After you order your Cross-Cloud Interconnect connections, order your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) ports.
Before you begin
Make sure that you have sufficient quota to order the FastConnect resources that you need.
Order FastConnect ports
For each of your Cross-Cloud Interconnect connections, you need an OCI port.
Sign in to the OCI console.
Make sure that the Regions list shows the region where you want to purchase OCI ports.
In the
menu, select Networking. Under Customer connectivity, select FastConnect.Click Create FastConnect.
On the Connection type page, select the FastConnect direct box, and then click Next.
Fill out the Configuration page:
- Enter a name for the connection.
- Select a Compartment.
- Under Cross-connect type, select the Cross-connect group box. It's important to make this choice even if you do not plan to use LACP. After you do, the page updates to include additional fields.
Enter the Number of cross-connects to use for the connection. Choose the same number of links that you specified when ordering your Cross-Cloud Interconnect ports. For example, if you ordered a connection of size 20 Gb/s (2 x 10 Gb/s), enter 2 in this field. If you ordered a 100-Gb/s connection, set this field to 1.
Enter a Port speed. Use the same capacity that you selected when ordering your Cross-Cloud Interconnect connections. Valid options are 10 Gbps and 100 Gbps. The OCI console might list other options, but they can't be used with Cross-Cloud Interconnect.
Leave the Enable MACsec encryption field cleared. Cloud Interconnect doesn't support MACsec.
Select a Physical location.
Specify whether to use the same OCI router as other FastConnect connections by checking the Specify router proximity box. This step is important when you order the redundant port. Make sure to place the redundant port on a different router than the primary port. If both ports are placed on the same router, you would lose both connections during maintenance work on the router. Then fill in the related fields that are displayed.
Optional: Use the Tag namespace, Tag key, and Tag value fields to create tags that represent the resource.
Click Create.
Generate LOAs
For Google to provision your connection, it must have a letter of authorization (LOA) for each of your OCI ports.
Use the following procedure for each link that you created. In the OCI interface, links are known as cross-connects.
For example, suppose you ordered two FastConnect connections, each of which has two links. In this case, you need four LOA documents.
Sign in to the OCI console.
Make sure that the Regions list shows the region where you purchased your FastConnect resources.
In the
menu, select Networking. In the Customer connectivity section, select FastConnect.Click the name of the appropriate connection.
In the Cross-connects section, click the name of the appropriate link.
On the Cross-connects tab, locate the Letter of Authorization field. Click the corresponding View link.
Click Print and follow prompts to print the LOA to a PDF to save it locally.
Send the LOAs to Google
After you order your Cross-Cloud Interconnect connections, you should receive confirmation email messages from Google. Each of these messages includes instructions for sending your OCI LOAs to Google. Now that you have the LOAs, do the following:
Decide which OCI port should be connected to each Cross-Cloud Interconnect connection.
Locate the LOA documents for that port. The number of relevant LOAs depends on the number of links that you specified for each port. For example, if the port has two links (or cross-connects), then you have two LOAs.
Respond to each of the Google emails, and attach the appropriate LOA documents.
Make a note of the instructions that you provide to Google regarding which Cross-Cloud Interconnect port connects to which OCI port. You need this information later in the process when you configure your OCI resources.
After you respond to both emails, Google sends you an email acknowledging receipt of the LOAs.
Still later, after Google provisions your Cross-Cloud Interconnect connections, you receive another set of emails stating that the work is complete. At that point, the Cross-Cloud Interconnect ports are active, although the OCI ports are not.
When you receive this confirmation, you can finish the required configuration.
Check the status of your Google Cloud ports
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Interconnect Physical connections tab.
Click the name of your Cross-Cloud Interconnect connection.
On the Interconnect details page, locate the Link circuit info table.
Check the Receiving Optical Power and the Transmitting Optical Power columns. The value in these columns should be OK.
At this point, it is normal to see a red checkmark in the Link State column.
Verify and enable OCI ports
Check to see whether your OCI links are all receiving a signal from Google. If they are, enable them.
For each of your links, complete the following steps:
Sign in to the OCI console.
Make sure that the Regions list shows the region where you want to purchase OCI ports.
In the
menu, select Networking. In the Customer connectivity section, select FastConnect.Click the name of the appropriate FastConnect resource.
Under Cross-connects, click the name of the link that you want to verify.
In the Cross-Connection Information box, locate the Light Level Indicator. Verify that a green checkmark appears next to the field.
If all of the fields appear as expected, click Activate.
In the Confirmation dialog, click Activate.
To verify the activation, go back to the previous page and review the Cross-connects table. The value in the Life Cycle column should be Provisioning.