Virtual agent custom payload

Custom payload for Dialogflow lets you enhance your virtual agent experience beyond plain text-based chat and interactions. By using custom payloads in Dialogflow CX, you can configure your virtual agent to render custom responses and citations.

Custom response message types

Custom responses lets you render the following messages types:

  • Text

  • Inline buttons

  • Sticky buttons

  • Images

  • Videos

  • Documents

  • Complex views (combination one or more message types)

Custom actions allow virtual agents to perform the following actions:

  • Escalations to human agents

  • Planned transfers to human agents

  • End support session

CCAI Platform payload

To be used in Dialogflow as the custom payload. The following example demonstrates the format for responses in the webSDK using Dialogflow.

  "ujet": {
    "type": "text|inline_button|sticky_button|image|video|document|complex|action",
    "action": "escalation|end",
    "title": "message displayed on the top of the message",
    "escalation_reason": "by_consumer|by_virtual_agent",
    "session_variable": {
      "capture_target": "payload|end_user_response",
      "capture_key": "key",
      "payload": {
    "messages": [
      "How can I help you?"
    "buttons": [
        "title": "Button 1",
        "action": "quick_reply"
        "title": "Button 2",
        "action": "quick_reply"
    "images": [
        "url": "https://image.url",
        "text": "an alternate text for an image for when failed to load an image"
        "url": "https://image.url",
        "text": "an alternate text for an image"
    "videos": [
        "url": "https://video.url",
        "text": "an alternate text for a video for when failed to load a video"
        "url": "https://video.url",
        "text": "an alternate text for a video"
    "documents": [
        "url": "https://document.url",
        "text": "an alternate text for a document for when failed to load a document"
        "url": "https://document.url",
        "text": "an alternate text for a document"
    "components": [
        "type": "text",
        "messages": [
          "We need the information for helping you.",
          "Could you please choose the following options?"
        "type": "inline_button",
        "buttons": [
            "title": "Button 1",
            "action": "quick_reply"
            "title": "Button 2",
            "action": "quick_reply"
        "type": "image",
        "images": [
            "url": "https://image.url",
            "text": "an alternate text for an image for when failed to load an image"
            "url": "https://image.url",
            "text": "an alternate text for an image"

Chat message format for custom payload

Used with the CCAI Platform SDK to show a proper UI. It is the same with Dialogflow CX custom payload format but doesn't have "ujet" field in the root.

See the following examples for further details.


The following sections include example payloads that can be used in Dialogflow CX,


  "ujet": {
    "type": "text",
    "messages": [
      "How can I help you?"

>Escalation to the same queue

By virtual agent:

  "ujet": {
    "type": "action",
    "action": "escalation",
    "escalation_reason": "by_virtual_agent"

By consumer:

  "ujet": {
    "type": "action",
    "action": "escalation",
    "escalation_reason": "by_consumer"

Escalation to the targeted queue

By virtual agent:

  "ujet": {
    "type": "action",
    "action": "escalation",
    "escalation_reason": "by_virtual_agent",
    "menu_id": 100,
    "language": "ko"

By consumer:

  "ujet": {
      "type": "action",
      "action": "escalation",
      "escalation_reason": "by_consumer",
      "menu_id": 100,
      "language": "ko"

End conversation

  "ujet": {
    "type": "action",
    "action": "end"

Inline button

  "ujet": {
    "type": "inline_button",
    "title": "Select a menu",
    "buttons": [
        "title": "Lorem Ipsum",
        "action": "quick_reply"
        "title": "Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet",
        "action": "escalation"


Example inline button

Sticky button

  "ujet": {
    "type": "sticky_button",
    "title": "Select a menu",
    "buttons": [
        "title": "Lorem Ipsum",
        "action": "quick_reply"
        "title": "Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet",
        "action": "escalation"


Example sticky button

Image view

  "ujet": {
    "type": "image",
    "title": "Please see the following images",
    "images": [
        "url": "https://image1.url",
        "text": "an alternate text for an image for when failed to load an image"
        "url": "https://image2.url",
        "text": "an alternate text for an image"

Video view

  "ujet": {
    "type": "video",
    "title": "Please see the following videos",
    "videos": [
        "url": "https://video1.url",
        "text": "an alternate text for a video for when failed to load a video"
        "url": "https://video2.url",
        "text": "an alternate text for a video"

Document View

  "ujet": {
    "type": "document",
    "title": "Please see the following document",
    "documents": [
        "url": "https://document1.url",
        "text": "an alternate text for a document for when failed to load a document"
        "url": "https://document2.url",
        "text": "an alternate text for a document"

Complex view

  "ujet": {
    "type": "complex",
    "type": "Welcome to CCAI Platform world!",
    "components": [
        "type": "text",
        "messages": [
          "We need the information for helping you.",
          "Could you please choose the following options?"
        "type": "inline_button",
        "buttons": [
            "title": "Button 1",
            "action": "quick_reply"
            "title": "Button 2",
            "action": "quick_reply"
        "type": "image",
        "images": [
            "url": "https://image1.url",
            "text": "an alternate text for an image for when failed to load an image"
            "url": "https://image2.url",
            "text": "an alternate text for an image"

Configuring a custom payload in Dialogflow

For more information on how to configure your custom payload using Dialogflow, refer to Custom payload responses (Dialogflow ES) or Custom payload (Dialogflow CX) resources.

For more information, see Custom session variables for custom payload handling.

Virtual agent transfer to phone or SIP endpoint

Voice virtual agent has the ability to transfer a call to a specific phone number or SIP endpoint, ensuring that the consumer is connected to the appropriate person or department.

To enable call transfer to a phone number or SIP endpoint, use the following Dialogflow custom payloads. When the payload is received, the CCAIP system will transfer the call to the specified phone number or SIP endpoint.

If the connection is successful, the virtual agent will be removed from the call session and the call session will continue. However, if the connection cannot be established, a transfer failure message will be played and the call will continue with the VA.

The transfer to phone or SIP is functional for both internal and external transfers. To track transfers to SIP/Phone numbers, they will be recorded as Planned Transfers in virtual agent metrics.

To transfer a call to a phone number, you can use the following Dialogflow payload:

  "ujet": {
    "type": "action",
    "action": "deflection",
    "deflection_type" : "phone",
    "phone_number": "+16509424879"

To transfer a call to a SIP endpoint, you can use the following Dialogflow payload:

  "ujet": {
    "type": "action",
    "action": "deflection",
    "deflection_type" : "sip",
    "sip_uri": ""

Custom Session variables for custom payload handling

Use custom session variables to capture values from the intent response and the end-user response, then collect all of them and upload them to CRM as a comment.

Capture from the end user response


  1. CCAI Platform requests the response to Dialogflow.

    Dialogflow may callback to the customer's server by Fulfillment.

    The customer's server is supposed to fill session_variable field in the response.

  2. Dialogflow returns the response with the custom payload including session_variablefield with capture_target = end_user_response

  3. An end-user sends a message.

  4. CCAI Platform keeps the end-user message that was sent in the previous step.

  5. CCAI Platform will post all session variables which have been captured in the chat session to CRM as a comment when a virtual agent left from a chat.

Custom payload format

  "ujet": {
    "session_variable": {
      "capture_target": "end_user_response",
      "capture_key": "key"

The next consumer message immediately after a virtual agent sends a custom payload will be captured as a session variable with the key "key".

Capture from intent response


  1. The CCAI Platform requests the response to Dialogflow.

    1. Dialogflow may call it back to the customer's server by Fulfillment.

    2. The customer's server is supposed to fill session_variable field in the response.

  2. Dialogflow returns the response with the custom payload including session_variable field with capture_target = "payload".

  3. The CCAI Platform Server keeps payload object in step 2.

The CCAI Platform will post all session variables which have been captured in the chat session to CRM as a comment when a virtual agent left from a chat.

Custom payload format

  "ujet": {
    "session_variable": {
        "capture_target": "payload",
        "payload": {
          "status": "Cancelled",
          "order_id": "12345"

Custom session variable upload on CRM

For each session variable, the server is supposed to gather all session variables internally then upload them on CRM when a virtual agent leaves.

CRM message example


    Chat ID: 1
    Menu ID: 1
    Chatbot Platform: Platform Name
    Chatbot Workflow: Workflow Name
    Virtual Agent: Virtual Agent Name


    Intent: Intent Captured from End User Response
    Captured At: 2020-06-25 14:54:19

    Captured Variables
    request: Cancel Order


    Intent: Intent Captured from Payload
    Captured At: 2020-06-25 14:58:23

    Captured Variables
    status: Cancelled
    order_id: #12345


Example scenario

The following is a sample conversation that shows the different steps and the messages exchanged between the virtual agent and the end-user.

Step 1

Chat message from virtual agent

How can I help you? (Button) Show my orders (Button) Cancel an order

Intent response (custom payload)

  "ujet": {
    "type": "inline_button",
    "title": "How can I help you?",
    "buttons": [
        "title": "Show my orders",
        "action": "quick_reply"
        "title": "Cancel an order",
        "action": "quick_reply"

Captured session variable


Step 2

Chat message from end-user

Click "Cancel an order" button.

Captured session variable


Step 3

Chat message from virtual agent

Can you provide the order id please

Intent response (custom payload)

  "ujet": {
    "type": "text"
    "messages": [
      "Can you provide the order id please"
    "session_variable": {
       "capture_target": "end_user_response",
       "capture_key": "order_id";

Captured session variable


Step 4

Chat message from end-user

Order id is #12345

Captured session variable

order_id: "Order ID is #12345"

Step 5

Chat message from virtual agent

Order #12345 is cancelled. Do you need anything else?

Intent response (custom payload)

  "ujet": {
    "type": "text",
    "messages": [
      "Order #12345 is canceled.",
      "Do you need anything else?"
    "session_variable": {
      "capture_target": "payload",
      "payload": {
        "order_id": "#12345",
        "order_status": "cancelled"

Captured session variable

order_id: "#12345", order_status: canceled

Step 6

Chat message from end-user

I would like to speak with a human agent.

Step 7

Chat message from virtual agent

Virtual Agent is left from the conversation.

  "ujet": {
    "type": "escalation",
    "escalation_reason": "by_consumer"

Custom session variable upload on CRM

From the previous scenario, the following comment posts on the CRM ticket:


    Chat ID: 1
    Menu ID: 1
    Chatbot Platform: Platform Name
    Chatbot Workflow: Workflow Name
    Virtual Agent: Virtual Agent Name


    Intent: Intent Captured from End User Response
    Captured At: 2020-06-25 14:54:19

    Captured Variables
    order_id: Order id is #12345.


    Intent: Intent Captured from Payload
    Captured At: 2020-06-25 14:58:23

    Captured Variables
    order_id: #12345
    order_status: canceled


Custom payload: Virtual agent transfer to phone or SIP endpoint

To enable call transfer to a phone number or SIP endpoint, use the following Dialogflow custom payloads. When the payload is received, the CCAI Platform system will transfer the call to the specified phone number or SIP endpoint.

If the connection is successful, the virtual agent will be removed from the call session and the call session will continue. If the connection cannot be established, a transfer failure message will be displayed and the call will continue with the virtual agent.

The transfer to phone or SIP is functional for both internal and external transfers. Transfers to SIP/phone numbers are recorded as Planned Transfers in virtual agent metrics.

To transfer a call to a phone number, you can use the following Dialogflow payload:

  "ujet": {
    "type": "action",
    "action": "deflection",
    "deflection_type" : "phone",
    "phone_number": "+16509424879"

To transfer a call to a SIP endpoint, you can use the following Dialogflow payload:

  "ujet": {
    "type": "action",
    "action": "deflection",
    "deflection_type" : "sip",
    "sip_uri": ""

Configure content cards

Content cards display concise and visually appealing content in a card-like format, creating simpler interactions for the end-user to consume the presented information. You can create content cards using Dialogflow and customize them with titles, subtitles, and body text.

The following example uses content cards to display restaurant options to the end-user:

Content card example

Content card properties

Property Name Description Required Type
title The title of the card. Yes String
subtitle The subtitle of the card. No String
body The description of the content card. Yes String
link A web page link or a deep link. The SDK will use the OS capabilities to open it. No String
event_params A dictionary containing extra information about the click event. The SDK will use this. No Dictionary

Dialogflow payload: Add validation and accept the content card type

A specific Dialogflow payload type handles content cards when messages from end-users are received through the chatbot server. The following is an example of a Dialogflow payload:

  "ujet": {
    "type": "content_card",
    "cards": [
        "title": "Title",
        "subtitle": "Subtitle",
        "body": "Body",
        "link": "app://page",
        "event_params": {} # for deep-link click event

Information about content cards in CRM chat history

Card title information is logged to keep track of which cards the end-user has clicked on. This information is recorded in the CRM chat history.

In the following example, the chat message history in CRM displays the content card interaction.

[Chat message history]
ID: 305   |   2023-07-06     PDT
[01:13:32     VA]     Welcome message

[01:14:35     Mobile U.]     Content Cards:
- Title 1
- Title 2

Log content card title click events

To log when an end-user clicks on the title of a content card, use the following format to capture the event:

{end_user_name} clicked on the '{title}' card.
Note Title: Content Card click
Note Comment: 'John Doe' clicked on the 'See our new website' card.

Create a content card click event using the End User Event API

When an end-user clicks on the title of a content card, you can record this event by sending a POST request to the specified URL along with the title of the clicked card.

API endpoint: POST /api/v2/chat/:id/end_user_event

Usage: Create content card click event.

URL: /api/v2/chats/:id/end_user_event

Method: POST


Field Type Description
event object string For content card click events use content_card_clicked.
event.payload object
event.payload.title string Enter the title of the clicked card.
(Optional) end_user_name string Enter the end-user's name. If left blank, the name will be retrieved from the CRM.

Example request:

  "event": {
    "name": "content_card_clicked",
    "payload": {
      "title": "New our website"
  "end_user_name": "consumer 1"   ## optional

Response: Status: 202 Accepted