Storage Size Calculations

This page describes the storage size of entities, keys, properties, and index entries in Firestore in Datastore mode. You can learn about the costs of this storage at Datastore mode Pricing.

String size

String sizes are calculated as the number of UTF-8 encoded bytes + 1.

The following are stored as strings:

  • Keys
  • Kind names
  • Namespace names (the default namespace has size 0)
  • Property names
  • String property values

For example:

  • The name of the Task kind uses 4 bytes + 1 byte, for a total of 5 bytes.
  • The name of the description property uses 11 bytes + 1 byte, for a total of 12 bytes.
  • The name of the my_name_space namespace uses 13 bytes + 1 byte, for a total of 14 bytes.

Key size

The size of a key is the sum of

  • The namespace string size (if not in the default namespace)
  • The full key path string size (integer IDs are 8 bytes each)
  • 16 bytes

For a key of kind Task in the default namespace with a numeric ID and no ancestor:

Task id:5730082031140864

The key size is 5 + 8 + 16 = 29 bytes:

  • 5 bytes for the Task kind name
  • 8 bytes for the numeric ID
  • 16 bytes for a key

For a key of kind Task in the default namespace with a string ID and no ancestor:

Task name:my_task_id

The key size is 5 + 11 + 16 = 32 bytes:

  • 5 bytes for the Task kind name
  • 11 bytes for the my_task_id string ID
  • 16 bytes for a key

For a Task entity with a TaskList ancestor in the default namespace:

TaskList id:5654313976201216 > Task id:5629499534213120

The ancestor uses 9 + 8 = 17 bytes:

  • 9 bytes for the TaskList kind name
  • 8 bytes for the numeric ID

So the key size of a Task entity with a TaskList ancestor uses 17 + 5 + 8 + 16 = 46 bytes:

  • 17 bytes for the ancestor
  • 5 bytes for the Task kind name
  • 8 bytes for the numeric ID
  • 16 bytes for a key

If this entity is in the my_name_space namespace, the key size is 14 + 46 = 60 bytes, because the my_name_space name uses 14 bytes.

Property size

The size of a property is the sum of

  • The property name string size
  • The property value’s size

The following shows the size of property values by type.

Type Size
Array the sum of the sizes of its values
Blob byte length
Boolean 1 byte
Double 8 bytes
Embedded entity the entity size
Geographical point 16 bytes
Integer 8 bytes
Key the key size
Null 1 byte
String number of UTF-8 encoded bytes + 1
Timestamp 8 bytes

For example, a property named done with a type of Boolean would use 6 bytes:

  • 5 bytes for the done property name
  • 1 byte for the Boolean value

Entity size

The size of an entity is the sum of

This example is for an entity of kind Task in the default namespace with a numeric ID and no ancestor:

Task id:5730082031140864
 - "type": "Personal"
 - "done": false
 - "priority": 1
 - "description": "Learn Google Cloud Datastore"

The total size of the properties is 78 bytes:

Property name and value Property size in bytes
"type": "Personal" 14
5 for the property name + 9 for the property's string value
"done": false 6
5 for the property name + 1 for the property's Boolean value
"priority": 1 17
9 for the property name + 8 for the property's integer value
"description": "Learn Google Cloud Datastore" 41
12 for the property name + 29 for the property's string value

So the entity size is 29 + 78 + 32 = 139 bytes:

  • 29 bytes for the key
  • 78 bytes for the properties
  • 32 bytes for an entity

Index entry size

The size of an index entry is calculated as follows for built-in and composite indexes.

Built-in indexes

The size of a built-in index entry is the sum of:

  • The key size of the indexed entity
  • The sum of the indexed property names
  • The sum of the indexed property values
  • The size of the indexed entity kind name
  • 32 bytes

For example, take an entity of kind Task in the default namespace with a numeric ID and no ancestor:

Task id:5730082031140864
 - "type": "Personal"
 - "done": false
 - "priority": 1
 - "description": "Learn Google Cloud Datastore"

If done is an indexed property, the built-in index entry for the single property done index consists of the key, the done property name and value, the Task kind name, and 32 bytes for an index entry. The total size of this index entry is 72 bytes:

  • 29 for the key
  • 6 for the done property name and Boolean value
  • 5 for the Task kind name
  • 32 for an index entry

By default, Datastore mode databases automatically predefine two single property indexes for each property of each entity kind, one in ascending order and one in descending order. So this entity would have an index entry of size 72 bytes in the single property done index in ascending order and it would have an index entry of size 72 bytes in the single property done index in descending order.

Composite indexes

The size of a composite index entry is the sum of:

For example, take an entity of kind Task in the default namespace with a numeric ID and no ancestor:

- kind: Task
  - name: done
    direction: asc
  - name: priority
    direction: asc

Consider a composite index that uses the done and priority properties (both ascending):

The total size of the index entry in this index is 70 bytes:

  • 29 for the key
  • 1 for the done property Boolean value
  • 8 for the priority property integer value
  • 32 for an index entry

If you do not want Firestore in Datastore mode to maintain an index for a property, exclude the property from your indexes. Note that excluding a property removes it from any composite indexes.

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