Artifact Registry caches frequently-accessed public Docker Hub images on
. You can configure the Docker daemon to use a cached public
image if one is available, or pull the image from Docker Hub if a cached copy
is unavailable.
Cached images at
- Stored in a repository managed by Google Cloud.
- More insulated from Docker Hub outages.
- Integrated with the Google Cloud ecosystem.
- Kept in sync with Docker Hub.
Configuring the Docker daemon
To configure your Docker daemon to pull images from the Artifact Registry cache:
Configure the daemon in one of the following ways:
To configure the Docker daemon automatically on startup, set the following value in
{ "registry-mirrors": [""] }
When you start the daemon, pass in the Artifact Registry hostname:
dockerd --registry-mirror=
Add the following line to your
file:DOCKER_OPTS="${DOCKER_OPTS} --registry-mirror="
Restart the Docker daemon.
On Linux, run one of the following commands:
sudo service docker restart
sudo service docker stop && sudo service docker start
On macOS or Windows, run the following command:
docker-machine restart
Docker UI
- Open Docker's Preferences menu.
- Click Daemon.
Click Advanced. In the JSON field, add a
key with
as a value:{ "registry-mirrors" : [ "" ] }
Click Apply & Restart.
To verify that the cache is correctly configured, run:
docker system info
The output should include Registry Mirrors
, and should look similar to
the following:
Containers: 2
Running: 0
Paused: 0
Stopped: 2
Images: 2
Server Version: 17.03.1-ce
Storage Driver: overlay2
Backing Filesystem: extfs
Supports d_type: true
Native Overlay Diff: true
Logging Driver: json-file
Registry Mirrors:
Pulling cached images
Artifact Registry adds frequently requested images to the cache so they are available for future requests. It also periodically removes images that are no longer requested.
After you configure the Docker daemon to use the Artifact Registry cache,
Docker performs the following steps when you pull a public Docker Hub image
with a docker pull
- The Docker daemon checks the Artifact Registry cache and fetches the images if it exists. If your daemon configuration includes other Docker mirrors, the daemon checks each one in order for a cached copy of the image.
- If the image still isn't found, the Docker daemon fetches the image from the canonical repository on Docker Hub.
Pulling cached images does not count against Docker Hub rate limits. However,
there is no guarantee that a particular image will remain cached for an extended
period of time. Only obtain cached images on
configuring the Docker daemon.
To authenticate to Docker Hub for images that aren't cached on
use Artifact Registry remote repositories. Remote
repositories support authentication to Docker Hub. We recommend authenticating
to Docker Hub even if you are only using public images, as it will increase your
download rate limit. For more information on Docker Hub download rate limits,
see Docker Hub rate limit.
What's next
- You can create Artifact Registry remote repositories to cache Docker Hub images.
- You can create your own local Docker mirrors to cache images. For details, see the Docker documentation.
- Read the Docker Hub documentation.