This page explains how to enable in-transit encryption during Redis instance creation, and how to manage in-transit encryption for the instance. In-transit encryption uses the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol.
For information on the general behavior and benefits of using in-transit encryption, see In-transit encryption.
For a list of permissions that a user needs in order to perform the management tasks on this page, see In-transit encryption permissions.
You can only enable in-transit encryptions when you initially create your Redis instance. In-transit encryption cannot be disabled for instances created in this way.
Creating a Redis instance with in-transit encryption
Select Enable in-transit encryption when Creating a Redis instance.
To create a Redis instance that has in-transit encryption enter the following command, replacing variables with appropriate values:
gcloud redis instances createinstance-id --transit-encryption-mode=SERVER_AUTHENTICATION --size=size --region=region-id
enables in-transit encryption for your instance.
Downloading the Certificate Authority
Go to the Memorystore for Redis page in the Google Cloud console.
View your instance's Instance details page by clicking on your Instance ID.
Click the Download or Download All button under TLS server certificate.
If in-transit encryption is enabled on your instance, you see the contents of the Certificate Authority(ies) when you run the following command:
gcloud redis instances describeinstance-id --region=region
The response body will include all applicable Certificate Authorities. The following is an example Certificate Authority (CA) for Memorystore for Redis:
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDnTCCAoWgAwIBAgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADCBhTEtMCsGA1UELhMkNzYx NTc4OGMtMTI2Yi00Nzk0LWI2MWMtY2YxOWE2Y2Y1ZjNiMTEwLwYDVQQDEyhHb29n bGUgQ2xvdWQgTWVtb3J5c3RvcmUgUmVkaXMgU2VydmVyIENBMRQwEgYDVQQKEwtH b29nbGUsIEluYzELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMwHhcNMjAwOTE3MjEzNDE1WhcNMzAwOTE1 MjEzNTE1WjCBhTEtMCsGA1UELhMkNzYxNTc4OGMtMTI2Yi00Nzk0LWI2MWMtY2Yx OWE2Y2Y1ZjNiMTEwLwYDVQQDEyhHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgTWVtb3J5c3RvcmUgUmVk aXMgU2VydmVyIENBMRQwEgYDVQQKEwtHb29nbGUsIEluYzELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMw ggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQCyDKmDHZm6tzMhNtKOnp8H 8+zTv1qA6OkBToVqCjKTTMGO18ovNtAAMjbGvclLuJNLbA2WTTWVttHen6Cn82h0 3gG9HMk9AwK1cVT7gW072h++TRsYddIRlwnSweRWL8jUX+PNt7CjFqH+sma/Hb1m CktHdBOa897JiYHrMVNTcpS8SFwwz05yHUTEVGlHdkvlaJXfHLe6keCMABLyjaMh 1Jl4gZI2WqLMV680pJusK6FI6q/NmqENFc9ywMEg395lHTK9w9e014WIXg0q7sU3 84ChVVS2yYOMEUWeov4Qx6XeVfA4ss5t7OCqsMQkvslkE90mJZcVvhBj3QvTH9Rz AgMBAAGjFjAUMBIGA1UdEwEB/wQIMAYBAf8CAQAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEB AJkn+MDE4V10DZn4uEc0s0Mg4FEMC1fDewmDYwSNnxRlzfEi+wAX2AaqrJ4m4Qa7 xIyuSYxArEOY6QeyJyw7/06dom8aAv4aO2p8hE04Ih6QwaTMFIlT2Jf6TidVd3eT wfjwFJVoJ+dgxsaCv2uMFZWee5aRHmKzj9LhqPwpWnTs9Q/qmOheUNoe2/1i8yvn 662M7RZMR7fZH6ETsdz5w1nPXXiRqJ7K0EGKoPNjMlYK3/U1X3sazI4tpMNgTdxG rnNh9Sd9REMBmDCPj9dUI9k4hQX4yQZp96fnLT6cet22OPajEKnpzyqJs1s4iX/g lEtWs4V/YBhKA56CW6ASZS8= -----END CERTIFICATE-----
Copy and save all of the CAs temporarily so you can install them on clients accessing the Redis instance.
Installing a Certificate Authority on your client
You must install your Redis instance's Certificate Authority(ies) on the connecting client. CA installation can vary depending on the client type. The steps below explain how to install a CA on a Compute Engine Linux VM.
Connect with SSH to your Compute Engine Linux client.
Create a file called
in your client by running the following command:sudo vim /tmp/server_ca.pem
Download the Certificate Authority and paste it into the previously created
file.The text of the CA must be formatted correctly:
- Copy
the entire Certificate Authority including the
and-----END CERTIFICATE-----
lines. - Make sure that the text of the CA is completely left justified. There should be no spaces in front of any line of the CA.
- Copy
the entire Certificate Authority including the
Configuring your client for in-transit encryption
The client that you use to connect to the Redis instance must support TLS or use a third-party sidecar to enable TLS.
If your client supports TLS, configure it to point to your Redis instance's IP,
port 6378
, and the file containing the Certificate Authority. If you choose
to use a sidecar, we recommend using Stunnel.
Additional client configuration
Some clients do not accept self-signed certificates by default and will require additional configuration.
For example, Lettuce is a popular
Java client for Redis. Their documentation provides an example for connecting
natively with TLS (see Example 47).
Given that the Java Security Manager does not allow self-signed certificates by
default, an additional option needs to be specified in the Redis URI
construction .withVerifyPeer(false)
Securely connecting to a Redis instance using Stunnel and telnet
For instructions on using Stunnel to enable in-transit encryption on a Compute Engine client, see Securely connecting to a Redis instance using Stunnel and telnet.
Managing Certificate Authority rotation
You should install all downloadable Certificate Authorities on clients accessing the Redis instance.
Installing the new CA, in addition to the previous CA, once it becomes available is the simplest form of ensuring that you have the necessary CA when the Certificate Authority rotation event occurs.
Run the following command once a new Certificate Authority is introduced to view the contents of the new CA:
gcloud redis instances describeinstance-id --region=region
Next, copy and paste the newest Certificate Authority into the file in your client in which you saved the previous CA.
The file should use the following format. The order of the CAs does not matter:
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDnTCCAoWgAwIBAgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADCBhTEtMCsGA1UELhMkNzYx NTc4OGMtMTI2Yi00Nzk0LWI2MWMtY2YxOWE2Y2Y1ZjNiMTEwLwYDVQQDEyhHb29n bGUgQ2xvdWQgTWVtb3J5c3RvcmUgUmVkaXMgU2VydmVyIENBMRQwEgYDVQQKEwtH b29nbGUsIEluYzELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMwHhcNMjAwOTE3MjEzNDE1WhcNMzAwOTE1 MjEzNTE1WjCBhTEtMCsGA1UELhMkNzYxNTc4OGMtMTI2Yi00Nzk0LWI2MWMtY2Yx OWE2Y2Y1ZjNiMTEwLwYDVQQDEyhHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgTWVtb3J5c3RvcmUgUmVk aXMgU2VydmVyIENBMRQwEgYDVQQKEwtHb29nbGUsIEluYzELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMw ggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQCyDKmDHZm6tzMhNtKOnp8H 8+zTv1qA6OkBToVqCjKTTMGO18ovNtAAMjbGvclLuJNLbA2WTTWVttHen6Cn82h0 3gG9HMk9AwK1cVT7gW072h++TRsYddIRlwnSweRWL8jUX+PNt7CjFqH+sma/Hb1m CktHdBOa897JiYHrMVNTcpS8SFwwz05yHUTEVGlHdkvlaJXfHLe6keCMABLyjaMh 1Jl4gZI2WqLMV680pJusK6FI6q/NmqENFc9ywMEg395lHTK9w9e014WIXg0q7sU3 84ChVVS2yYOMEUWeov4Qx6XeVfA4ss5t7OCqsMQkvslkE90mJZcVvhBj3QvTH9Rz AgMBAAGjFjAUMBIGA1UdEwEB/wQIMAYBAf8CAQAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEB AJkn+MDE4V10DZn4uEc0s0Mg4FEMC1fDewmDYwSNnxRlzfEi+wAX2AaqrJ4m4Qa7 xIyuSYxArEOY6QeyJyw7/06dom8aAv4aO2p8hE04Ih6QwaTMFIlT2Jf6TidVd3eT wfjwFJVoJ+dgxsaCv2uMFZWee5aRHmKzj9LhqPwpWnTs9Q/qmOheUNoe2/1i8yvn 662M7RZMR7fZH6ETsdz5w1nPXXiRqJ7K0EGKoPNjMlYK3/U1X3sazI4tpMNgTdxG rnNh9Sd9REMBmDCPj9dUI9k4hQX4yQZp96fnLT6cet22OPajEKnpzyqJs1s4iX/g lEtWs4V/YBhKA56CW6ASZS8= -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDnTCCAoWgAwIBAgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADCBhTEtMCsGA1UELhMkYjg4 ZTUzYTMtODdmNC00N2VhLWJjN2MtYTdhMzM4NmIwZmU4MTEwLwYDVQQDEyhHb29n bGUgQ2xvdWQgTWVtb3J5c3RvcmUgUmVkaXMgU2VydmVyIENBMRQwEgYDVQQKEwtH b29nbGUsIEluYzELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMwHhcNMjAwOTE4MjEzMTI3WhcNMzAwOTE2 MjEzMjI3WjCBhTEtMCsGA1UELhMkYjg4ZTUzYTMtODdmNC00N2VhLWJjN2MtYTdh MzM4NmIwZmU4MTEwLwYDVQQDEyhHb29nbGUgQ2xvdWQgTWVtb3J5c3RvcmUgUmVk aXMgU2VydmVyIENBMRQwEgYDVQQKEwtHb29nbGUsIEluYzELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMw ggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDEO4Zs/So5DA6wtftkAElD 8BVREob4gby2mGBYAtd3JJQKFC+zIqCf2DhrWihrCeXhsdsZqJUF16E3MsCCWS2T UWt6T37zObU2fzKmb7X+TSw1tunIUcIXwWzoMhqdGrIvfI9guMbF+KssQIjDMs9M G/hY6cY1NB5THOxXqcxzYrwSKB1EE160EDz4RgKAYQhw7AyVOBBAbWqA5pTEDuUy qpsz+NFpKYTwaeTpzil0xIl0JJS3DOd4G7ZnMG2wFT2j3wt+P0SkAPuOWgmX82iO gGmKoaCh3KcICie/rZRTfsRPjMm+yswRQRDeLB5eoMmH+gbUInVZU0qOJ/7gOYEb AgMBAAGjFjAUMBIGA1UdEwEB/wQIMAYBAf8CAQAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEB AF4xlEbwLUK5VjoKlJBtKXLYrYcW+AbQLhZQFP8exE8bOW7p39h+5J0nl3ItPxu6 97BCt1P5TFisba8pBxaExiDsYmjKQrhtizMkzl5h9hGksOgoLlAqaaxfA97+Q9Tq 5gaYChESur/159Z3jiM47obKoZmHfgSgr//7tjII7yZxUGhOjIVffv/fEa4aixqM 0yH1V1s8hWHZeui2VFrHmTxY20IH9ktyedjSUgnFXzsEH6sbR18p0wBZqyrrtURs DaUIeoOHfHgEJM8k/wphSJI0V6pMC6nax2JhexLTRiUsiGTLRDe3VtsdWqS2DLa9 9DmrfdF0eFrfWw3VRNLwwXg= -----END CERTIFICATE-----
All you need to do to make sure that you have the required CA is to make sure
that the CAs saved in your client file match those shown by gcloud redis
instances describe
. After a rotation event begins there are multiple CAs to
ensure ample time for rotations with minimal downtime.
What's next
- Read the overview for In-transit encryption.
- Learn about the Redis AUTH feature on Memorystore for Redis.