다음 목록은 2세대 런타임에서 지원되는 서비스를 보여줍니다.
App Engine service | Availability in Go | Alternatives |
App Identity | Available | Migrate to Open ID Connect (OIDC) or Identity Platform |
Blobstore | Available | Migrate to Cloud Storage |
Capabilities | Available | No alternatives, see the Google Cloud Status Dashboard or the Google Cloud Console Support page for information on service status |
Deferred | Available | No alternatives since this API is used with App Engine Task Queues |
Images | Available | Migrate to Cloud Storage to serve images directly, or use a third-party content delivery network (CDN) or image processing library |
Logging | Not supported | Use standard logging libraries |
Namespaces | Available | No alternatives since this API is used with other App Engine services |
Datastore | Available | Migrate to Datastore client libraries |
Available | Migrate to SendGrid, Mailgun, or Mailjet for outbound messaging only | |
Memcache | Available | Migrate to Memorystore |
Modules | Available | Use environment variables and the App Engine Admin API to obtain information and modify your application's running services |
NDB | Available | Migrate to Cloud NDB |
Remote | Not supported | Use Cloud Client Libraries to access resources in other projects |
Search | Available | Migrate to Elasticsearch |
Task Queues | Available | Migrate to Cloud Tasks for push queues and Pub/Sub for pull queues |
URL Fetch | Available | Migrate to standard libraries for outbound requests |
Users | Available | Migrate to user authentication options |
자세한 내용은 왼쪽 탐색 메뉴에 있는 사용자 가이드 또는 API 참고 문서를 참조하세요.