Send SDK custom data

You can send SDK custom data to the session metadata file, to a CRM record, or both, depending on your requirements. This custom data can come from the web SDK, the Android SDK or the iOS SDK. You can send custom data globally and at the queue level.

Send SDK custom data globally

To send SDK custom data globally, follow these steps:

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, click Settings > Operation Management. If you don't see the Settings menu, click Menu.

  2. Go to the Data Parameters pane.

  3. Do one of the following, or both, depending on your requirements:

    • For Send SDK custom data to session metadata file, select the type of SDK custom data that you want to send to the session metadata file.

    • For Send SDK custom data to CRM record, select the type of SDK custom data that you want to send to a CRM record.

  4. Click Save Data Parameters.

Send SDK custom data at the queue level

To send SDK custom data at the queue level, follow these steps:

  1. In the CCAI Platform portal, click Settings > Queue. If you don't see the Settings menu, click Menu.

  2. In the Mobile or Web pane (depending on your channel), click Edit / View.

  3. Click the queue that you want to edit.

  4. In the Settings pane, go to SDK custom data settings, and then click Configure. The SDK Custom Data Settings pane appears.

  5. Do one of the following, or both, depending on your requirements:

    • For Send SDK custom data to session metadata file, select the type of SDK custom data that you want to send to the session metadata file.

    • For Send SDK custom data to CRM record, select the type of SDK custom data that you want to send to a CRM record.

  6. Click Save.

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