사용 가능한 기존 번들 서비스

다음 목록은 2세대 런타임에서 지원되는 서비스를 보여줍니다.

App Engine service Availability in Java Alternatives
App Identity Available Migrate to Open ID Connect (OIDC) or Identity Platform
Blobstore Available Migrate to Cloud Storage
Capabilities Available No alternatives, see the Google Cloud Status Dashboard or the Google Cloud Console Support page for information on service status
Deferred Available No alternatives since this API is used with App Engine Task Queues
Images Available Migrate to Cloud Storage to serve images directly, or use a third-party content delivery network (CDN) or image processing library
Logging Not supported Use standard logging libraries
Namespaces Available No alternatives since this API is used with other App Engine services
Datastore Available Migrate to Datastore client libraries
Mail Available Migrate to SendGrid, Mailgun, or Mailjet for outbound messaging only
Memcache Available Migrate to Memorystore
Modules Available Use environment variables and the App Engine Admin API to obtain information and modify your application's running services
NDB Available Migrate to Cloud NDB
Remote Not supported Use Cloud Client Libraries to access resources in other projects
Search Available Migrate to Elasticsearch
Task Queues Available Migrate to Cloud Tasks for push queues and Pub/Sub for pull queues
URL Fetch Available Migrate to standard libraries for outbound requests
Users Available Migrate to user authentication options

자세한 내용은 왼쪽 탐색 메뉴에 있는 사용자 가이드 또는 API 참고 문서를 참조하세요.