Integrate your app's frontend

This page describes how to integrate your app's frontend with Cloud Marketplace to give your customers a smooth experience when they go from Cloud Marketplace to your product.

At a high level, you must provide a sign up URL to handle creating users' accounts, which are then managed in your web console. You also must provide a URL for users to log in. Optionally, you can integrate single sign-on (SSO).

Use Producer Portal to integrate your app's frontend

To access all of the information you need to integrate your app's frontend with Cloud Marketplace from one location, you can use the Frontend integration section of Producer Portal.

The direct link to Producer Portal is:

To access the Frontend integration section:

  1. In the list of products, click the name of your product.

  2. On the Overview page of your product, go to the Technical integration section and click on Frontend integration.

Add your sign up URL

When users purchase your product from Cloud Marketplace, you must create an account with your product for them. To do this, you must create a sign up page to set up and approve users' accounts in your system. You can set up the page as a registration page where users sign up for an account in your system, or as a page that approves accounts automatically.

After you've created the sign up page, add it in Producer Portal:

  1. In the list of products, click the name of your product.

  2. On the Overview page of your product, go to the Technical integration section and click on Frontend integration.

  3. Enter the URL for your sign up page into the Sign up URL field.

Verify the user's sign up information

If a user hasn't yet established an account in your system, they must click the Register with YOUR_COMPANY_NAME button in Cloud Marketplace. When they click the button, Google Cloud sends an HTTP POST request to your sign up page, with a JSON Web Token (JWT) in the x-gcp-marketplace-token parameter. The JWT contains the user's procurement account ID, which identifies them as a Google Cloud user, and an obfuscated ID, which represents their Google account ID. You must use both the procurement account ID and the obfuscated ID to link the user's Google account to their account in your system.

After verifying the JWT, your sign up page must send an account approval request to the Partner Procurement API, described in the backend integration steps.

For detailed information about the JWT payload and how to verify it, refer to Verify the JWT below.

If you're new to working with JWTs, refer to the JWT introduction.

Add your login URL

You must specify the URL for your app's login page.

To enter the URL for your app's login page in Producer Portal:

  1. In the list of products, click the name of your product.

  2. On the Overview page of your product, go to the Technical integration section and click on Frontend integration.

  3. Enter the URL for your app's login page into the Login URL field.

(Optional) Enable single sign-on (SSO) for your customers

To enable SSO in Producer Portal:

  1. In the list of products, click the name of your product.

    1. On the Overview page of your product, go to the Technical integration section and click on Frontend integration.

    2. Under Enable SSO login?, select Yes.

Verify your customers' SSO login information

When customers log into your app by using SSO, Google Cloud sends an HTTP POST request to your app's login page, with a JSON Web Token (JWT) of the same format as the JWT sent when users first sign up for your app.

For detailed information about the JWT payload and how to verify it, refer to Verify the JWT below.

Verify the JWT

Some processes, such as signing up a new customer or logging in a customer with SSO, involve sending you an HTTP POST request with a JSON Web Token (JWT) that you might need to verify.

The following table lists:

  • Events which involve sending an HTTP request with a JWT.
  • The type of HTTP request involved.
  • Whether or not you must verify the JWT.
Event HTTP request type JWT verification required

Sign up a new customer



Customer login, without SSO



Customer login, with SSO



The JWT payload

The JWT payload is in the following format:


  "alg": "RS256",
  "kid": "KEY_ID"


  • alg is always RS256.
  • kid indicates the key ID that was used to secure the JWT. Use the key ID to look up the key from the JSON object in the iss attribute in the payload.


  "iss": "",
  "iat": CURRENT_TIME,
  "exp": CURRENT_TIME + 5 minutes,
  "google": {
    "roles": [GCP_ROLE],
    "user_identity": USER_ID


  • sub is the user's Google account ID. You must use this ID to link the user's Google account to their account in your system.
  • iss identifies the sender of the JWT. The URL in the iss claim links to a public key from Google.
  • exp indicates when the token expires, and is set to 5 minutes after the token is sent.
  • aud is the domain that hosts your product, such as
  • roles is an array of strings representing the user's roles. It can be either:

    • account_admin, which indicates that the user is a Billing Account Administrator (Order Administrator) of the billing account that purchased the product, or

    • project_editor, which indicates that the user is an Editor (Entitlement Manager), but not a Billing Administrator, of the project under that billing account.

  • user_identity is the user's obfuscated GAIA ID, which can be used to initiate OpenID Connect.

Verify the payload

When you receive the JWT, you must verify the following:

  1. Verify that the JWT signature is using the public key from Google.

  2. Verify that the JWT hasn't expired, by checking the exp claim.

  3. Verify that the aud claim is the correct domain for your product.

  4. Verify that the iss claim is

  5. Verify that sub is not empty.

Initiate Google sign-in with login_hint

If you want your users to go through an OAuth 2.0 consent flow with your site, you can use the identity information from the payload to initialize that flow on the Google account they were using for Google Cloud before the redirect. To do this, you supply the user_identity provided in the JWT as the login_hint. For more information, visit the Google OAuth 2.0 documentation.

After the user completes the OAuth 2.0 flow with your site, you should verify that they're the user you expected to complete the OAuth flow. You do this by using the OAuth 2.0 access token to call the Google UserInfo API to fetch their basic user information. This returns an ID that's expected to match the user_identity field from the JWT.

Create service accounts for your customers

If your product requires a service account, you can work with a partner engineer to:

  • Provision service accounts for your customers, and
  • Set up a service account management page for your customers to grant the required Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles to the service accounts.

You must provide the link to this service account page to your customers, usually through your product's management console.

Provision the service accounts

To provision the service accounts, contact your partner engineer and include the following information:

  • Service name: This is a unique product ID that differentiates your product from other products. We recommend using the service name that you created when you onboarded your product.

  • Project ID: The ID of the project in which you create the service accounts that access your customers' resources. You must create all service accounts that your product uses within a single project.

  • IAM roles and reasoning: The IAM roles required for the service accounts, and the reason why the roles are necessary. This is shared with your customer and can impact whether your customer grants access to the service account.

If you want your customer to return to your site after they grant access to the service account, send the domain name of your console to your partner engineer. You can send multiple domain names, including subdomains, such as

Integrate the service account management page into your product's console

The partner engineer creates a service account management page to allow your customers to grant access to the service accounts. You then link to the page from your console.

After your partner engineer notifies you that the service account management page is ready, add parameters to the URL, and then link to the page from your console.

You must add two parameters to the URL:

  • service-name: This is the service name you provided to your partner engineer.

  • service-account-email: This is the email address of the service account you created for your customer. Each customer has a unique service account.

The following example shows a URL with the required parameters:

You can add additional parameters depending on your customers' needs. For example:;single=true;

The parameters of the URL indicate that your product requires access to a single Google Cloud project and that the customer can return to your console.

List of URL parameters

The following is a list of the URL parameters that you can send to the service account management page:

service-nameThis is required. This is the service name you provided to your partner engineer.
service-account-emailThis is required. This is the email address of the service account you created for your customer.
singleWhen true, this indicates that your product requires access to a single project.
hints=project-id-1Sets the project that you want the service account to access. Use commas to separate projects.
filter=role1Limits the roles granted to the service account to a subset of the roles you provided to your partner engineer. Exclude the roles/ when using the filter.
redirectProvides a link for the customer to return to your management console. The domain name must be registered with your partner engineer to use this parameter.