Pub/Sub intermediate transcription

An intermediate transcript is an interim result of speech recognition from the Cloud Speech-to-Text API. The intermediate transcript can change upon further analysis of the audio. Configure intermediate transcription delivery with a Cloud Pub/Sub topic or use gRPC for CCAI transcription delivery.

You can configure delivery of the final result of speech recognition with ConversationProfile.newMessageEventNotificationConfig or with gRPC responses.

Create or update your conversation profile

Follow these steps when you create or update a conversation profile. Agent Assist does not redact intermediate transcripts.

  1. Within the Agent Assist console, click Conversation profiles.
  2. Click the name of a profile or + Create.
  3. Navigate to Pub/Sub notifications, and select Transcription intermediate result notifications.
  4. Enter the Pub/Sub topic you created for receiving intermediate transcripts, and select your message format.
  5. Click Save.
  1. Configure a Pub/Sub topic for receiving intermediate transcriptions with ConversationProfile.newRecognitionResultNotificationConfig.

Example Configuration:

"name": "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/global/conversationProfiles/CONVERSATION_PROFILE_ID",
"automatedAgentConfig": {
"humanAgentAssistantConfig": {
  "notificationConfig": {
    "topic": "projects/PROJECT_ID/topics/FEATURE_SUGGESTION_TOPIC_ID",
    "messageFormat": "JSON"
  "humanAgentSuggestionConfig": {
    "featureConfigs": [{
      "enableEventBasedSuggestion": true,
      "suggestionFeature": {
        "type": "ARTICLE_SUGGESTION"
      "conversationModelConfig": {
  "messageAnalysisConfig": {
"notificationConfig": {
  "messageFormat": "JSON"
"newMessageEventNotificationConfig": {
  "topic": "projects/PROJECT_ID/topics/NEW_MESSAGE_TOPIC_ID",
  "messageFormat": "JSON"
"newRecognitionResultNotificationConfig": {
  "messageFormat": "JSON"
"languageCode": "en-US"

Optional: Enable message ordering

Conversation ID is the ordering key for published Pub/Sub transcript messages. To receive the messages in order, set the message ordering property on the subscription you receive messages from.

Optional: Fetch more information

Dialogflow appends conversation IDs, message IDs, participant IDs, and participant roles to the Pub/Sub messages as attributes. You can access these attributes with PubsubMessage.attributes or you can fetch them together with the following Pub/Sub message data by subscribing with custom attributes.

  • The attribute key of participant ids: participant_id
  • The attribute key of message ids: message_id
  • The attribute key of conversation ids: conversation_id
  • The attribute key of participant roles: participant_role

The following is an example of a set of attributes: {"conversation_id": "c_id", "participant_id": "p_id"}

Optional: Subscription configurations

Follow these guidelines to customize your Pub/Sub subscription for handling transcript delivery: