Deferred API for Python 3

This page describes how to use the Deferred API, one of the legacy bundled services, with the Python 3 runtime for the standard environment. Your app can access the bundled services through the App Engine services SDK for Python 3.


Previously, the Deferred package google.appengine.ext.deferred depended on the webapp framework in Python 2. Since the webapp framework has been removed in the App Engine services SDK for Python 3, you need to make some changes when upgrading your Python 2 app to Python 3.

Enabling the Deferred API

To enable the Deferred API for Python 3, you no longer need to set builtins.deferred to on in the app.yaml file. Instead, to enable the API, you must pass use_deferred=True in the call to wrap_wsgi_app().

Similarites and differences

By default, the Deferred API for Python 3 uses the same URL /_ah/queue/deferred and the same default queue as it did in Python 2. Note that for apps migrating to Cloud Tasks, the default queue is not created automatically and the deferred tasks library is not available.

If your app uses the default /_ah/queue/deferred endpoint, using deferred.defer() in Python 3 remains the same as Python 2. If your app uses a custom URL for execution of deferred tasks, you need to make some changes since the TaskHandler class in the deferred module for Python 2 has been removed in the Python 3 version of this API.

To set a custom URL for execution of deferred tasks, the app can override either the post or the run_from_request method in the deferred.Handler class (formerly deferred.TaskHandler in Python 2), and pass the environ parameter which represents a dictionary containing WSGI request parameters. The post method can then be called from the custom endpoint (as shown in the Python 3 samples).

The end-to-end usage of the Python 3 Deferred API, such as routing of requests and accessing the environ dictionary, depends on the web framework the app is migrating to. Compare code changes made from the Python 2 example to the Python 3 examples in the following sections.

Python 3 examples

The following example shows how to execute a deferred task using a default endpoint and a custom endpoint in a Flask app and Django app.

import os

from flask import Flask, request
from google.appengine.api import wrap_wsgi_app
from google.appengine.ext import deferred
from google.appengine.ext import ndb

my_key = os.environ.get("GAE_VERSION", "Missing")

app = Flask(__name__)
app.wsgi_app = wrap_wsgi_app(app.wsgi_app, use_deferred=True)

class Counter(ndb.Model):
    count = ndb.IntegerProperty(indexed=False)

def do_something_later(key, amount):
    entity = Counter.get_or_insert(key, count=0)
    entity.count += amount

def increment_counter():
    # Use default URL and queue name, no task name, execute ASAP.
    deferred.defer(do_something_later, my_key, 10)

    # Use default URL and queue name, no task name, execute after 1 minute.
    deferred.defer(do_something_later, my_key, 10, _countdown=60)

    # Providing non-default task queue arguments
    deferred.defer(do_something_later, my_key, 10, _url="/custom/path", _countdown=120)

    return "Deferred counter increment."

def view_counter():
    counter = Counter.get_or_insert(my_key, count=0)
    return str(counter.count)

@app.route("/custom/path", methods=["POST"])
def custom_deferred():
    print("Executing deferred task.")
    # request.environ contains the WSGI `environ` dictionary (See PEP 0333)
    return deferred.Handler().post(request.environ)

import os

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.urls import path
from google.appengine.api import wrap_wsgi_app
from google.appengine.ext import deferred
from google.appengine.ext import ndb

my_key = os.environ.get("GAE_VERSION", "Missing")

class Counter(ndb.Model):
    count = ndb.IntegerProperty(indexed=False)

def do_something_later(key, amount):
    entity = Counter.get_or_insert(key, count=0)
    entity.count += amount

def increment_counter(request):
    # Use default URL and queue name, no task name, execute ASAP.
    deferred.defer(do_something_later, my_key, 10)

    # Use default URL and queue name, no task name, execute after 1 minute.
    deferred.defer(do_something_later, my_key, 10, _countdown=60)

    # Providing non-default task queue arguments
    deferred.defer(do_something_later, my_key, 10, _url="/custom/path", _countdown=120)

    return HttpResponse("Deferred counter increment.")

def view_counter(request):
    counter = Counter.get_or_insert(my_key, count=0)
    return HttpResponse(str(counter.count))

def custom_deferred(request):
    print("Executing deferred task.")
    # request.environ contains the WSGI `environ` dictionary (See PEP 0333)
    response, status, headers = deferred.Handler().post(request.environ)
    return HttpResponse(response, status=status.value)

urlpatterns = (
    path("counter/get", view_counter, name="view_counter"),
    path("counter/increment", increment_counter, name="increment_counter"),
    path("custom/path", custom_deferred, name="custom_deferred"),


app = wrap_wsgi_app(get_wsgi_application(), use_deferred=True)
import os
import re

from google.appengine.api import wrap_wsgi_app
from google.appengine.ext import deferred
from google.appengine.ext import ndb

my_key = os.environ.get("GAE_VERSION", "Missing")

class Counter(ndb.Model):
    count = ndb.IntegerProperty(indexed=False)

def do_something_later(key, amount):
    entity = Counter.get_or_insert(key, count=0)
    entity.count += amount

def IncrementCounter(environ, start_response):
    # Use default URL and queue name, no task name, execute ASAP.
    deferred.defer(do_something_later, my_key, 10)

    # Use default URL and queue name, no task name, execute after 1 minute.
    deferred.defer(do_something_later, my_key, 10, _countdown=60)

    # Providing non-default task queue arguments
    deferred.defer(do_something_later, my_key, 10, _url="/custom/path", _countdown=120)

    start_response("200 OK", [("Content-Type", "text/html")])
    return [b"Deferred counter increment."]

def ViewCounter(environ, start_response):
    counter = Counter.get_or_insert(my_key, count=0)
    start_response("200 OK", [("Content-Type", "text/html")])
    return [str(counter.count).encode("utf-8")]

class CustomDeferredHandler(deferred.Handler):
    """Deferred task handler that adds additional logic."""

    def post(self, environ):
        print("Executing deferred task.")
        return super().post(environ)

routes = {
    "counter/increment": IncrementCounter,
    "counter/get": ViewCounter,
    "custom/path": CustomDeferredHandler(),

class WSGIApplication:
    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        path = environ.get("PATH_INFO", "").lstrip("/")
        for regex, handler in routes.items():
            match =, path)
            if match is not None:
                return handler(environ, start_response)

        start_response("404 Not Found", [("Content-Type", "text/plain")])
        return [b"Not found"]

app = wrap_wsgi_app(WSGIApplication(), use_deferred=True)

Code samples

To view the complete code samples from this guide, see GitHub.