Generate sales forecasts from retail data

The page provides guidance for getting predictions from Vertex AI, based on retail data exported into BigQuery. We provide several SQL code blocks to help you transform retail product and user event data into a format that Vertex AI can use. These code blocks are followed by procedures for the Vertex AI console to create a dataset, train a model, and then generate a forecast.

Before you begin

Before you can generate sales forecasts using your retail data, you must:

  • Have your retail data uploaded using Vertex AI Search for retail. For more information, see:

  • Export your retail data from Vertex AI Search for retail into BigQuery. This leaves you with a product table and a user event table in BigQuery, which you can use in the following procedures. For more information, see Export your data into BigQuery.

    Alternatively, if your product and user event data is already in BigQuery, in Vertex AI Search for retail format, you can use that data to generate sales forecasts from retail data. In this case you don't need to upload your retail data and export it to BigQuery. For more information about the format, see Product schema and About user events.

  • Make sure that you have been granted the roles/aiplatform.user IAM role so you can do the procedures using the Vertex AI console.

Create an aggregated sales table

The SQL code in this section transforms the user event table into an aggregated sales table. This means that for each product in the user event table that was sold at least once, the sales quantity for the product is aggregated over a weekly period. In addition, the SQL code does the following:

  • For any product in the user event table, if any timestamps are missing between the first sale of the product in the table and the last sale of any product in the table, each of the missing timestamps is backfilled with a new row with zero sales. This is to eliminate gaps in sales history.

  • If there is not at least one product in the user event table that has at least 20 timestamps, a product from the table is chosen at random and is backfilled with enough rows (each with zero sales) to reach 20 timestamps. This is to accommodate the Vertex AI requirement of having at least 20 timestamps when training a model.

To create an aggregated sales table:

  1. Replace the variables in the following SQL example code as follows:

    • starting_day_of_week. The day that the week starts on. Valid values: MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY.

    • rdm_user_event_table. The project, dataset, and table IDs of the user event table that you exported to BigQuery. The format is project_id.dataset_id.table_id.

    • rdm_product_table. The project, dataset, and table IDs of the product table that you exported to BigQuery. The format is project_id.dataset_id.table_id.

    • aggregated_sales_table. The project, dataset, and table IDs in BigQuery for the new aggregated sales table. Use the same project ID as the product and user event tables. Use the ID of an existing dataset. Specify a table ID, but don't use the ID of an existing table unless you want to overwrite it. The format is project_id.dataset_id.table_id.

  2. Copy the SQL code sample.

  3. Open the BigQuery page in the Google Cloud console.

    Go to the BigQuery page

  4. If it's not already selected, select the project that contains your product and user event tables.

  5. In the Editor pane, paste the SQL code sample.

  6. Click Run and wait for the query to finish running.

Your new aggregated sales table is written to the location in BigQuery that you set using the aggregated_sales_table variable.

Process the product table

The SQL code in this section acts on the product table that you exported to BigQuery, removing the repeated and struct fields and unnesting the price_info field into its child fields. This is required because Vertex AI does not accept lists or nested structures. The result is the processed product table.

To process the product table:

  1. Replace the variables in the following SQL example code as follows:

    • rdm_product_table. The project, dataset, and table IDs for the product table that you exported to BigQuery. The format is project_id.dataset_id.table_id.

    • processed_product_table. The project, dataset, and table IDs in BigQuery for the new processed product table. Use the same project ID as the product and user event tables. Use the ID of an existing dataset. Specify a table ID, but don't use the ID of an existing table unless you want to overwrite it. The format is project_id.dataset_id.table_id.

    SELECT * EXCEPT (id, attributes, price_info, rating, expire_time,
    available_time, fulfillment_info, images, audience, color_info, promotions,
    publish_time, retrievable_fields, categories, brands, conditions, sizes,
    collection_member_ids, tags, materials, patterns),
    id as sku,
    price_info.price as price_info_price,
    price_info.currency_code as price_info_currency_code,
    price_info.cost as price_info_cost,
  2. Copy the SQL code sample.

  3. Open the BigQuery page in the Google Cloud console.

    Go to the BigQuery page

  4. If it's not already selected, select the project that contains your product and user event tables.

  5. In the Editor pane, paste the SQL code sample.

  6. Click Run and wait for the query to finish running.

Your new processed product table is written to the location in BigQuery that you set using the processed_product_table variable.

Create an events prediction table

The SQL code in this section extracts each SKU that was sold at least once in the user events table. The code creates an events prediction table containing all of the extracted SKUs across all timestamps in the future. The future timestamps are an array of continuous weekly timestamps, starting from the final week in the user event table + 1 week and ending at the final week in the user event table + future_length weeks. You set the future_length value to the number of weeks into the future that you want the model to predict. Each row in the events prediction table can be uniquely identified by a SKU and a timestamp.

To create an events prediction table:

  1. Replace the variables in the following SQL example code as follows:

    • starting_day_of_week. The day that the week starts on. Valid values: MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY.

    • rdm_user_event_table. The project, dataset, and table IDs for the user event table that you exported to BigQuery. The format is project_id.dataset_id.table_id.

    • events_prediction_table. The project, dataset, and table IDs in BigQuery for the new events prediction table. Use the same project ID as the product and user event tables. Use the ID of an existing dataset. Specify a table ID, but don't use the ID of an existing table unless you want to overwrite it. The format is project_id.dataset_id.table_id.

    • rdm_product_table. The project, dataset, and table IDs for the product table that you exported to BigQuery. The format is project_id.dataset_id.table_id.

    • future_length. The number of weeks into the future, after the final week in the user event table, that the model will predict.

  2. Copy the SQL code sample.

  3. Open the BigQuery page in the Google Cloud console.

    Go to the BigQuery page

  4. If it's not already selected, select the project that contains your product and user event tables.

  5. In the Editor pane, paste the SQL code sample.

  6. Click Run and wait for the query to finish running.

Your new events prediction table is written to the location in BigQuery that you set using the events_prediction_table variable.

Create a Vertex AI training table

The SQL code in this section joins the aggregated sales table with the processed product table. The result is a Vertex AI training table, which Vertex AI uses for model training.

To create a Vertex AI training table:

  1. Replace the variables in the following SQL example code as follows:

    • vertex_ai_training_table. The project, dataset, and table IDs in BigQuery for the new Vertex AI training table. Use the same project ID as the product and user event tables. Use the ID of an existing dataset. Specify a table ID, but don't use the ID of an existing table unless you want to overwrite it. The format is project_id.dataset_id.table_id.

    • aggregated_sales_table. The project, dataset, and table IDs in BigQuery of the aggregated sales table, which you created in Create an aggregated sales table.

    • processed_product_table. The project, dataset, and table IDs in BigQuery for the processed product table, which you created in Process the product table.

    JOIN `PROCESSED_PRODUCT_TABLE` AS t2 ON t1.sku = t2.sku
  2. Copy the SQL code sample.

  3. Open the BigQuery page in the Google Cloud console.

    Go to the BigQuery page

  4. If it's not already selected, select the project that contains your product and user event tables.

  5. In the Editor pane, paste the SQL code sample.

  6. Click Run and wait for the query to finish running.

Your new Vertex AI training table is written to the location in BigQuery that you set using the vertex_ai_training_table variable.

Create a Vertex AI prediction table

The SQL code in this section appends the events prediction table to the aggregated sales table, then joins it with the processed product table. The result is the Vertex AI prediction table, which is used to create a forecast.

To create a Vertex AI prediction table:

  1. Replace the variables in the following SQL example code as follows:

    • vertex_ai_prediction_table. The project, dataset, and table IDs in BigQuery for the new Vertex AI prediction table. Use the same project ID and dataset ID that you used for the product and user event tables. Don't use the ID of an existing table unless you want to overwrite it. The format is project_id.dataset_id.table_id.

    • aggregated_sales_table. The project, dataset, and table IDs in BigQuery for the aggregated sales table, which you created in Create an aggregated sales table.

    • processed_product_table. The project, dataset, and table IDs in BigQuery for the processed product table, which you created in Process the product table.

    • events_prediction_table. The project, dataset, and table IDs in BigQuery for the events prediction table, which you created in Create an events prediction table.

    WITH append_predict_to_history AS (
      SELECT add_to_cart_quantity, category_page_view_quantity,
      detail_page_view_quantity, last_day_of_week, quantity, search_quantity, sku
      add_to_cart_quantity, NULL AS category_page_view_quantity, NULL AS
      detail_page_view_quantity, last_day_of_week, NULL AS quantity, NULL AS
      search_quantity, sku FROM `EVENTS_PREDICTION_TABLE`
    SELECT t1.*, t2.* EXCEPT(sku) FROM append_predict_to_history AS t1 LEFT JOIN
    `PROCESSED_PRODUCT_TABLE` AS t2 ON t1.sku = t2.sku
  2. Copy the SQL code sample.

  3. Open the BigQuery page in the Google Cloud console.

    Go to the BigQuery page

  4. If it's not already selected, select the project that contains your product and user event tables.

  5. In the Editor pane, paste the SQL code sample.

  6. Click Run and wait for the query to finish running.

Your new Vertex AI prediction table is written to the location in BigQuery that you set using the vertex_ai_prediction_table variable.

Create a Vertex AI dataset

This section shows you how to create a Vertex AI dataset that you can use to train a forecast model. For more information, see Create a dataset for training forecast models in the Vertex AI documentation.

To create a Vertex AI dataset:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, in the Vertex AI section, go to the Dataset page.

    Go to the Datasets page

  2. Click Create to open the Create dataset page.

  3. In the Dataset name field, enter a name for your new dataset.

  4. Select the Tabular tab.

  5. Select the Forecasting objective.

  6. In the Region list, select the region that you used when you created a dataset to export your retail data into BigQuery. If you selected us when you created your BigQuery dataset, you can select any region in the United States. Likewise, if you selected eu when you created your BigQuery dataset, you can select any region in the European Union. For more information, see Export your data into BigQuery.

  7. Click Create to create your empty dataset, and advance to the Source tab.

  8. Select Select a table or view from BigQuery.

  9. Under Select a table or view from BigQuery, enter the project, dataset, and table IDs for the Vertex AI training table that you created in Create a Vertex AI training table. The format is project_id.dataset_id.table_id.

  10. Click Continue.

    Your data source is associated with your dataset.

  11. On the Analyze tab, select sku in the Series identifier column list and last_day_of_week in the Timestamp column list.

  12. Click Train new model to advance to the Train new model page. For instructions for training your model, go to Train a forecast model.

Train a forecast model

This section shows you how to train a forecast model using the dataset that you created in Create a Vertex AI dataset. For more information, see Train a forecast model in the Vertex AI documentation.

Before you begin

Before you can train a forecast model, you must create a Vertex AI dataset.

Train a model

  1. In the Training method page, select the model training method. For information about training methods, see Train a model in the Vertex AI documentation.

    Click Continue.

  2. In the Model details page, configure as follows:

    1. Select Train new model if it's not already selected.

    2. Enter a name for your new model.

    3. Select quantity (INTEGER) from the Target column list.

    4. Select Weekly from the Data granularity list.

    5. Enter your Context window and Forecast horizon.

      The Forecast horizon determines how far into the future the model forecasts the target value for each row of prediction data. The Forecast horizon is specified in units of Data granularity.

      The Context window sets how far back the model looks during training (and for forecasts). In other words, for each training datapoint, the context window determines how far back the model looks for predictive patterns. If you do not specify a Context window, it defaults to the value set for Forecast horizon. The Context window is specified in units of Data granularity.

      For more information, see Considerations for setting the context window and forecast horizon in the Vertex AI documentation.

    6. Click Continue.

  3. In the Training options page, configure as follows. Note that when a drop-down arrow is grey, or when there is no drop-down arrow, that value cannot be changed.

    1. Select a Transformation value for the columns in the Column name list as follows:

      • If the BigQuery type value is Float, Integer, or Numeric, set the Transformation value to Numeric.

      • If the BigQuery type value is String or Boolean, set the Transformation value to Categorical.

      • If the BigQuery type value is Date, set the Transformation value to Timestamp.

    2. Select a Feature type value for the columns in the Column name list as follows:

      • For add_to_cart_quantity, category_page_view_quantity, detail_page_view_quantity, and search_quantity, set the Feature type value to Covariate.

      • Of the remaining columns, for those that can be changed, set the Feature type to Attribute.

    3. Select an Available at forecast value for the columns in the Column type list as follows:

      • For add_to_cart_quantity, category_page_view_quantity, detail_page_view_quantity, and search_quantity, set the Availability at forecast value to Not available.

      • Of the remaining columns, for those that can be changed, set the Feature type value to Available.

    4. Click Continue.

  4. In the Compute and pricing page, enter the maximum number of hours that you want your model to train for. This setting helps you put a cap on training costs. The actual time elapsed can be longer than this value because there are other operations involved in creating a new model. For information about the amount of time that can be needed to train high-quality models, see Train a model in the Vertex AI documentation.

  5. Click Start training.

    Model training can take many hours, depending on the size and complexity of your data and your training budget, if you specified one. You can close this tab and return to it later. You receive an email when your model has completed training. If you want to monitor the progress of the model training, see Monitor the progress of your training.

Monitor the progress of your training

  1. In the Google Cloud console, in the Vertex AI section, go to the Training page.

    Go to the Training page

  2. If it's not already selected, select the Training pipelines tab. The model you are training should be in the list. Training is finished when the status changes from Training to Finished.

Create a forecast

This page shows you how to create a forecast using the forecast model that you trained in Train a forecast model.

Before you begin

Before you can create a forecast, you must train a forecast model.

Make a batch prediction request to your model

  1. In the Google Cloud console, in the Vertex AI section, go to the Batch predictions page.

    Go to the Batch predictions page

  2. Click Create to open the New batch prediction window and complete the following steps:

    1. Enter a name for the batch prediction.

    2. In the Model name list, select the model that you trained in Train a forecast model.

    3. In the Version list, select the version of the model.

    4. Under Select source:

      1. Select BigQuery table if it's not already selected.

      2. Enter the project, dataset, and table IDs in BigQuery for the Vertex AI prediction table that you created in Create a Vertex AI prediction table. The format is project_id.dataset_id.table_id.

    5. Under Batch prediction output:

      1. In the Output format list, select BigQuery table.

      2. Enter project and dataset IDs in BigQuery for the batch prediction output table that you are creating. Use the same project ID and dataset ID that you used for the product and user event tables. The format is project_id.dataset_id.

    6. Click Create. The Batch predictions page appears.

      The prediction is finished when the status changes from Pending to Finished. You also receive an email when your batch prediction is finished. The output of your batch prediction request is returned in the dataset in the BigQuery project that you specified. The name of your new output table is "predictions_" appended with the timestamp of when the prediction job started. For more information about retrieving and interpreting your forecast results, see Retrieve batch prediction results and Interpret forecast results in the Vertex AI documentation.