Product Discovery AI for Retail

Your teams partner with our experts to build personalized digital experience capabilities—increasing sales and conversion through innovative and engaging shopping experiences, and easily connecting your customers with relevant products wherever they are in their shopping journey.

What your team gets

  • Reduce search abandonment

With Retail Search, retailers can implement Google-quality search that is customizable and built on Google’s understanding of user intent and context.
  • Enhance your customer’s shopping experience

Vision Product Search uses machine learning-powered object recognition and lookup to provide real-time results of similar, or complementary, items from your product catalog.
  • Improve conversion and order value with personalization

Recommendations AI can understand nuances behind customer behavior, context, and SKUs in order to drive engagement across channels through relevant recommendations.
Key deliverables
  • Technical design document
  • Foundational and Automation Code Samples
  • Data Enrichment Pipeline Artifacts
  • Data Mapping Contract
Google Cloud team include
  • Cloud Consultant
  • Strategic Cloud Engineer
  • Cloud Program Manager
Delivery time estimate
12 to 16 weeks
Contact us for a quote

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