Contact a Cloud Marketplace vendor

You can contact Google Cloud Marketplace vendors directly through Cloud Marketplace for personalized guidance from their sales team, if they've enabled this capability.

Contact the vendor's sales team

To contact a vendor directly through Cloud Marketplace:

  1. Visit the Cloud Marketplace listing for their product.
  2. If you can contact the vendor through Cloud Marketplace, you see a Contact Sales button. Click the button.
  3. Enter your information in the dialog that appears. This includes selecting a type of request, such as requesting a demo, extending an existing contract, or requesting a customized offer so that you can purchase the product at a discount.
  4. After you review the relevant privacy policies, click the checkbox to allow Google to share the information you provided with the vendor you're contacting.
  5. Click the Send email button. A dialog appears to confirm that your message was sent successfully.
  6. After your message is sent, you receive a copy of the email that the vendor receives.