Compute Engine Service Level Agreement (SLA)

During the Term of the agreement under which Google has agreed to provide Google Cloud Platform to Customer (as applicable, the "Agreement"), the Covered Service will provide a Monthly Uptime Percentage to Customer per Network Service Tiers, as follows (the "Service Level Objective" or "SLO"):

Premium Tier

 Covered Service

Monthly Uptime Percentage

Instances in Multiple Zones

>= 99.99%

A Single Instance of Memory Optimized family*

>= 99.95%

A Single Instance of all other families**

>= 99.9%

Load balancing

>= 99.99%

 Covered Service

Monthly Uptime Percentage

Instances in Multiple Zones

>= 99.99%

A Single Instance of Memory Optimized family*

>= 99.95%

A Single Instance of all other families**

>= 99.9%

Load balancing

>= 99.99%

Covered Service

Monthly Uptime Percentage

Instances in Multiple Zones

>= 99.9%

Load balancing

>= 99.9%

Covered Service

Monthly Uptime Percentage

Instances in Multiple Zones

>= 99.9%

Load balancing

>= 99.9%

If Google does not meet the SLO, and if Customer meets its obligations under this SLA, Customer will be eligible to receive the Financial Credits described below. Monthly Uptime Percentage and Financial Credit are determined on a calendar month basis per Project per Region or, for a Single Instance, per instance. This SLA states Customer's sole and exclusive remedy for any failure by Google to meet the SLO. Capitalized terms used in this SLA, but not defined in this SLA, have the meaning set forth in the Agreement. If the Agreement authorizes the resale or supply of Google Cloud Platform under a Google Cloud partner or reseller program, then all references to Customer in this SLA mean Partner or Reseller (as applicable), and any Financial Credit(s) will only apply for impacted Partner or Reseller order(s) under the Agreement.


The following definitions apply to the SLA:

  • "Covered Service" means:
  • Instances in Multiple Zones.
  • A Single Instance.
  • Load balancing as part of the Compute Engine Service.
  • "Downtime" means:
  • For virtual machine instances: loss of external connectivity or persistent disk access for the Single Instance or, with respect to Instances in Multiple Zones, all applicable running instances.
  • For load balancing: loss of external connectivity (via the external IP addresses associated with load balancing forwarding rules with all Healthy Backend Instances) due to the failure of Google’s systems.
  • Downtime does not include loss of external connectivity as a result of the Google managed VPN service failing to serve traffic directed to VPN tunnels under that service; that sort of downtime is addressed exclusively in the Cloud VPN SLA.
  • "Downtime Period" means a period of one or more consecutive minutes of Downtime. Partial minutes or intermittent Downtime for a period of less than one minute will not count towards any Downtime Periods.
  • "Financial Credit" means the following for Instances in Multiple Zones and load balancing:

Monthly Uptime Percentage

Percentage of monthly bill for the respective Covered Service in the Region that did not meet SLO that will be credited to Customer's future monthly bills

99.00% - < 99.99%          

(Premium Tier)

99.00% - < 99.9%         

(Standard Tier)


 95.00% - < 99.00%         

(Premium and Standard Tier)


 < 95.00%              

(Premium and Standard Tier)


Monthly Uptime Percentage

Percentage of monthly bill for the respective Covered Service in the Region that did not meet SLO that will be credited to Customer's future monthly bills

99.00% - < 99.99%          

(Premium Tier)

99.00% - < 99.9%         

(Standard Tier)


 95.00% - < 99.00%         

(Premium and Standard Tier)


 < 95.00%              

(Premium and Standard Tier)


  • "Financial Credit" means the following for a Single Instance of Memory optimized family:

Monthly Uptime Percentage

Percentage of monthly bill for a Single Instance in the Region that did not meet SLO that will be credited to Customer's future monthly bills

95.00% - < 99.95%


90.00% - < 95.00%


< 90.00%


Monthly Uptime Percentage

Percentage of monthly bill for a Single Instance in the Region that did not meet SLO that will be credited to Customer's future monthly bills

95.00% - < 99.95%


90.00% - < 95.00%


< 90.00%


  • "Financial Credit" means the following for a Single Instance of all other families:

Monthly Uptime Percentage

Percentage of monthly bill for a Single Instance in the Region that did not meet SLO that will be credited to Customer's future monthly bills

95.00% - < 99.90%


90.00% - < 95.00%


< 90.00%


Monthly Uptime Percentage

Percentage of monthly bill for a Single Instance in the Region that did not meet SLO that will be credited to Customer's future monthly bills

95.00% - < 99.90%


90.00% - < 95.00%


< 90.00%


  • "Healthy Backend Instances" means instances that are responding affirmatively to load balancing health checks.
  • "Instances in Multiple Zones" means virtual machine instances hosted as part of the Compute Engine Service where instances are placed across two or more Zones in the same Region.
  • "Monthly Uptime Percentage" means total number of minutes in a month, minus the number of minutes of Downtime suffered from all Downtime Periods in a month, divided by the total number of minutes in a month. Monthly Uptime Percentage is calculated per Network Service Tier and minutes will count towards each Network Service Tier separately if Network Service Tiers are changed during a calendar month.
  • "Network Service Tiers" means the network connectivity tier described at, as may be updated by Google from time to time.
  • "Region" means the applicable region described at, as may be updated by Google from time to time.
  • "Single Instance" means a single virtual machine instance hosted as part of the Compute Engine Service.
  • "Zone" means the applicable zone described at, as may be updated by Google from time to time.

Customer Must Request Financial Credit

In order to receive any of the Financial Credits described above, Customer must notify Google technical support within 60 days from the time Customer becomes eligible to receive a Financial Credit. Customer must also provide Google with log files showing Downtime Periods and the date and time they occurred. If Customer does not comply with these requirements, Customer will forfeit its right to receive a Financial Credit.

Maximum Financial Credit

The maximum aggregate number of Financial Credits issued by Google to Customer for all Downtime Periods in a single billing month will not exceed the amount due by Customer for the respective Covered Services in the Regions that did not meet SLO for the applicable month. Financial Credits will be in the form of a monetary credit applied to future use of the Covered Service and will be applied within 60 days after the Financial Credit was requested.

SLA Exclusions

The SLA does not apply to any (a) features designated pre-general availability (unless otherwise set forth in the associated Documentation); (b) features excluded from the SLA (in the associated Documentation); or (c) errors (i) caused by factors outside of Google's reasonable control; (ii) that resulted from Customer's software or hardware or third party software or hardware, or both; (iii) that resulted from abuses or other behaviors that violate the Agreement; or (iv) that resulted from quotas applied by the system or listed in the Admin Console. As applicable, Customer will only be entitled to Financial Credit for Downtime of a particular virtual machine instance as either a Single Instance or Instances in Multiple Zones, but not both.

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