If the cluster has more than 500 nodes, set max to 500.

For Standard clusters, you can modify the number of kube-dns replicas by editing the kube-dns-autoscaler ConfigMap. This configuration is not supported in Autopilot clusters.

kubectl edit configmap kube-dns-autoscaler --namespace=kube-system

The output is similar to the following:

linear: '{"coresPerReplica":256, "nodesPerReplica":16,"preventSinglePointFailure":true}'

The number of kube-dns replicas is calculated using the following formula:

replicas = max( ceil( cores × 1/coresPerReplica ) , ceil( nodes × 1/nodesPerReplica ), maxValue )

To scale up, change nodesPerReplica to a smaller value and include a max value.

linear: '{"coresPerReplica":256, "nodesPerReplica":8,"max": 15,"preventSinglePointFailure":true}'

The config creates 1 kube-dns pod for every 8 nodes in the cluster. A 24-node cluster will have 3 replicas and a 40-node cluster will have 5 replicas. If the cluster grows beyond 120 nodes, the number of kube-dns replicas does not grow beyond 15, the max value.

To ensure a baseline level of DNS availability in your cluster, set a minimum replica count for kube-dns.

The kube-dns-autoscaler ConfigMap output with min field would be similar to the following:

linear: '{"coresPerReplica":256, "nodesPerReplica":8,"max": 15,"min": 5,"preventSinglePointFailure":true}'

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