After your service provider configures your VLAN attachment for a Partner Interconnect connection, you must activate it before the attachment can start passing traffic. Activating a VLAN attachment lets you check that you're connecting with an expected service provider before the attachment starts passing traffic. It also enables you to control when the attachment starts passing traffic.
If you pre-activate your VLAN attachment, the attachment is automatically activated after it's configured.
For definitions of terms used on this page, see Cloud Interconnect key terms.
To help you solve common issues that you might encounter when using Partner Interconnect, see Troubleshooting.
To activate your VLAN attachment, follow these steps.
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Interconnect VLAN attachments tab.
Select the VLAN attachment to view its details page.
If the status of your attachment is
Waiting for service provider
, wait until your service provider has completed the VLAN configuration.Review the Interconnect information to check that the expected service provider configured the VLAN attachment.
If an unexpected third party pairs with your VLAN attachment, delete the VLAN attachment and then create a new one, which generates a new pairing key. Use the new pairing key to request another connection from your service provider.
Click Activate.
Describe the VLAN attachment to view its details; the state of the attachment must be
before you can activate it:gcloud compute interconnects attachments describe
ATTACHMENT_NAME \ --region=REGION Replace the following:
: the name of your VLAN attachmentREGION
: the region that your VLAN attachment is located in
The output is similar to the following for IPv4 VLAN attachments:
adminEnabled: false edgeAvailabilityDomain: AVAILABILITY_DOMAIN_1 bandwidth: BPS_1G cloudRouterIpAddress: creationTimestamp: '2017-12-01T08:29:09.886-08:00' customerRouterIpAddress: id: '7976913826166357434' kind: compute#interconnectAttachment labelFingerprint: 42WmSpB8rSM= name:
ATTACHMENT_NAME pairingKey: 7e51371e-72a3-40b5-b844-2e3efefaee59/REGION /2 partnerMetadata: interconnectName: New York (2) partnerName: My Service Provider Inc portalUrl: region: router: /routers/my-router selfLink: /interconnectAttachments/my-attachment stackType: IPV4_ONLY state: PENDING_CUSTOMER type: PARTNER vlanTag8021q: 1000The output is similar to the following for IPv4 and IPv6 (dual stack) VLAN attachments:
adminEnabled: false edgeAvailabilityDomain: AVAILABILITY_DOMAIN_1 bandwidth: BPS_1G cloudRouterIpAddress: cloudRouterIpv6Address: 2600:2d00:0:1::1/125 creationTimestamp: '2017-12-01T08:31:11.580-08:00' customerRouterIpAddress: customerRouterIpv6Address: 2600:2d00:0:1::2/125 description: Interconnect for Customer 1 id: '7193021941765913888' interconnect: kind: compute#interconnectAttachment labelFingerprint: 42WmSpB8rSM= name:
ATTACHMENT_NAME partnerMetadata: interconnectName: New York (2) partnerName: Partner Inc portalUrl: region: selfLink: /interconnectAttachments/customer-attachment stackType: IPV4_IPV6 state: PENDING_CUSTOMER type: PARTNER vlanTag8021q: 1000If your service provider configured your VLAN attachment, the state of your attachment changes from
. If the state is stillPENDING_PARTNER
, wait until your service provider has completed the VLAN configuration.View the
field to check that it shows your expected service provider.If an unexpected third party pairs with your VLAN attachment, delete the VLAN attachment and then create a new one, which generates a new pairing key. Use the new pairing key to request another connection from your service provider.
Activate the attachment by using the
flag:gcloud compute interconnects attachments partner update
ATTACHMENT_NAME \ --region=REGION \ --admin-enabled
After activation, your VLAN attachment can start passing traffic. For Layer 3 connections, you don't need to do any additional configuration. Your service provider supplies their autonomous system number (ASN) when configuring your VLAN attachment, and then Google automatically adds the ASN to the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) session on your Cloud Router.
If you have activated encrypted VLAN attachments, you can complete the HA VPN over Cloud Interconnect deployment by creating HA VPN gateways and tunnels.
For Layer 2 connections, you must add the ASN of your on-premises router to your Cloud Router.
To configure Cloud Router, follow these steps.
In the Google Cloud console, go to the VLAN attachments tab.
Select the VLAN attachment that you activated to view its details page.
Click Configure BGP.
In the Peer ASN field, add the ASN of your on-premises router.
Click Save and continue.
For each of the BGP peers associated with your VLAN attachments, describe the Cloud Router associated with your VLAN attachment, and then find the name of the automatically created BGP peer that's associated with your VLAN attachment.
Run the following command:
gcloud compute routers describe
ROUTER_NAME \ --region=REGION Replace the following:
: the name of your Cloud RouterREGION
: the region in which your Cloud Router is located
The output is similar to the following for IPv4 VLAN attachments:
bgp: advertiseMode: DEFAULT asn: 16550 bgpPeers: - interfaceName: auto-ia-if-my-attachment-c2c53a710bd6c2e ipAddress: managementType: MANAGED_BY_ATTACHMENT name: auto-ia-bgp-my-attachment-c2c53a710bd6c2e peerIpAddress: creationTimestamp: '2018-01-25T07:14:43.068-08:00' description: 'test' id: '4370996577373014668' interfaces: - ipRange: linkedInterconnectAttachment:
REGION /interconnectAttachments/my-attachment-partner managementType: MANAGED_BY_ATTACHMENT name: auto-ia-if-my-attachment-c2c53a710bd6c2e kind: compute#router name: partner network: region: selfLink: /routers/my-routerThe output is similar to the following for IPv4 and IPv6 (dual stack) VLAN attachments:
bgp: advertiseMode: DEFAULT asn: 16550 bgpPeers: - enableIpv4: true enableIpv6: false ipAddress: interfaceName: auto-ia-if-my-attachment-0098154607ecb20 managementType: MANAGED_BY_ATTACHMENT name: auto-ia-bgp4-my-attachment-0098154607ecb20 peerIpAddress: - enableIpv4: false enableIpv6: true ipAddress: 2600:2d00:0:1::1 interfaceName: auto-ia-if6-my-attachment-0098154607ecb20 managementType: MANAGED_BY_ATTACHMENT name: auto-ia-bgp6-my-attachment-0098154607ecb20 peerIpAddress: 2600:2d00:0:1::2 creationTimestamp: '2018-03-29T09:58:25.476-07:00' description: '' id: '466013140766729694' interfaces: - ipRange: linkedInterconnectAttachment:
REGION /interconnectAttachments/customer-attachment managementType: MANAGED_BY_ATTACHMENT name: auto-ia-if-customer-attach-0098154607ecb20 - ipRange: 2600:2d00:0:1::1/125 linkedInterconnectAttachment: /interconnectAttachments/customer-attachment managementType: MANAGED_BY_ATTACHMENT name: auto-ia-if6-customer-attach-0098154607ecb20 kind: compute#router name: customer-router network: region: selfLink: /routers/customer-routerUpdate each BGP peer with your on-premises router's ASN.
For the IPv4 BGP peer, run the following command:
gcloud compute routers update-bgp-peer
ROUTER_NAME \ --peer-name=IPV4_PEER_NAME \ --peer-asn=ON_PREM_ASN \ --region=REGION Replace the following:
: thename
of thebgpPeers
entry withenableIpv4: true
from the output from thegcloud compute routers describe
: your on-premises router's ASN
For the IPv6 BGP peer, run the following command:
gcloud compute routers update-bgp-peer
ROUTER_NAME \ --peer-name=IPV6_PEER_NAME \ --peer-asn=ON_PREM_ASN \ --region=REGION Replace
with thename
of thebgpPeers
entry withenableIpv6: true
from the output from thegcloud compute routers describe