Standard Reports: Interactions Data Sets

All Handled Interactions Report

The All Handled Interactions report displays details about interactions for one or more agents during a specific date and time range. This report details all handled interactions from a queue. Use the report to identify whether a few calls or most calls took longer than average.

The report includes the following information:

  • Any interaction associated with the agent

  • Date, time, and duration of the interaction

  • Event status of the interaction

  • If the interaction was barged

  • Amount of time in seconds that the interaction remained in a queue

  • Interactions that have associated scheduled calls

The All Handled Interactions report can be found at Reports > Queues.

The metrics included in this report are as follows:

Metric Name


Queue Name

The name of the queue including the full path names if the queue is a sub queue.

Started At

The timestamp (date and time) when the interaction started.

Ended At

The timestamp (date and time) when the interaction finished.

Agent Name

The identity of the individual that handled the interaction

Agent ID

The CCAI Platform unique ID of the individual that handled the interaction

Agent Email

The email address of the individual that handled the interaction.


The language associated with the queue the call was routed through.


Identifies whether the interaction was transferred.

Cold Transfer

An interaction where a transfer occurs without prior notification to its recipient. Returns (1) if a transfer is completed as cold, as opposed to warm. See the description of eachhere.


Indicates the direction of the interaction


Identifies whether the interaction was barged by a supervisor

Talk Time

The total length of time the agent spent talking to a customer. This metric doesn't include hold time or wrap-up time.

Hold Time

The total time for the interaction where the consumer was placed on hold by an agent.

Wrap-up Time

The total time that an agent was in wrap-up status.

Handle Time

The total time for the interaction that elapsed from when the agent accepts an interaction to when they end their wrap-up phase.This is calculated as: Talk Time + Hold time + Wrap-up time.

Scheduled At

The date and time at which a consumer requested a scheduled call to take place.

Event Status

The outcome of the interaction. Possible values include:

  • All finished

  • ACW Ended

Interaction ID

The unique identifier of the interaction.

Interaction Detail by Agent Report

The Interaction Details by Agent report displays the interaction statistics for an agent during the specified period. This report allows supervisors to monitor agent performance at a granular level.

Sample metrics in this report include the Start and End Time, the Talk Time, or the Hold Time for each interaction.

The Interaction Detail by Agent report can be found at Reports > Agents and Teams.

For more information on how to build this report see Standard Reports: Using the Report Builder.


This report complements the Agent Activity Timeline Reports.

The existing Agent Activity reports are based on user activity logs while the Interaction Detail by Agent report is based on interactions.

For example, user activity logs can show the agent was in the In Chat status for 1 hour, while this report could show the breakdown of total agent chat interactions.

Metric Name


Agent Name

The name of the agent that handled the work item

Agent ID

The unique ID of the agent that handled the work item.

Agent Email Address

The email address of the agent that handled the work item.

Agent Location

The geographical location of the agent.

Queue Name

The name of the queue where the interaction originated before being routed to the agent.

Note: If this is an outbound call with no queue - the column will be blank.


The queue language where call / chat entered.

Note: Outbound interactions should be empty.

Interaction Type

The channel that the consumer has selected to make contact.

Possible values include:


  • IVR Call (Inbound Voice Call)

  • Scheduled Call

  • Direct Call (Outbound)

  • Incoming Call (Inbound)

  • Numbered Incoming Call (Callback)

  • Numbered Scheduled (Scheduled - Web)

  • Campaign Call

  • Agent Scheduled Call

  • Action Only Call

  • Voice Inbound Call


  • Mobile (In-App)

  • Web (In- Web)

  • SMS Chat (Messaging)

  • Whatsapp (Messaging)


Indicates if the interaction was in an inbound interaction or an outbound interaction.

Possible values include:

  • Inbound

  • Outbound


Indicates the how the interaction ended.

Possible values include:

Call: ACW Ended, BCW Ended (Campaign Calls Only), Call Ended

Chat: Chat Finished, Chat Failed, ACW Ended

Start Time

The date and time the interaction started.

End Time

The date and time that the interaction ended.

Total Interaction Time

The total time that the interaction was in focus.

Interaction ID

The unique identifier of the work item.

Agent Connection Time

The time it took for the agent to accept the interaction.

Note: this is not queue time - it is the connection time to the agent.

Agent Response Time (Chat Only)

The total time it took for the agent to respond to the work item.

Response Count (Chat Only)

The total Response Count for the interaction.Response (Time and Count)

Talk Time or Chat Time

The sum of Talk Time or Chat Time for the interaction.Chat Time

Hold Time (Call Only)

The sum of Hold Time for the interaction.Hold Time

Wrap-up Time

The sum of Wrap-up Time for the interaction.Wrap-up Time (Interaction Metric)

Handle Time

The sum of Handle Time for the interaction. Includes Talk Time, Hold Time, Wrap-up Time.Handle Time

Agent Holds (Calls Only)

Indicates if the interaction was placed in a hold status.


Indicates if the interaction was transferred. Displays a TRUE or FALSE.

Auto Answered Calls

Indicates if the call went through as an auto answered call.

Displays a TRUE or FALSE

TRUE = yes

FALSE = no

Disposition Code

The disposition code the agent awarded the interaction.

Call ID

The unique identifier of the entire call.

Avg. Agent Network Quality Score

The average score awarded to the agent's network quality. Possible values include:

1- Unusable

2 - Poor

3 - Average

4 - Good

5 - Excellent

Interaction Summary by Agent Report

The Interaction Summary by Agent report displays the interaction statistics for an agent during the specified period. This report allows supervisors to monitor agent performance at a granular level.

Sample metrics in this report include the Total Talk Time, Avg. Talk Time, and Avg. Hold Time for the agent during their interactions.

The Interaction Summary by Agent report can be found at Reports > Agents and Teams.

For more information on building this report see Summary Reports: Using the Report Builder.


This report complements the Agent Activity - Summary Report.

The existing Agent Activity reports are based on user activity logs while the Interaction Summary by Agent report is based on interactions.

For example, user activity logs can show the agent was in the In Chat status for 1 hour, while this report could show the breakdown of total agent chat interactions.

Metric Name


Agent Name

The name of the agent that handled the work item

Agent ID

The unique ID of the agent that handled the work item.

Agent Email Address

The email address of the agent that handled the work item.

Agent Location

The geographical location of the agent.

Total Agent Connection Time

The time it took for the agent to accept the interaction. Note: this is not queue time - it is the connection time to the agent.

Avg. Agent Connection Time

The average time it took for the agent to accept the interaction. Note: this is not queue time - it is the connection time to the agent.

Avg. Talk Time or Avg. Chat Time

The average of Talk Time or Chat Time for the interactions.Chat Time

Total Talk Time or Total Chat Time

The total of Talk Time for the interactions.

Avg. Wrap-up Time

The average of Wrap-up time for the interactions.Wrap-up Time (Interaction Metric)

Total Wrap-up Time

The total of Wrap-up Time for the interactions.Wrap-up Time (Interaction Metric)

Total Handle Time

The sum of Handle Time for the interaction. Includes Talk Time, Hold Time, Wrap-up Time.Handle Time

Avg. Handle Time

The average of Handle Time for the interaction. Includes Talk Time, Hold Time, Wrap-up Time.Handle Time

Agent Transfers

The total number of transfers that the agent has actioned.

Work Offered

The total number of interactions offered to the agent.

This includes:

  • Deltacast call notification offered

  • Auto answered call notification offered

  • Multicast call notification offered

Note: If auto answer is enabled for Deltacast, only Auto answered call notification offered are logged.

Handled Calls

The total number of interactions the agent has handled. This is counting both inbound and outbound interactions.Handled

Missed Calls/ Chats

The total number of interactions that the agent has missed.

Total Deltacast missed interaction count

The total number of times an agent missed a deltacast projection.

Total Auto Answered Calls

The total number of times the agent responded to an auto-answered call.


The overall CSAT score for the Agent.

Avg. Agent Response Time* (Chats Only)

The average time across all chat interactions for the time it took for the agent to respond to the work item.

Total Agent Response Time

The total time across all interactions for the time it took for the agent to respond to the interaction.

Max. Agent Response Time Time

The longest time out of all the interactions that it took for the agent to respond to the work item.

Total Response Count

The sum of all responses by agents or consumers during matching interactions.

Avg. Agent Network Quality Score

The average across all network scores / offered calls.

The score range is as follows:

Possible values include: 5- Excellent, 4- Good, 3- Average, 2- Poor, 1- Unusable.

Missed Calls due to Network Quality

Displays the total number of calls that were offered to the agent but were missed while the agent's network quality was poor or unusable.