.NET 语言

您可以使用不同的 .NET 语言(C#、Visual Basic 或 F#)编写函数。所有语言的核心任务都相同 - 您创建一个实现某个 Functions 框架接口的类:

本文档提供了 F# 和 Visual Basic 示例。



  1. 安装 .NET SDK

  2. 安装模板软件包:

    dotnet new install Google.Cloud.Functions.Templates

为 C#(默认)、F# 和 Visual Basic 三种类型的函数提供了模板。通过模板创建新项目时,指定 -lang f# 以创建 F# 项目,或指定 -lang vb 以创建 Visual Basic 项目。例如,如需为 Visual Basic 创建新的无类型 CloudEvent 函数,您需要运行以下命令:

dotnet new gcf-untyped-event -lang vb

如需查看 F# 和 Visual Basic 示例,请参阅 .NET 语言

HTTP 函数示例

如果要通过 HTTP(S) 请求调用您的函数,请使用 HTTP 函数。以下示例会输出 "Hello World!" 消息。

namespace HelloWorldFSharp

open Google.Cloud.Functions.Framework
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http

type Function() =
    interface IHttpFunction with
        member this.HandleAsync context =
            async {
                do! context.Response.WriteAsync "Hello World!" |> Async.AwaitTask
            } |> Async.StartAsTask :> _
Imports Google.Cloud.Functions.Framework
Imports Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http

Public Class CloudFunction
    Implements IHttpFunction

    Public Async Function HandleAsync(context As HttpContext) As Task Implements IHttpFunction.HandleAsync
        Await context.Response.WriteAsync("Hello World!")
    End Function
End Class

用于 HTTP 示例的项目文件


<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

    <Compile Include="Function.fs" />

    <PackageReference Include="Google.Cloud.Functions.Hosting" Version="2.2.1" />
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

    <PackageReference Include="Google.Cloud.Functions.Hosting" Version="2.2.1" />

部署 HTTP 函数

gcloud functions deploy fsharp-helloworld --entry-point HelloWorldFSharp.Function --runtime dotnet8 --trigger-http --allow-unauthenticated
gcloud functions deploy vb-helloworld --entry-point HelloWorldVb.CloudFunction --runtime dotnet8 --trigger-http --allow-unauthenticated

CloudEvent 示例

如果您要在响应异步事件(例如 Pub/Sub 主题中收到消息、Cloud Storage 存储桶发生更改或 Firebase 事件)时间接调用 Cloud Run functions 函数,则可以使用 CloudEvent 函数

namespace HelloPubSubFSharp

open Google.Cloud.Functions.Framework
open Google.Events.Protobuf.Cloud.PubSub.V1
open Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
open System
open System.Threading.Tasks

type Function(logger: ILogger<Function>) =
    interface ICloudEventFunction<MessagePublishedData> with
        member this.HandleAsync(cloudEvent, data, cancellationToken) =
            let nameFromMessage = data.Message.TextData
            let name = if String.IsNullOrEmpty(nameFromMessage) then "world" else nameFromMessage
            logger.LogInformation("Hello {name}", name)
Imports System.Threading
Imports CloudNative.CloudEvents
Imports Google.Cloud.Functions.Framework
Imports Google.Events.Protobuf.Cloud.PubSub.V1
Imports Microsoft.Extensions.Logging

Public Class CloudFunction
    Implements ICloudEventFunction(Of MessagePublishedData)

    Private _logger As ILogger

    Public Sub New(ByVal logger As ILogger(Of CloudFunction))
        _logger = logger
    End Sub

    Public Function HandleAsync(cloudEvent As CloudEvent, data As MessagePublishedData, cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As Task _
        Implements ICloudEventFunction(Of MessagePublishedData).HandleAsync

        Dim nameFromMessage = data.Message?.TextData
        Dim name = If(String.IsNullOrEmpty(nameFromMessage), "world", nameFromMessage)
        _logger.LogInformation("Hello {name}", name)

        Return Task.CompletedTask
    End Function
End Class

部署 CloudEvent 函数

gcloud functions deploy fsharp-hello-pubsub --entry-point HelloPubSubFSharp.Function --runtime dotnet8 --trigger-topic my-topic --allow-unauthenticated
gcloud functions deploy vb-hello-pubsub --entry-point HelloPubSubVb.CloudFunction --runtime dotnet8 --trigger-topic my-topic --allow-unauthenticated

测试 CloudEvent 示例

您可以按如下方式测试 CloudEvent 示例:

  1. 向 Pub/Sub 主题发布消息以触发您的函数:

    gcloud pubsub topics publish my-topic --message Flurry
  2. 查看日志:

    gcloud functions logs read --limit 10

您应该会看到类似这样的内容,其中的一条消息包含您发布到 Pub/Sub 主题的名称:

D      my-function  ...  Function execution started
I      my-function  ...  Hello Flurry!
D      my-function  ...  Function execution took 39 ms, finished with status: 'ok'