Memcache Examples

This page provides code examples in Python code for using Memcache. Memcache is a high-performance, distributed memory object caching system that provides fast access to cached data. To learn more about memcache, read the Memcache Overview.

Memcache is typically used with the following pattern:

  • The application receives a query from the user or the application.
  • The application checks whether the data needed to satisfy that query is in memcache.
    • If the data is in memcache, the application uses that data.
    • If the data is not in memcache, the application queries the datastore and stores the results in memcache for future requests.

The pseudocode below represents a typical memcache request:

def get_data():
    data = memcache.get('key')
    if data is not None:
        return data
        data = query_for_data()
        memcache.add('key', data, 60)
    return data

ndb internally uses memcache to speed up queries. However, if you wish, you can also explicitly add memcache calls to gain more control about the speed-ups.

Caching data

The following example demonstrates several ways to set values in memcache using the Python API.

# Add a value if it doesn't exist in the cache
# with a cache expiration of 1 hour.
memcache.add(key="weather_USA_98105", value="raining", time=3600)

# Set several values, overwriting any existing values for these keys.
    {"USA_98115": "cloudy", "USA_94105": "foggy", "USA_94043": "sunny"},

# Atomically increment an integer value.
memcache.set(key="counter", value=0)

To learn more about the add(), set_multi(), and set() methods, see the memcache Python API documentation.