Kueri agregasi

Kueri agregasi memproses data dari beberapa entity yang diindeks untuk menampilkan satu nilai ringkasan. Firestore dalam mode Datastore mendukung kueri agregasi berikut:

  • count()
  • sum()
  • avg()

Kueri agregasi menyederhanakan kode aplikasi Anda dan biayanya lebih rendah daripada mengambil setiap entitas untuk diproses. Baca halaman ini untuk mempelajari cara menggunakan kueri agregasi.

Agregasi count()

Gunakan agregasi count() untuk menampilkan jumlah total entitas yang diindeks yang cocok dengan kueri tertentu. Misalnya, agregasi count() ini menampilkan jumlah total entity dalam jenis.

import static com.google.cloud.datastore.aggregation.Aggregation.count;

import com.google.cloud.datastore.AggregationQuery;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.AggregationResult;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Datastore;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.DatastoreOptions;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Entity;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.EntityQuery;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Key;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Query;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;

public class CountAggregationOnKind {
  // Instantiates a client.
  private static final Datastore datastore = DatastoreOptions.getDefaultInstance().getService();

  // The kind for the new entity.
  private static final String kind = "Task";

  // Setting up Tasks in database
  private static void setUpTasks() {
    Key task1Key = datastore.newKeyFactory().setKind(kind).newKey("task1");
    Key task2Key = datastore.newKeyFactory().setKind(kind).newKey("task2");
    Key task3Key = datastore.newKeyFactory().setKind(kind).newKey("task3");

    // Save all the tasks.
        Entity.newBuilder(task1Key).set("done", true).build(),
        Entity.newBuilder(task2Key).set("done", false).build(),
        Entity.newBuilder(task3Key).set("done", true).build());

  // Accessing aggregation result by the generated alias.
  private static void usageWithGeneratedAlias() {
    EntityQuery selectAllTasks = Query.newEntityQueryBuilder().setKind(kind).build();
    // Creating an aggregation query to get the count of all tasks.
    AggregationQuery allTasksCountQuery =
    // Executing aggregation query.
    AggregationResult aggregationResult =

        "Total tasks (accessible from default alias) is %d",
        aggregationResult.get("property_1")); // 3

  // Accessing aggregation result by the provided custom alias.
  private static void usageWithCustomAlias() {
    EntityQuery selectAllTasks = Query.newEntityQueryBuilder().setKind(kind).build();
    // Creating an aggregation query to get the count of all tasks.
    AggregationQuery allTasksCountQuery =
            // passing 'total_count' as alias in the aggregation query.
    // Executing aggregation query.
    AggregationResult aggregationResult =

    System.out.printf("Total tasks count is %d", aggregationResult.get("total_count")); // 3

  public static void invoke() {
task1 = datastore.Entity(client.key("Task", "task1"))
task2 = datastore.Entity(client.key("Task", "task2"))

tasks = [task1, task2]
all_tasks_query = client.query(kind="Task")
all_tasks_count_query = client.aggregation_query(all_tasks_query).count()
query_result = all_tasks_count_query.fetch()
for aggregation_results in query_result:
    for aggregation in aggregation_results:
        print(f"Total tasks (accessible from default alias) is {aggregation.value}")
aggregationCountQuery := datastore.NewQuery("Task").

countResults, err := client.RunAggregationQuery(ctx, aggregationCountQuery)

count := countResults["total_tasks"]
countValue := count.(*datastorepb.Value)
fmt.Printf("Number of results from query: %d\n", countValue.GetIntegerValue())
AGGREGATE COUNT(*) AS total OVER ( SELECT * AS total FROM tasks )

GQL mendukung bentuk sederhana kueri count():

SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM tasks

Contoh ini menggunakan alias opsional total.

Bentuk yang disederhanakan hanya mendukung klausa FROM dan WHERE. Lihat referensi GQL untuk informasi selengkapnya.

Agregasi count() memperhitungkan semua filter pada kueri dan klausa limit. Misalnya, agregasi berikut menampilkan hitungan jumlah entity yang cocok dengan filter yang diberikan.

import static com.google.cloud.datastore.aggregation.Aggregation.count;

import com.google.cloud.datastore.AggregationQuery;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.AggregationResult;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Datastore;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.DatastoreOptions;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Entity;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.EntityQuery;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Key;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Query;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.StructuredQuery.PropertyFilter;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;

public class CountAggregationWithPropertyFilter {

  public static void invoke() {
    // Instantiates a client.
    Datastore datastore = DatastoreOptions.getDefaultInstance().getService();

    // The kind for the new entity.
    String kind = "Task";

    Key task1Key = datastore.newKeyFactory().setKind(kind).newKey("task1");
    Key task2Key = datastore.newKeyFactory().setKind(kind).newKey("task2");
    Key task3Key = datastore.newKeyFactory().setKind(kind).newKey("task3");

    // Save all the tasks.
        Entity.newBuilder(task1Key).set("done", true).build(),
        Entity.newBuilder(task2Key).set("done", false).build(),
        Entity.newBuilder(task3Key).set("done", true).build());

    EntityQuery completedTasks =
            .setFilter(PropertyFilter.eq("done", true))
    EntityQuery remainingTasks =
            .setFilter(PropertyFilter.eq("done", false))
    // Creating an aggregation query to get the count of all completed tasks.
    AggregationQuery completedTasksCountQuery =
    // Creating an aggregation query to get the count of all remaining tasks.
    AggregationQuery remainingTasksCountQuery =

    // Executing aggregation query.
    AggregationResult completedTasksCountQueryResult =
    AggregationResult remainingTasksCountQueryResult =

        "Total completed tasks count is %d",
        completedTasksCountQueryResult.get("total_completed_count")); // 2
        "Total remaining tasks count is %d",
        remainingTasksCountQueryResult.get("total_remaining_count")); // 1
task1 = datastore.Entity(client.key("Task", "task1"))
task2 = datastore.Entity(client.key("Task", "task2"))
task3 = datastore.Entity(client.key("Task", "task3"))

task1["done"] = True
task2["done"] = False
task3["done"] = True

tasks = [task1, task2, task3]
completed_tasks = client.query(kind="Task").add_filter("done", "=", True)
remaining_tasks = client.query(kind="Task").add_filter("done", "=", False)

completed_tasks_query = client.aggregation_query(query=completed_tasks).count(
remaining_tasks_query = client.aggregation_query(query=remaining_tasks).count(

completed_query_result = completed_tasks_query.fetch()
for aggregation_results in completed_query_result:
    for aggregation_result in aggregation_results:
        if aggregation_result.alias == "total_completed_count":
            print(f"Total completed tasks count is {aggregation_result.value}")

remaining_query_result = remaining_tasks_query.fetch()
for aggregation_results in remaining_query_result:
    for aggregation_result in aggregation_results:
        if aggregation_result.alias == "total_remaining_count":
            print(f"Total remaining tasks count is {aggregation_result.value}")
aggregationCountQuery := datastore.NewQuery("Task").
  FilterField("done", "=", true).

countResults, err := client.RunAggregationQuery(ctx, aggregationCountQuery)

count := countResults["total_tasks_done"]
countValue := count.(*datastorepb.Value)
fmt.Printf("Number of results from query: %d\n", countValue.GetIntegerValue())
AGGREGATE COUNT(*) OVER ( SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE is_done = false AND tag = 'house')

GQL mendukung bentuk sederhana kueri count():

FROM tasks
WHERE is_done = false AND tag = 'house'

Contoh ini menggunakan alias opsional total.

Formulir yang disederhanakan hanya mendukung klausa FROM dan WHERE. Lihat referensi GQL untuk informasi selengkapnya.

Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menghitung hingga nilai tertentu. Anda dapat menggunakannya untuk, misalnya, berhenti menghitung pada jumlah tertentu dan memberi tahu pengguna bahwa mereka melampaui jumlah tersebut.

import static com.google.cloud.datastore.aggregation.Aggregation.count;

import com.google.cloud.datastore.AggregationQuery;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.AggregationResult;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Datastore;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.DatastoreOptions;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Entity;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.EntityQuery;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Key;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Query;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;

public class CountAggregationWithLimit {
  public static void invoke() {
    // Instantiates a client.
    Datastore datastore = DatastoreOptions.getDefaultInstance().getService();

    // The kind for the new entity.
    String kind = "Task";

    Key task1Key = datastore.newKeyFactory().setKind(kind).newKey("task1");
    Key task2Key = datastore.newKeyFactory().setKind(kind).newKey("task2");
    Key task3Key = datastore.newKeyFactory().setKind(kind).newKey("task3");

    // Save all the tasks.
        Entity.newBuilder(task1Key).set("done", true).build(),
        Entity.newBuilder(task2Key).set("done", false).build(),
        Entity.newBuilder(task3Key).set("done", true).build());

    EntityQuery selectAllTasks = Query.newEntityQueryBuilder().setKind(kind).setLimit(2).build();
    // Creating an aggregation query to get the count of all tasks.
    AggregationQuery allTasksCountQuery =
    // Executing aggregation query.
    AggregationResult limitQueryResult =

    System.out.printf("We have at least %d tasks", limitQueryResult.get("at_least")); // 2
task1 = datastore.Entity(client.key("Task", "task1"))
task2 = datastore.Entity(client.key("Task", "task2"))
task3 = datastore.Entity(client.key("Task", "task3"))

tasks = [task1, task2, task3]
all_tasks_query = client.query(kind="Task")
all_tasks_count_query = client.aggregation_query(all_tasks_query).count()
query_result = all_tasks_count_query.fetch(limit=2)
for aggregation_results in query_result:
    for aggregation in aggregation_results:
        print(f"We have at least {aggregation.value} tasks")
aggregationCountQuery := datastore.NewQuery("Task").

countResults, err := client.RunAggregationQuery(ctx, aggregationCountQuery)

count := countResults["at_least"]
countValue := count.(*datastorepb.Value)
fmt.Printf("We have at least %d tasks\n", countValue.GetIntegerValue())
AGGREGATE COUNT_UP_TO(1000) OVER ( SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE is_done = false)

GQL mendukung bentuk sederhana kueri count_up_to():

FROM tasks
WHERE is_done = false AND tag = 'house'

Contoh ini menggunakan alias opsional total.

Formulir yang disederhanakan hanya mendukung klausa FROM dan WHERE. Lihat referensi GQL untuk informasi selengkapnya.

Agregasi sum()

Gunakan agregasi sum() untuk menampilkan jumlah total nilai numerik yang cocok dengan kueri tertentu. Misalnya, agregasi sum() berikut menampilkan jumlah total nilai numerik properti tertentu dari entity jenis tertentu:

import static com.google.cloud.datastore.aggregation.Aggregation.sum;

import com.google.cloud.datastore.AggregationQuery;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.AggregationResult;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Datastore;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.DatastoreOptions;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Entity;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.EntityQuery;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Key;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Query;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;

public class SumAggregationOnKind {

  // Instantiates a client.
  private static final Datastore datastore = DatastoreOptions.getDefaultInstance().getService();

  // The kind for the new entity.
  private static final String kind = "Sales";

  // Setting up Sales in database
  private static void setUpSales() {
    Key sales1Key = datastore.newKeyFactory().setKind(kind).newKey("sales1");
    Key sales2Key = datastore.newKeyFactory().setKind(kind).newKey("sales2");
    Key sales3Key = datastore.newKeyFactory().setKind(kind).newKey("sales3");

    // Save all the sales.
        Entity.newBuilder(sales1Key).set("amount", 89).build(),
        Entity.newBuilder(sales2Key).set("amount", 95).build(),
        Entity.newBuilder(sales3Key).set("amount", 55).build());

  // Accessing aggregation result by the provided custom alias.
  private static void usageWithCustomAlias() {
    EntityQuery selectAllSales = Query.newEntityQueryBuilder().setKind(kind).build();
    // Creating an aggregation query to get the sum of all sales.
    AggregationQuery sumOfSalesQuery =
            // passing 'total_sales_amount' as alias in the aggregation query.
    // Executing aggregation query.
    AggregationResult aggregationResult =

    System.out.printf("Total sales is %d", aggregationResult.getLong("total_sales_amount")); // 239

  public static void invoke() {
# Set up sample entities
# Use incomplete key to auto-generate ID
task1 = datastore.Entity(client.key("Task"))
task2 = datastore.Entity(client.key("Task"))
task3 = datastore.Entity(client.key("Task"))

task1["hours"] = 5
task2["hours"] = 3
task3["hours"] = 1

tasks = [task1, task2, task3]

# Execute sum aggregation query
all_tasks_query = client.query(kind="Task")
all_tasks_sum_query = client.aggregation_query(all_tasks_query).sum("hours")
query_result = all_tasks_sum_query.fetch()
for aggregation_results in query_result:
    for aggregation in aggregation_results:
        print(f"Total sum of hours in tasks is {aggregation.value}")
aggregationSumQuery := datastore.NewQuery("Task").
  WithSum("hours", "total_hours")
sumResults, err := client.RunAggregationQuery(ctx, aggregationSumQuery)

sum := sumResults["total_hours"]
sumValue := sum.(*datastorepb.Value)
fmt.Printf("Sum of results from query: %d\n", sumValue.GetIntegerValue())
  SUM(hours) AS total_hours
  FROM tasks

GQL mendukung bentuk sederhana kueri sum():

SELECT SUM(hours) AS total_hours FROM tasks

Contoh ini menggunakan alias opsional total_hours.

Bentuk yang disederhanakan hanya mendukung klausa FROM dan WHERE. Lihat referensi GQL untuk informasi selengkapnya.

Agregasi sum() memperhitungkan semua filter pada kueri dan klausa limit. Misalnya, agregasi berikut menampilkan jumlah properti yang ditentukan dengan nilai numerik dalam entity yang cocok dengan filter tertentu.

import static com.google.cloud.datastore.aggregation.Aggregation.sum;

import com.google.cloud.datastore.AggregationQuery;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.AggregationResult;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Datastore;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.DatastoreOptions;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Entity;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.EntityQuery;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Key;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Query;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.StructuredQuery.PropertyFilter;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;

public class SumAggregationWithPropertyFilter {

  public static void invoke() {
    // Instantiates a client.
    Datastore datastore = DatastoreOptions.getDefaultInstance().getService();

    // The kind for the new entity.
    String kind = "Sales";

    Key sales1Key = datastore.newKeyFactory().setKind(kind).newKey("sales1");
    Key sales2Key = datastore.newKeyFactory().setKind(kind).newKey("sales2");
    Key sales3Key = datastore.newKeyFactory().setKind(kind).newKey("sales3");

    // Save all the tasks.
        Entity.newBuilder(sales1Key).set("amount", 89).set("customerId", 1).build(),
        Entity.newBuilder(sales2Key).set("amount", 95).set("customerId", 1).build(),
        Entity.newBuilder(sales3Key).set("amount", 55).set("customerId", 2).build());

    EntityQuery customer1Sales =
            .setFilter(PropertyFilter.eq("customerId", 1))

    // Creating an aggregation query to get the sum of all sales for customerId 1.
    AggregationQuery customer1SalesSum =

    // Executing aggregation query.
    AggregationResult customer1SalesSumQueryResult =

        "Customer 1 sales sum is %d", customer1SalesSumQueryResult.getLong("total_sales")); // 184
# Set up sample entities
# Use incomplete key to auto-generate ID
task1 = datastore.Entity(client.key("Task"))
task2 = datastore.Entity(client.key("Task"))
task3 = datastore.Entity(client.key("Task"))

task1["hours"] = 5
task2["hours"] = 3
task3["hours"] = 1

task1["done"] = True
task2["done"] = True
task3["done"] = False

tasks = [task1, task2, task3]

# Execute sum aggregation query with filters
completed_tasks = client.query(kind="Task").add_filter("done", "=", True)
completed_tasks_query = client.aggregation_query(query=completed_tasks).sum(
    property_ref="hours", alias="total_completed_sum_hours"

completed_query_result = completed_tasks_query.fetch()
for aggregation_results in completed_query_result:
    for aggregation_result in aggregation_results:
        if aggregation_result.alias == "total_completed_sum_hours":
                f"Total sum of hours in completed tasks is {aggregation_result.value}"

Kueri ini memerlukan indeks seperti:

- kind: Task
  - name: done
  - name: hours
aggregationSumQuery := datastore.NewQuery("Task").
  FilterField("done", "=", false).
  FilterField("tag", "=", "house").
  WithSum("hours", "total_hours")
sumResults, err := client.RunAggregationQuery(ctx, aggregationSumQuery)

sum := sumResults["total_hours"]
sumValue := sum.(*datastorepb.Value)
fmt.Printf("Sum of results from query: %d\n", sumValue.GetIntegerValue())
  SUM(hours) AS total_hours
  FROM tasks
  WHERE is_done = false AND tag = 'house'

GQL mendukung bentuk sederhana kueri sum():

  SUM(hours) AS total_hours
FROM tasks
WHERE is_done = false AND tag = 'house'

Contoh ini menggunakan alias opsional total_hours.

Bentuk yang disederhanakan hanya mendukung klausa FROM dan WHERE. Lihat referensi GQL untuk informasi selengkapnya.

Agregasi avg()

Gunakan agregasi avg() untuk menampilkan rata-rata nilai numerik yang cocok dengan kueri tertentu. Misalnya, agregasi avg() berikut menampilkan rata-rata aritmetika properti yang ditentukan dari nilai properti numerik entity yang cocok dengan kueri:

import static com.google.cloud.datastore.aggregation.Aggregation.avg;

import com.google.cloud.datastore.AggregationQuery;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.AggregationResult;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Datastore;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.DatastoreOptions;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Entity;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.EntityQuery;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Key;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Query;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;

public class AvgAggregationOnKind {

  // Instantiates a client.
  private static final Datastore datastore = DatastoreOptions.getDefaultInstance().getService();

  // The kind for the new entity.
  private static final String kind = "Sales";

  // Setting up Sales in database
  private static void setUpSales() {
    Key sales1Key = datastore.newKeyFactory().setKind(kind).newKey("sales1");
    Key sales2Key = datastore.newKeyFactory().setKind(kind).newKey("sales2");
    Key sales3Key = datastore.newKeyFactory().setKind(kind).newKey("sales3");

    // Save all the sales.
        Entity.newBuilder(sales1Key).set("amount", 89).build(),
        Entity.newBuilder(sales2Key).set("amount", 95).build(),
        Entity.newBuilder(sales3Key).set("amount", 55).build());

  // Accessing aggregation result by the provided custom alias.
  private static void usageWithCustomAlias() {
    EntityQuery selectAllSales = Query.newEntityQueryBuilder().setKind(kind).build();
    // Creating an aggregation query to get the avg of all sales.
    AggregationQuery avgOfSalesQuery =
            // passing 'avg_sales_amount' as alias in the aggregation query.
    // Executing aggregation query.
    AggregationResult aggregationResult =

        "Average sales is %.8f", aggregationResult.getDouble("avg_sales_amount")); // 79.66666667

  public static void invoke() {
# Set up sample entities
# Use incomplete key to auto-generate ID
task1 = datastore.Entity(client.key("Task"))
task2 = datastore.Entity(client.key("Task"))
task3 = datastore.Entity(client.key("Task"))

task1["hours"] = 5
task2["hours"] = 3
task3["hours"] = 1

tasks = [task1, task2, task3]

# Execute average aggregation query
all_tasks_query = client.query(kind="Task")
all_tasks_avg_query = client.aggregation_query(all_tasks_query).avg("hours")
query_result = all_tasks_avg_query.fetch()
for aggregation_results in query_result:
    for aggregation in aggregation_results:
        print(f"Total average of hours in tasks is {aggregation.value}")
aggregationAvgQuery := datastore.NewQuery("Task").
  WithAvg("hours", "avg_hours")
avgResults, err := client.RunAggregationQuery(ctx, aggregationAvgQuery)

avg := avgResults["avg_hours"]
avgValue := avg.(*datastorepb.Value)
fmt.Printf("average hours: %f\n", avgValue.GetDoubleValue())
  AVG(hours) as avg_hours
  FROM tasks

GQL mendukung bentuk sederhana kueri avg():

SELECT AVG(hours) as avg_hours

Contoh ini menggunakan alias opsional avg_hours.

Bentuk yang disederhanakan hanya mendukung klausa FROM dan WHERE. Lihat referensi GQL untuk informasi selengkapnya.

Agregasi avg() memperhitungkan semua filter pada kueri dan klausa limit. Misalnya, agregasi berikut menampilkan rata-rata aritmetika properti yang ditentukan dari nilai properti numerik entity yang cocok dengan filter kueri.

import static com.google.cloud.datastore.aggregation.Aggregation.avg;

import com.google.cloud.datastore.AggregationQuery;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.AggregationResult;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Datastore;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.DatastoreOptions;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Entity;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.EntityQuery;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Key;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Query;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.StructuredQuery.PropertyFilter;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;

public class AvgAggregationWithPropertyFilter {

  public static void invoke() {
    // Instantiates a client.
    Datastore datastore = DatastoreOptions.getDefaultInstance().getService();

    // The kind for the new entity.
    String kind = "Sales";

    Key sales1Key = datastore.newKeyFactory().setKind(kind).newKey("sales1");
    Key sales2Key = datastore.newKeyFactory().setKind(kind).newKey("sales2");
    Key sales3Key = datastore.newKeyFactory().setKind(kind).newKey("sales3");

    // Save all the tasks.
        Entity.newBuilder(sales1Key).set("amount", 89).set("customerId", 1).build(),
        Entity.newBuilder(sales2Key).set("amount", 95).set("customerId", 1).build(),
        Entity.newBuilder(sales3Key).set("amount", 55).set("customerId", 2).build());

    EntityQuery customer1Sales =
            .setFilter(PropertyFilter.eq("customerId", 1))

    // Creating an aggregation query to get the avg of all sales for customerId 1.
    AggregationQuery customer1SalesAvg =

    // Executing aggregation query.
    AggregationResult customer1SalesAvgQueryResult =

        "Customer 1 sales avg is %d", customer1SalesAvgQueryResult.getLong("total_sales")); // 92
# Set up sample entities
# Use incomplete key to auto-generate ID
task1 = datastore.Entity(client.key("Task"))
task2 = datastore.Entity(client.key("Task"))
task3 = datastore.Entity(client.key("Task"))

task1["hours"] = 5
task2["hours"] = 3
task3["hours"] = 1

task1["done"] = True
task2["done"] = True
task3["done"] = False

tasks = [task1, task2, task3]

# Execute average aggregation query with filters
completed_tasks = client.query(kind="Task").add_filter("done", "=", True)
completed_tasks_query = client.aggregation_query(query=completed_tasks).avg(
    property_ref="hours", alias="total_completed_avg_hours"

completed_query_result = completed_tasks_query.fetch()
for aggregation_results in completed_query_result:
    for aggregation_result in aggregation_results:
        if aggregation_result.alias == "total_completed_avg_hours":
                f"Total average of hours in completed tasks is {aggregation_result.value}"

Kueri ini memerlukan indeks seperti:

- kind: Task
  - name: done
  - name: hours
aggregationAvgQuery := datastore.NewQuery("Task").
  FilterField("done", "=", false).
  FilterField("tag", "=", "house").
  WithAvg("hours", "avg_hours")
avgResults, err := client.RunAggregationQuery(ctx, aggregationAvgQuery)

avg := avgResults["avg_hours"]
avgValue := avg.(*datastorepb.Value)
fmt.Printf("average hours: %f\n", avgValue.GetDoubleValue())
  AVG(hours) as avg_hours
  FROM tasks
  WHERE is_done = false AND tag = 'house'

GQL mendukung bentuk sederhana kueri avg():

  AVG(hours) as avg_hours
FROM tasks
WHERE is_done = false AND tag = 'house'

Contoh ini menggunakan alias opsional avg_hours.

Bentuk yang disederhanakan hanya mendukung klausa FROM dan WHERE. Lihat referensi GQL untuk informasi selengkapnya.

Menghitung beberapa agregasi dalam kueri

Anda dapat menggabungkan beberapa agregasi dalam satu pipeline agregasi. Hal ini dapat mengurangi jumlah pembacaan indeks yang diperlukan. Jika kueri menyertakan agregasi di beberapa kolom, kueri memerlukan indeks komposit, dan setiap penghitungan agregasi hanya menyertakan entitas yang berisi semua kolom yang digunakan oleh setiap agregasi.

Contoh berikut melakukan beberapa agregasi dalam satu kueri agregasi:

import static com.google.cloud.datastore.aggregation.Aggregation.avg;
import static com.google.cloud.datastore.aggregation.Aggregation.count;
import static com.google.cloud.datastore.aggregation.Aggregation.sum;

import com.google.cloud.datastore.AggregationQuery;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.AggregationResult;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Datastore;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.DatastoreOptions;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Entity;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.EntityQuery;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Key;
import com.google.cloud.datastore.Query;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;

public class MultipleAggregationsInStructuredQuery {

  public static void invoke() {
    // Instantiates a client.
    Datastore datastore = DatastoreOptions.getDefaultInstance().getService();

    // The kind for the new entity.
    String kind = "Sales";

    Key sales1Key = datastore.newKeyFactory().setKind(kind).newKey("sales1");
    Key sales2Key = datastore.newKeyFactory().setKind(kind).newKey("sales2");
    Key sales3Key = datastore.newKeyFactory().setKind(kind).newKey("sales3");

    // Save all the sales.
        Entity.newBuilder(sales1Key).set("amount", 89).set("customerId", 1).build(),
        Entity.newBuilder(sales2Key).set("amount", 95).set("customerId", 1).build(),
        Entity.newBuilder(sales3Key).set("amount", 55).set("customerId", 2).build());

    EntityQuery baseQuery = Query.newEntityQueryBuilder().setKind(kind).build();

    // Creating an aggregation query with COUNT, SUM and AVG aggregations.
    AggregationQuery aggregationQuery =

    // Executing aggregation query.
    AggregationResult aggregationResult =

    System.out.printf("Total sales count: %d", aggregationResult.getLong("total_count")); // 3
    System.out.printf("Sum of sales: %d", aggregationResult.getLong("sales_sum")); // 239
        "Avg of sales: %.8f", aggregationResult.getDouble("sales_avg")); // 79.66666667
# Set up sample entities
# Use incomplete key to auto-generate ID
task1 = datastore.Entity(client.key("Task"))
task2 = datastore.Entity(client.key("Task"))
task3 = datastore.Entity(client.key("Task"))

task1["hours"] = 5
task2["hours"] = 3
task3["hours"] = 1

tasks = [task1, task2, task3]

# Execute query with multiple aggregations
all_tasks_query = client.query(kind="Task")
aggregation_query = client.aggregation_query(all_tasks_query)
# Add aggregations
            property_ref="hours", alias="sum_aggregation"
            property_ref="hours", alias="avg_aggregation"

query_result = aggregation_query.fetch()
for aggregation_results in query_result:
    for aggregation in aggregation_results:
        print(f"{aggregation.alias} value is {aggregation.value}")
aggregationQuery := datastore.NewQuery("Task").
  WithSum("hours", "total_hours").
  WithAvg("hours", "avg_hours")
Results, err := client.RunAggregationQuery(ctx, aggregationQuery)

fmt.Printf("Number of results from query: %d\n", Results["total_tasks"].(*datastorepb.Value).GetIntegerValue())
fmt.Printf("Sum of results from query: %d\n", Results["total_hours"].(*datastorepb.Value).GetIntegerValue())
fmt.Printf("Avg of results from query: %f\n", Results["avg_hours"].(*datastorepb.Value).GetDoubleValue())
  SUM(hours) AS total_hours, 
  COUNT(*) AS total_tasks
  FROM tasks
  WHERE is_done = false AND tag = 'house'

GQL mendukung bentuk sederhana untuk kueri agregasi:

  SUM(hours) AS total_hours,
  COUNT(*) AS total_tasks
FROM tasks
WHERE is_done = false AND tag = 'house'

Contoh ini menggunakan alias opsional total_hours dan total_tasks.

Bentuk yang disederhanakan hanya mendukung klausa FROM dan WHERE. Lihat referensi GQL untuk informasi selengkapnya.

Kueri dengan beberapa agregasi hanya akan menyertakan entity yang berisi semua properti dalam setiap agregasi. Hal ini dapat memberikan hasil yang berbeda jika melakukan setiap agregasi secara terpisah.

Perilaku dan batasan

Saat Anda bekerja dengan kueri agregasi, perhatikan perilaku dan batasan berikut:

  • Kueri yang Anda berikan ke agregasi harus memenuhi batasan pada kueri.
  • Jika kueri agregasi tidak dapat diselesaikan dalam waktu 60 detik, error DEADLINE_EXCEEDED akan ditampilkan. Performa bergantung pada konfigurasi indeks Anda dan ukuran set data.

    Jika operasi tidak dapat diselesaikan dalam batas waktu 60 detik, solusi yang memungkinkan adalah menggunakan kursor untuk menggabungkan beberapa agregasi.

  • Kueri agregasi yang dibaca dari entri indeks dan hanya menyertakan properti terindeks dalam penghitungan.

  • Menambahkan klausa OrderBy ke kueri akan membatasi agregasi pada entity tempat properti pengurutan berada.

  • Di GQL, bentuk sederhana tidak mendukung klausa ORDER BY, LIMIT, atau OFFSET.

  • Dalam kueri proyeksi, Anda hanya dapat menggabungkan data dari properti dalam proyeksi. Misalnya, dalam kueri GQL SELECT a, b FROM k WHERE c = 1, Anda hanya dapat menggabungkan data dari a atau b.

  • Agregasi count() tidak menghapus duplikat entity dengan properti array. Setiap nilai array yang cocok dengan kueri akan menambahkan satu ke jumlah.

  • Untuk agregasi sum() dan avg(), Nilai non-numerik akan diabaikan. Agregasi sum() dan avg() hanya memperhitungkan nilai bilangan bulat, nilai angka floating point, dan stempel waktu. Stempel waktu dikonversi menjadi nilai bilangan bulat mikrodetik untuk sum(), avg(), dan proyeksi.

  • Saat menggabungkan beberapa agregasi dalam satu kueri, perhatikan bahwa sum() dan avg() mengabaikan nilai non-numerik, sedangkan count() menyertakan nilai non-numerik.

  • Jika Anda menggabungkan agregasi yang berada di properti yang berbeda, penghitungan hanya akan menyertakan entitas yang berisi semua properti tersebut. Hal ini dapat memberikan hasil yang berbeda jika melakukan setiap agregasi secara terpisah.


Harga untuk kueri agregasi count(), sum(), dan avg() bergantung pada jumlah entri indeks yang dipindai selama operasi. Anda dikenai biaya satu operasi baca entity untuk hingga 1.000 entri indeks yang cocok. Entri indeks berikutnya cocok dengan biaya unit baca tambahan. Ada biaya minimum sebesar satu unit baca untuk setiap kueri. Untuk mengetahui informasi harga, lihat Harga Firestore dalam mode Datastore.

Jika Anda menggabungkan beberapa agregasi dalam satu kueri, kueri akan menggunakan indeks yang sama untuk setiap agregasi dan melakukan satu pemindaian pada data. Hal ini dapat membantu mengurangi jumlah pemindaian dan pembacaan indeks yang ditagih jika dibandingkan dengan melakukan setiap agregasi secara terpisah. Namun, kueri dengan beberapa agregasi hanya akan menyertakan entity yang berisi semua properti tersebut. Hal ini dapat memberikan hasil yang berbeda jika melakukan setiap agregasi secara terpisah.

Langkah selanjutnya