After you configure your Google Cloud resources, configure your Microsoft Azure resources.
Before you begin
This section describes required setup and resources.
Provisioned Cross-Cloud Interconnect connections
Before you configure your Azure resources, make sure that Google has provisioned your Cross-Cloud Interconnect connections. After this work is complete, you receive a confirmation email. You can also use the Google Cloud console to verify that the Cross-Cloud Interconnect ports are active, which indicates that the connections have been provisioned. For more information, see Verify that your port is active.
Required Azure resources
Make sure that you have an Azure virtual network (VNet) that includes a subnet. The subnet must be located in an Azure region that is supported for your location. For help, see Quickstart: Use the Azure portal to create a virtual network.
Create an ExpressRoute circuit
An Azure ExpressRoute circuit is similar to a Google Cloud VLAN attachment. The circuit represents a logical connection between your network in Azure and your peer network (in this case, Google Cloud).
When you create an ExpressRoute circuit, Azure automatically creates two circuits: a primary circuit and a redundant one. Azure creates one circuit on your primary ExpressRoute Direct resource and another on your secondary ExpressRoute Direct resource. This behavior differs from Google Cloud, where you had to explicitly create two VLAN attachments.
Go the ExpressRoute Circuits page.
Click Create.
Complete the form displayed on the Basics tab:
- Select a Subscription and Resource group.
- Select the Region where you created your ExpressRoute Direct resources.
- Enter a Name for the circuit.
Click Next : Configuration.
Complete the form displayed on the Configuration tab:
- In the Peering type field, select Direct.
- Select the ExpressRoute Direct resource that you created in Order Azure connections. If you can't find the name of your connection in the dropdown list, go back to the previous page and make sure that you selected the correct region.
- Use the Circuit bandwidth field to select the appropriate capacity.
- Use the SKU field to select the appropriate level of service.
Click Next : Tags.
Optional: Set up tags for this port.
Click Next : Review + create.
Review the summary of your choices. If you want to make changes, click Previous and update the form as needed. When the summary looks correct, click Create.
Azure displays a Deployment is in progress message. After some time, the message should update to say Your deployment is complete.
Use the
$port = Get-AzExpressRoutePort -NameEXPRESS_ROUTE_DIRECT_CONNECTION ` $circuit = New-AzExpressRouteCircuit ` -NameNAME ` -ResourceGroupNameRESOURCE_GROUP_NAME ` -LocationLOCATION ` -SkuTierSKU_TIER ` -SkuFamilySKU_FAMILY ` -ExpressRoutePort $port ` -BandwidthInGbpsCAPACITY
Replace the following:
: the name of the ExpressRoute Direct connection that you created in Order Azure portsNAME
: the name of the new circuitRESOURCE_GROUP_NAME
: the name of the appropriate resource groupLOCATION
: the region where you created the ExpressRoute Direct connection, as described in Order Azure portsSKU_TIER
: the SKU tier; possible values areStandard
, andLocal
: if you're usingLOCAL
, chooseUnlimitedData
; if you're usingSTANDARD
, chooseMeteredData
: the capacity of each circuit
Set up a private peering
Cross-Cloud Interconnect uses Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) to exchange routes between your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network and your Azure network. To that end, configure a private BGP peering between your ExpressRoute circuits and your Google Cloud VLAN attachments.
Calculate the IPv4 subnet values
When you create the peering, you provide an IPv4 primary subnet value and an IPv4 secondary subnet value. These values represent the Google Cloud VLAN attachments that you want to connect with.
Check the instructions that you provided
When you provided your Azure LOA to Google, you also provided instructions about how you wanted your ports connected. You need that information to configure the IPv4 Primary subnet and IPv4 Secondary subnet fields.
For example, if your primary ExpressRoute Direct port is connected to the primary Cross-Cloud Interconnect port, do the following:
To calculate the IPv4 Primary subnet value, use details about the primary VLAN attachment.
To calculate the IPv4 Secondary subnet value, use details about the redundant VLAN attachment.
If your primary ExpressRoute Direct port is connected to the redundant Cross-Cloud Interconnect port, do the reverse. That is, to calculate the IPv4 Secondary subnet value, use details about the primary VLAN attachment. To calculate the IPv4 Primary subnet value, use details about the redundant VLAN attachment.
Calculate the subnet values
To calculate the subnet value, start with the customerRouterIpAddress
value of
the appropriate VLAN attachment. Subtract 2 from the rightmost segment of the
address (the fourth octet). The resulting value is the address that you enter in
the IPv4 Primary subnet field or in the IPv4 Secondary subnet field.
For example, suppose the customerRouterIpAddress
In this case, the subnet value would be
Create the private peering
Go the ExpressRoute Circuits page.
Click the name of the circuit that you created in Create an ExpressRoute circuit.
Click Azure private peering.
Complete the form:
- Enter the ASN of the Google Cloud Router—for
. - In the Subnets section, enter IPv4.
- Enter the IPv4 Primary subnet and IPv4 Secondary subnet values that you calculated in Calculate the IPv4 primary subnet value.
- Enter the same VLAN ID that you entered when creating your VLAN attachments.
- If you want to use MD5 authentication, enter your MD5 key in the Shared key field. Make sure that you enter the same key that you used when creating BGP sessions in Google Cloud.
- Enter the ASN of the Google Cloud Router—for
Click Save.
Use the following commands:
For example:
$circuit = Get-AzExpressRouteCircuit -NameCIRCUIT_NAME ` $circuit.Peerings = New-AzExpressRouteCircuitPeeringConfig ` -Name 'AzurePrivatePeering' ` -PeeringType 'AzurePrivatePeering' ` -PeerASNASN ` -PrimaryPeerAddressPrefixPRIMARY_SUBNET ` -SecondaryPeerAddressPrefixSECONDARY_SUBNET ` -VlanIdVLAN_ID ` -SharedKeyMD5_KEY ` Set-AzExpressRouteCircuit -ExpressRouteCircuit $circuit
Replace the following:
: the name of your ExpressRoute circuitASN
: the ASN of the Google Cloud RouterPRIMARY_SUBNET
: the values that you arrived at in Calculate the IPv4 primary subnet valueVLAN_ID
: the VLAN ID that you specified when creating your VLAN attachmentsMD5_KEY
: the key to use for MD5 authentication (optional)
Create a virtual network gateway
An ExpressRoute virtual network gateway connects your Azure network with a peer network—in this case, your Google Cloud VPC network.
Go the Virtual network gateway page.
Click Create.
Select the appropriate Subscription.
Complete the Instance Details section of the form:
- Enter a Name for the gateway.
- Select the Region where your connection is located.
- Select a Gateway type of ExpressRoute.
- Use the SKU field to select the appropriate level of service.
- Select a Virtual network that has a subnet in the same region as your ExpressRoute Direct connection.
- Select a Subnet.
Complete the Public IP address section of the form:
For Public IP address, do one of the following:
Select Create new, and then enter a Public IP address name for the new address and a SKU.
Select Use existing, and select an address that you previously created.
Select an Availability zone.
Click Next : Tags.
Optional: Set up tags for the gateway.
Click Next : Review + create.
Click Create.
Azure displays a Deployment is in progress message. After a few minutes, the message should update to say Your deployment is complete.
Use the following commands:
Complete the following steps:
Create an object that represents your Azure virtual network:
$vnet = Get-AzVirtualNetwork -Name
NETWORK_NAME ` -ResourceGroupNameRESOURCE_GROUP Replace the following:
: the name of your Azure virtual networkRESOURCE_GROUP
: the name of the appropriate resource group
Create an object that represents the subnet that you want to use for your circuit:
$subnet = Get-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name
NAME ` -VirtualNetwork $vnetReplace
with the name of your subnet.Allocate a public IP address for the virtual network:
$pip = New-AzPublicIpAddress -Name
NAME ` -ResourceGroupNameRESOURCE_GROUP ` -LocationREGION ` -AllocationMethod DynamicReplace the following:
: the name of your IP addressRESOURCE_GROUP
: the name of the appropriate resource groupREGION
: the region where your subnet is located
Create a configuration object:
$ipconf = New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayIpConfig ` -Name
NAME ` -Subnet $subnet ` -PublicIpAddress $pipReplace
with a name for your configuration.Create the gateway:
$gateway = New-AzVirtualNetworkGateway
NAME ` -ResourceGroupNameRESOURCE_GROUP ` -LocationREGION ` -IpConfigurations $ipconf ` -GatewayType Expressroute ` -GatewaySkuSKU Replace the following:
: the name of the new gatewayRESOURCE_GROUP
: the name of the appropriate resource groupREGION
: the region where your subnet is locatedSKU
: the gateway SKU
Create a connection
Create a connection between the following resources:
The ExpressRoute circuit private peering, which you created in Set up a private peering
The ExpressRoute virtual network gateway, which you created in Create a virtual network gateway
Go to the Connections page.
Click Create.
Select a Subscription and Resource group.
Complete the Instance Details section of the form:
- Set Connection type to ExpressRoute.
- Enter a Name for the connection.
- Select the Region where your ExpressRoute Direct connection is located.
Click Next : Settings:
- Select the appropriate Virtual network gateway.
- Select your ExpressRoute circuit.
- If appropriate, select Enable Custom BGP Addresses.
- If appropriate, select Redeem authorization.
- Enter the appropriate Routing weight value.
Click Next : Tags.
Optional: Set up tags for this port.
Click Next : Review + create.
Review the summary of your choices. If the summary looks correct, click Create. If not, click Previous and make corrections.
Azure displays a Deployment is in progress message. After a few minutes, the message should update to say Your deployment is complete.
Use the
New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection ` -NameCONNECTION_NAME ` -ResourceGroupNameRESOURCE_GROUP ` -VirtualNetworkGateway1GATEWAY ` -LocationLOCATION ` -ConnectionType ExpressRoute ` -PeerIdPEER_ID
Replace the following:
: the name of the new connectionRESOURCE_GROUP
: the name of the appropriate resource groupGATEWAY
: the gateway that you created in Create a virtual network gatewayLOCATION
: the region where you created your ExpressRoute Direct resourcesPEER_ID
: the ID of the private peering that you created