Disable VLAN attachments

You can temporarily disable a VLAN attachment so that it stops forwarding packets. Disabling an attachment can be useful if you want to test failover. To test that a redundant connection can successfully serve traffic, disable the primary Cross-Cloud Interconnect connection.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VLAN attachments tab.

    Go to VLAN attachments

  2. Select a VLAN attachment to disable.

  3. On the VLAN attachment details page, click Disable. The attachment stops forwarding packets within a minute or two. To re-enable the attachment, click Enable.

Use the gcloud compute interconnects attachments dedicated update command with the --no-admin-enabled flag:

gcloud compute interconnects attachments dedicated update ATTACHMENT_NAME \
    --region REGION \

Replace the following:

  • ATTACHMENT_NAME: the name of your VLAN attachment
  • REGION: the region where the attachment is located

The attachment stops forwarding packets within a minute or two.

To enable the attachment, use the --admin-enabled flag.

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