Google may offer you certain courtesies (such as breakfast, lunch, reception, swag [pens, notebooks, stickers, sunglasses, and the like]) related to attendance at this event. All courtesies are intended to help facilitate your attendance and participation, and Google expects nothing from you or your organization in return.
Google is committed to the highest ethical standards. At your request, we are happy to provide further information about event details and courtesies that may be offered. You may also notify us if you prefer to pay/reimburse Google for courtesies provided. By registering you are confirming that (a) your employer's policies and any applicable laws allow you to receive the courtesies you plan to accept, and (b) you will decline any courtesies you are not allowed to accept.
US OFFICIALS: Google may be required to publicly disclose gifts provided to you or invoice you to avoid making an impermissible gift. If you have any ethics questions, or you would like to reimburse Google for your attendance, please contact