Upgrade the Redis version of an instance

This page describes how to upgrade the Redis version of a Memorystore for Redis instance. For a list of available versions, see Supported versions. For more information about instance behavior during an upgrade operation, see Version upgrade behavior.

Best practices for upgrading an instance's Redis version

  • We recommend exporting your instance data before running a version upgrade operation.

  • Note that upgrading an instance is irreversible. You cannot downgrade the Redis version of a Memorystore for Redis instance.

  • For Standard Tier instances, to increase the speed and reliability of your version upgrade operation, upgrade your instance during periods of low instance traffic. To learn how to monitor instance traffic, see Monitoring Redis instances.

Upgrading the instance version

  1. Go to the Memorystore for Redis page in the Google Cloud console
    Memorystore for Redis
  2. Click the instance ID of the instance you want to upgrade
  3. In the Configuration section, next to Redis Version, click UPGRADE
  4. Click the UPGRADE button in the dialog to upgrade your instance

To upgrade the Redis version of your instance, enter the following command, replacing variables with appropriate values:

gcloud redis instances upgrade instance-id --redis-version=version --region=region


  • instance-id is your instance ID
  • version is the version you want to upgrade to:
    • Acceptable values are: redis_4_0, redis_5_0, redis_6_x, redis_7_0, and redis_7_2
  • region is the region in which the instance is provisioned

For example:

gcloud redis instances upgrade myinstance --redis-version=redis_7_0 --region=us-central1