View MACsec status

This page describes how to view the status of your MACsec for Cloud Interconnect circuits.

Select one of the following options:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Interconnect Physical connections tab.

    Go to Physical connections

  2. Select the Cloud Interconnect connection that you want to view.

  3. The Link circuit info section displays the following information:

    1. Google circuit ID: the name of the link circuit.

    2. Link state: the link's physical state, one of the following:

      • Active to indicate that the LACP member link is up.

      • LACP Detatched to indicate that the LACP member link is down.

    3. MACsec key name: the link's MACsec status and the MACsec key used to secure the connection. The status displays one of the following:

      • : MACsec is operationally up and the link is encrypted.

      • : MACsec is operationally down and the link is unencrypted.

    4. Receiving optical power: a status indicator and the optical light level that the physical interface detects from the remote transmitter in dBm.

    5. Transmitting optical power: a status indicator and the optical light level that the physical interface is transmitting to the remote receiver in dBm.

    6. Google demarc ID: the Google-assigned unique ID for the link circuit.

  4. Click the MACsec tab. The MACsec configuration displays one of the following for your MACsec configuration:

    1. Enabled, fail open: MACsec encryption is enabled on the link. If MACsec encryption isn't established between both ends, then the link operates without encryption.

    2. Enabled, fail closed: MACsec encryption is enabled on the link. If MACsec encryption isn't established between both ends, then the link fails.

    3. Disabled: MACsec encryption is disabled on the link.

To view the status of your circuits, use the following command:

gcloud compute interconnects get-diagnostics INTERCONNECT_CONNECTION_NAME

Replace INTERCONNECT_CONNECTION_NAME with the name of your Cloud Interconnect connection.

The output is similar to the following; look for the bundleOperationalStatus set to BUNDLE_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP, the circuitId lacpStatus state set to ACTIVE, and the operationalStatus set to LINK_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP:

  bundleOperationalStatus: BUNDLE_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP
  - circuitId: LOOP-0
    googleDemarc: fake-local-demarc-0
      googleSystemId: '00:11:22:33:44:55'
      neighborSystemId: '55:44:33:22:11:00'
      state: ACTIVE
      ckn: 0101010189abcdef...0123456789abcdef
      operational: true
    operationalStatus: LINK_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP
      state: OK
      value: -2.49
      state: OK
      value: -0.88
  macAddress: 00:11:22:33:44:55

In this example, MACsec is enabled and operational on the circuit.

The following items indicate a circuit's status:

  • bundleOperationalStatus: the circuit bundle's status, which is one of the following:

    • BUNDLE_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP: the circuit bundle is up.

    • BUNDLE_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_DOWN: the circuit bundle is down.

  • links.lacpStatus.state: the circuit's link aggregation control protocol (LACP) state, which is one of the following:

    • ACTIVE: LACP is active.

    • DETACHED: LACP is inactive.

  • links.macsec.CKN: the connectivity association key name (CKN) that MACsec for Cloud Interconnect is actively using for this connection.

    You can use gcloud compute interconnects macsec get-config INTERCONNECT_CONNECTION_NAME to display all the keys configured for your Cloud Interconnect connection. For more information, see Get MACsec keys.

    If you have more than one key configured, then the key with the latest start time is selected as the active key. Google's edge routers reject any new MACsec sessions that attempt to use the older keys.

  • links.macsec.operational: the MACsec status of the circuits, which is one of the following:

    • true: MACsec is operational on this circuit.

    • false: MACsec is not operational on this circuit.

  • links.operationalStatus: the MACsec status of the link, which is one of the following:

    • LINK_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP: the Cloud Interconnect connection is operationally up.

    • LINK_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_DOWN: the Cloud Interconnect connection is operationally down.

The following sections demonstrate examples of MACsec for Cloud Interconnect states and how they look in the output for the Google Cloud CLI and the Google Cloud console.

MACsec enabled and operational

Select one of the following options:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Interconnect Physical connections tab.

    Go to Physical connections

  2. Select the Cloud Interconnect connection that you want to view. The following items indicate that MACsec is enabled and operational. The links are passing traffic:

    • Link state: displays Active for all links.

    • MACsec key name: displays for all links. The MACsec key name is listed after each connection.

  3. Click the MACsec tab. The following items indicate that MACsec is configured and operational:

    • MACsec configuration: displays one of Enabled, fail opened or Enabled, fail closed.

    • Pre-shared keys: displays Active, in use for at least one key's Key status.

The output is similar to the following; look for the bundleOperationalStatus set to BUNDLE_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP, the circuitId lacpStatus state set to ACTIVE, and the operationalStatus set to LINK_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP:

  bundleOperationalStatus: BUNDLE_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP
  - circuitId: LOOP-0
    googleDemarc: fake-local-demarc-0
      googleSystemId: '00:11:22:33:44:55'
      neighborSystemId: '55:44:33:22:11:00'
      state: ACTIVE
      ckn: 0101010189abcdef...0123456789abcdef
      operational: true
    operationalStatus: LINK_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP
      state: OK
      value: -2.49
      state: OK
      value: -0.88
  macAddress: 00:11:22:33:44:55

In the example, the following items indicate that MACsec is enabled and operational. The link is passing traffic:

  • bundleOperationalStatus: BUNDLE_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP
  • links.lacpStatus.state: ACTIVE
  • links.macsec.ckn: 0101010189abcdef...0123456789abcdef
  • links.macsec.operational: true
  • links.operationalStatus: LINK_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP

MACsec enabled, not operational, and fail-open off

Select one of the following options:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Interconnect Physical connections tab.

    Go to Physical connections

  2. Select the Cloud Interconnect connection that you want to view. The following items indicate that MACsec is disabled and non-operational. The links are not passing traffic:

    • Link state: displays LACP Detached for all links.

    • MACsec key name: displays for all links. The MACsec key name is listed after each connection.

  3. Click the MACsec tab. The following items indicate that MACsec is configured and not operational:

    • MACsec configuration: displays Down.

    • Pre-shared keys: displays Active, in use for at least one key's Key status.

The output is similar to the following; look for the bundleOperationalStatus set to BUNDLE_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_DOWN, the circuitId lacpStatus state set to DETACHED, and the operationalStatus set to LINK_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP::

  - circuitId: LOOP-0
    googleDemarc: fake-local-demarc-0
      googleSystemId: '00:11:22:33:44:55'
      neighborSystemId: '55:44:33:22:11:00'
      state: DETACHED
      ckn: 0101010189abcdef...0123456789abcdef
      operational: false
    operationalStatus: LINK_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP
      state: OK
      value: -2.49
      state: OK
      value: -0.88
  macAddress: 00:11:22:33:44:55

In the example, links.macsec indicates that MACsec is enabled. The following items indicate that MACsec is not operational and that the link is not passing traffic:

  • bundleOperationalStatus: BUNDLE_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_DOWN
  • links.lacpStatus.state: DETACHED
  • links.macsec.ckn: 0101010189abcdef...0123456789abcdef
  • links.macsec.operational: false
  • links.operationalStatus: LINK_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP

In this case, Google can't establish a MACsec session. Therefore links.macsec.operational is false. Because MACsec is a lower-level Layer 2 security protocol, all packets for higher-level protocols are dropped, including LACP. This results in bundleOperationalStatus being set to BUNDLE_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_DOWN and links.lacpStatus.state being set to DETACHED.

However, MACsec doesn't affect the status of the physical link; therefore, links.operationalStatus remains LINK_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP when MACsec is down as long as the physical layer is operational.

MACsec enabled, not all links operational, and fail-open off

Select one of the following options:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Interconnect Physical connections tab.

    Go to Physical connections

  2. Select the Cloud Interconnect connection that you want to view. The following items indicate that MACsec is enabled, not all links are operational, and that some links are passing traffic:

    • Link state: displays LACP Detached for one or more links, and Active for at least one link.

    • MACsec key name: displays MACsec on this link is down for one or more links, and MACsec on this link is up for at least one link. The MACsec key name is listed after each connection.

  3. Click the MACsec tab. The following items indicate that MACsec is configured and not operational:

    • MACsec configuration: displays Enabled, fail closed.

    • Pre-shared keys: displays Active, in use for at least one key's Key status.

The output is similar to the following; look for bundleOperationalStatus set to BUNDLE_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP, circuitId lacpStatus state set to ACTIVE, operationalStatus set to LINK_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP, circuitId lacpStatus state set to DETACHED, and operationalStatus set to LINK_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP:

  bundleOperationalStatus: BUNDLE_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP
  - circuitId: LOOP-0
    googleDemarc: fake-local-demarc-0
      googleSystemId: '00:11:22:33:44:55'
      neighborSystemId: '55:44:33:22:11:00'
      state: ACTIVE
      ckn: 0101010189abcdef...0123456789abcdef
      operational: true
    operationalStatus: LINK_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP
      state: OK
      value: -2.49
      state: OK
      value: -0.88
  - circuitId: LOOP-1
    googleDemarc: fake-local-demarc-1
      googleSystemId: '00:11:22:33:44:66'
      neighborSystemId: '66:44:33:22:11:00'
      state: DETACHED
      ckn: 0101010189abcdef...0123456789abcdef
      operational: false
    operationalStatus: LINK_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP
      state: OK
      value: -2.49
      state: OK
      value: -0.88
  macAddress: 00:11:22:33:44:55

In the example, the following items indicate that MACsec is enabled and operational. The circuit is passing traffic, but only on one of the two links displayed:

  • bundleOperationalStatus: BUNDLE_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP
  • links.circuitId: LOOP-0:
    • links.lacpStatus.state: ACTIVE
    • links.macsec.ckn: 0101010189abcdef...0123456789abcdef
    • links.macsec.operational: true
    • links.operationalStatus: LINK_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP
  • links.circuitId: LOOP-1:
    • links.lacpStatus.state: DETACHED
    • links.macsec.ckn: 0101010189abcdef...0123456789abcdef
    • links.macsec.operational: false
    • links.operationalStatus: LINK_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP

In this case, bundleOperationalStatus is BUNDLE_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP. Notice that links.circuitId: LOOP-0 displays that links.lacpStatus.state is ACTIVE and links.macsec.operational is true. The first link is functioning as expected and is passing traffic.

However, notice that links.circuitId: LOOP-1 displays that links.lacpStatus.state is DETACHED and links.macsec.operational is false. The second link is not functioning as expected and is not passing traffic.

However, MACsec doesn't affect the status of either physical link; therefore, both links display links.operationalStatus as LINK_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP. This state remains even when MACsec is down for one of the links, as long as the physical layer is operational.

MACsec enabled, not operational, and fail-open on

Select one of the following options:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Interconnect Physical connections tab.

    Go to Physical connections

  2. Select the Cloud Interconnect connection that you want to view. The following items indicate that MACsec is enabled and non-operational. The links are passing traffic:

    • Link state: displays Active for all links.

    • MACsec key name: displays a Warning for all links. The MACsec key name is listed after each connection.

  3. Click the MACsec tab. The following items indicate that MACsec is configured and not operational:

    • MACsec configuration: displays Enabled, fail opened.

    • Pre-shared keys: displays Active for at least one key's Key status.

The output is similar to the following:

  bundleOperationalStatus: BUNDLE_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP
  - circuitId: LOOP-0
    googleDemarc: fake-local-demarc-0
      googleSystemId: '00:11:22:33:44:55'
      neighborSystemId: '55:44:33:22:11:00'
      state: ACTIVE
      ckn: 0101010189abcdef...0123456789abcdef
      operational: false
    operationalStatus: LINK_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP
      state: OK
      value: -2.49
      state: OK
      value: -0.88
  macAddress: 00:11:22:33:44:55

In this example:

  • links.macsec values indicate that MACsec is enabled.
  • bundleOperationalStatus displays BUNDLE_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP, which indicates that the Cloud Interconnect connection is operational.
  • macsec.operational displays false, which indicates that MACsec isn't operational.

To verify that the Cloud Interconnect connection is set to fail-open, run the following command:

gcloud compute interconnects describe INTERCONNECT_CONNECTION_NAME

The output is similar to the following for a link set to fail-open; look for the macsec section where macsecEnabled is set to true:

adminEnabled: true
- customerDemarcId: fake-peer-demarc-0
  googleCircuitId: LOOP-0
  googleDemarcId: fake-local-demarc-0
creationTimestamp: '2021-10-05T03:39:33.888-07:00'
customerName: Fake Company
description: something important
googleReferenceId: '123456789'
id: '12345678987654321'
interconnectType: IT_PRIVATE
kind: compute#interconnect
labelFingerprint: 12H17262736_
  failOpen: true
  - name: key1
    startTime: 2023-07-01T21:00:01.000Z
macsecEnabled: true
operationalStatus: OS_ACTIVE
provisionedLinkCount: 1
requestedLinkCount: 1
state: ACTIVE

MACsec disabled

Select one of the following options:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Interconnect Physical connections tab.

Go to Physical connections

  1. Select the Cloud Interconnect connection that you want to view. The following items indicate that MACsec is disabled. The links aren't passing traffic:

    • Link state: displays Active for all links.

    • MACsec key name: displays a empty text and no status for all links.

  2. Click the MACsec tab. The following items indicate that MACsec is configured and not operational:

    • MACsec configuration: displays Disabled.

    • Pre-shared keys: displays Active for at least one key's Key status.

The output is similar to the following; look for the bundleOperationalStatus set to BUNDLE_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP, the circuitId lacpStatus state set to ACTIVE, and the operationalStatus set to LINK_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP:

  bundleOperationalStatus: BUNDLE_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP
  - circuitId: LOOP-0
    googleDemarc: fake-local-demarc-0
      googleSystemId: '00:11:22:33:44:55'
      neighborSystemId: '55:44:33:22:11:00'
      state: ACTIVE
    operationalStatus: LINK_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_UP
      state: OK
      value: -2.49
      state: OK
      value: -0.88
  macAddress: 00:11:22:33:44:55

In the example, the fact that links.macsec is missing from the output indicates that MACsec is disabled and not operational. The link is passing unencrypted traffic.

Because MACsec is disabled, both links.macsec.ckn and links.macsec.operational don't display a value.

What's next?