Request a product for your organization

If your Google Cloud organization administrators allow members of your organization to request Cloud Marketplace products, you can request a product that you want to use from the product's listing page.

If you believe that you should be able to directly procure products, contact your Organization Administrator about being added to the project's Cloud Billing account as a Billing Account Administrator.

Request a product

To request a product, complete the following steps:

  1. Verify that you're in the correct Google Cloud project.

  2. From the product's Cloud Marketplace listing page, click Request product.

  3. Provide information to help your administrator understand why you're requesting the product, such as background information regarding your use case. The request details might have instructions from your Organization Administrator, specifying what kind of information you should provide.

    Because your email address is shared with administrators as part of your request's metadata, your Organization Administrator might contact you by email to request more information about your product request.

  4. After your request has been processed, you're notified about the status.