Supported versions

Memorystore for Redis is backed by open source Redis software. Memorystore supports Redis versions 7.2, 7.0, 6.x, 5.0, 4.0, and 3.2. The default version is Redis 7.0. You can upgrade the version of an instance to any newer version (for example 3.2 to 7.2). For a history of Memorystore for Redis product updates, see the Release notes.

Version support policy

Memorystore for Redis supports one patch version for every major OSS Redis version listed in the Current versions section of this page. The patch is kept up to date on a regular basis during maintenance periods. Memorystore for Redis monitors for any critical patches that need to be applied to your instance. Critical security patches are rolled out outside of the regular maintenance period. See Maintenance policy for more details.

Current versions

This table outlines the current patch levels for the supported Redis versions and when each version was last updated:

Redis major version Patch level Last update
3.0 3.2.13 June 21, 2018
4.0 4.0.14 June 17, 2019
5.0 5.0.14 May 09, 2022
6.x 6.2.13 May 9, 2022
7.0 (default) 7.0.12 July 17, 2023
7.2 7.2.0 February 29, 2024

Redis version 4.0

The table below outlines Memorystore support of some major features introduced by OSS Redis version 4.0.

Feature Description Supported in Memorystore for Redis
Cache eviction improvements Supports new Least Frequently Used (LFU) eviction policy. See Redis documentation for more details. Yes, exposed under eviction policy configuration parameters.
Active defragmentation Introduces the ability to defragment memory while Redis is running. Yes, exposed under eviction policy configuration parameters. Default setting: Off.
Redis modules Redis now lets developers write modules that can extend the Redis functionalities and implement new data types. No

Redis version 5.0

The table below outlines Memorystore support of some major features introduced by OSS Redis version 5.0.

Feature Description Supported in Memorystore for Redis
Redis streams Redis 5.0 introduces the new Streams data structure. Streams supports basic List functionality, such as XADD and XDEL. Streams also introduces the concept of Consumer Groups, which allow multiple clients to consume different portions of the messages stream. Yes, exposed as a Memorystore for Redis configuration parameter.
Sorted set commands Redis 5.0 introduces the following sorted set commands: ZPOPMAX, ZPOPMIN, BZPOPMAX, BZPOPMIN. These commands push and pop the highest or lowest values stored in your sorted set. Yes
Redis modules Redis lets developers write modules that can extend the Redis functionalities and implement new data types. No

Redis version 6.x

The table below outlines Memorystore support of some major features introduced by OSS Redis version 6.x

Feature Description Supported in Memorystore for Redis
Threaded I/O With Redis 6.x, some I/O operations can be run in parallel if multiple vCPUs are available. Memorystore for Redis automatically leverages the optimal number of I/O threads for the configured capacity tier. Starting with the M3 capacity tier, additional I/O threads are utilized, typically resulting in an improvement in query throughput performance. Yes
LCS (Longest Common Subsequence) command The LCS command, which is new to Redis 6.x, allows users to find non-contiguous common elements between strings. Yes
RDB diskless load for replicas Redis 6.x makes diskless loading available for replicas. This allows the replica to load the RDB from the socket instead of the disk, improving performance. For more details, see the Redis 6.0 conf file. Yes
Native traffic encryption Redis 6.0 adds native SSL for encrypting traffic. Memorystore for Redis does not support this feature of OSS Redis version 6.0, however Memorystore offers its own in-transit encryption. No
Access Control Lists (ACLs) Redis ACLs allow you to restrict the users and actions that interact with the Redis instance. No
Redis modules Redis lets developers write modules that can extend the Redis functionalities and implement new data types. No

Redis version 7.0

The table below outlines Memorystore support of some major features introduced by OSS Redis version 7.0.

In addition to the features listed in this section, instances running Redis version 7.0 with in-transit encryption see improved performance.

Feature Description Supported in Memorystore for Redis
Redis Functions Redis 7.0 introduces Redis Functions, which provides improved Lua script capabilities on the Redis server. Previous to version 7.0, to use Lua scripts, Redis users needed to use the EVAL command. Redis Functions provides simplified and optimized scripting. For more details, see Redis Functions. Yes
Client eviction Client eviction, added in Redis 7.0, disconnects clients if the total memory used by all client connections exceeds a user specified limit. For instructions on configuring this limit for Memorystore for Redis, see Configure a Redis instance. Yes
Access Control List (ACL) improvements Redis 7.0 introduces improved ACL functionality. This feature is not supported by Memorystore for Redis. No
Sharded pub/sub Redis 7.0 introduces Sharded pub/sub. This feature is not supported by Memorystore for Redis. No
Multi part AOF persistence Redis 7.0 introduces multi part AOF persistence. This feature is not supported by Memorystore for Redis. No
Redis modules Redis lets developers write modules that can extend the Redis functionalities and implement new data types. No

Redis version 7.2

The following table provides information on the major feature introduced by OSS Redis version 7.2.

Feature Description Supported in Memorystore for Redis
Vector search Redis version 7.2 for Memorystore for Redis introduces vector data storage and vector data search. These capabilities integrate with the LangChain framework. For more information, see About vector search. Yes