This tutorial guides you through training and deploying a model using the Agent Assist Console. You can use the console to train a model and test its performance, but be aware that all runtime operations must be carried out by calling the API directly. See the Agent Assist how-to guides for instructions.
Create & train a new model
Navigate to the Agent Assist Console. Select the Smart Reply card in the center of the screen and click Get started. The Console tutorial walks you through the process of creating a dataset, training & deploying a Smart Reply model, and creating a conversation profile. You can do this using either a model that you create (trained your own data or the public conversation dataset), or test the Smart Reply feature using a demo model. After you have deployed your model, return to this guide for details about allowlist management.
Model allowlist management
When a Smart Reply model is created using the Agent Assist console, the creation process also generates a list of potential suggestions that can be surfaced to agents during a conversation. This resource is called the allowlist. The allowlist contains all possible suggestions that were generated using your selected conversation dataset.
To access a model's allowlist, navigate to the Models menu, then click on the model's name. You will be brought to the model's Details page. There are tabs for each of the three sections in the allowlist: Unreviewed, Allowed, and Blocked. Each message in the allowlist can belong to one of these three lists. Blocked suggestions cannot be suggested to agents at runtime. Only suggestions that appear on the Allowed and Unreviewed lists are surfaced during a conversation. By default, all suggestions on the allowlist are set to Unreviewed when a model is created.
Message grouping
An allowlist might have 50,000+ messages. To make them easier to manage, Agent Assist automatically groups messages with similar meaning. You can see a message's similar messages by clicking on the Show (X) similar messages link to the right of the message:
Message search, edits, and creation
You can search all messages in an allowlist using the search entries bar at the top of the page. You can also edit individual messages by hovering over a message and clicking the pencil icon that appears. A window containing the message's text appears:
We recommend that you edit only for spelling and grammar, and do not change the meaning of the message. The more the edited text deviates from the meaning in the model, the less likely that message is to be surfaced.
You also have the ability to create a new message by clicking the +Add a message button at the top right of the page. Similarly to edited messages, created messages are less likely to be surfaced during runtime.
Allow or block messages
When you select one or more messages in the Unreviewed messages list, MOVE TO ALLOWED and MOVE TO BLOCKED buttons will appear at the top right of the page. You can also move individual messages to the allowed or blocked lists by clicking on the three vertical dots to the far right of the model's name:
What's next
Use your deployed model to create a conversation profile.