Import data to a Redis instance

Follow the instructions on this page to import an RDB backup into your Memorystore for Redis instance.

Importing a Redis backup allows you to migrate data from another instance or restore your instance data from a previous RDB backup. For additional information about imports, exports, and best practices, see Import and export overview.

Before you begin

  1. Have a Cloud Storage bucket that contains the RDB backup file that you want to import. We recommend that you import from a bucket in the same region as your Memorystore instance.

    To create a Cloud Storage bucket, see Create buckets.

    To upload a file into a Cloud Storage bucket, see Exporting data from a Redis instance or Upload objects from a filesystem.

  2. Have sufficient permissions to perform the import.

Import an RDB backup file into a Redis instance

  1. Go to the Memorystore for Redis page in the Google Cloud console.
    Memorystore for Redis

  2. Click your instance ID to view the instance details page.

  3. Click the Import button in the top bar.

  4. Click the Browse button and navigate to the Cloud Storage bucket that stores the RDB file you want to import.

  5. Click the RDB file and then click the Select button.

  6. Click the Import button.

  7. Confirm that you want to import, and click the Import button.

  1. Import the RDB file from the Cloud Storage bucket referred to in step one of Before you begin by executing the following command:
    gcloud redis instances import gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/[FILE_NAME].rdb [INSTANCE_ID] --region=[REGION] --project=[PROJECT_ID]

Stop an ongoing import operation

  1. Go to the Memorystore for Redis page in the Google Cloud console.
    Memorystore for Redis

  2. Click the Instance ID to view its information.

  3. Click the Stop import button.

To stop an import operation, first you need to find the operation ID by running the following command:

gcloud redis operations list --region=[REGION] -project=[PROJECT]

Once you have the operation ID, run the following command:

gcloud redis operations cancel [OPERATION_ID] --region=[REGION] --project=[PROJECT]

Instance availability and behavior while importing

  • Importing overwrites all current instance data, so make sure that you are okay with your data being overwritten before you start an import.

  • Your Redis instance is unavailable during the import process. You cannot access instance data or modify the instance until the import is complete.

  • The import can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. For example, if you import an 8 GB RDB file into a 10GB instance, the import can take 5 minutes, and if you import a 100GB RDB file into a 120GB instance, the import can take an hour. To monitor the progress of the import, check the instance details page, which displays the status of the operation.

  • An instance can only import backups from older Redis versions. An instance running Redis 5.0 can import an RDB exported from Redis 4.0, but an instance running Redis 4.0 cannot import an RDB from Redis 5.0.

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