이 페이지에서는 감사 로그를 작성하는 Google Cloud 서비스에 대한 정보를 제공합니다. 또한 다른 관련 감사 로깅 문서 링크도 제공합니다.
감사 로그란 무엇이며 각 감사 로그 유형의 의미에 대한 개요는 Cloud 감사 로그 개요를 참조하세요.
감사 로그를 생성하는 Google Cloud 서비스
감사 로그가 있는 Google Cloud 서비스 | 서비스 이름 |
Access Context Manager | accesscontextmanager.googleapis.com |
Advisory Notifications | advisorynotifications.googleapis.com |
AI Platform Prediction | aiplatform.googleapis.com |
AI Platform Training | aiplatform.googleapis.com |
AI Platform Vizier | aiplatform.googleapis.com |
Analytics Hub | analyticshub.googleapis.com |
Android 기기 스트리밍 | testing.googleapis.com |
API 게이트웨이 | apigateway.googleapis.com |
API 키 | apikeys.googleapis.com |
Apigee | apigee.googleapis.com |
Apigee API 관리 | apim.googleapis.com |
Apigee Connect | apigeeconnect.googleapis.com |
Apigee Hybrid | apigeeregistry.googleapis.com |
App Engine | appengine.googleapis.com |
App Engine Memcache | appenginememcacheconsole.googleapis.com |
App Hub | apphub.googleapis.com |
Application Integration | integrations.googleapis.com |
Artifact Analysis | containeranalysis.googleapis.com |
Artifact Analysis | ondemandscanning.googleapis.com |
Artifact Registry | artifactregistry.googleapis.com |
Assured Workloads | assuredworkloads.googleapis.com |
AutoML | automl.googleapis.com |
Backup for GKE | gkebackup.googleapis.com |
Batch | batch.googleapis.com |
BigLake API | biglake.googleapis.com |
BigQuery | bigquery.googleapis.com |
BigQuery Connection API | bigqueryconnection.googleapis.com |
BigQuery Data Transfer Service | bigquerydatatransfer.googleapis.com |
BigQuery Migration Service | bigquerymigration.googleapis.com |
BigQuery Reservation API | bigqueryreservation.googleapis.com |
BigQuery 데이터 정책 | bigquerydatapolicy.googleapis.com |
Bigtable | bigtable.googleapis.com |
Binary Authorization | binaryauthorization.googleapis.com |
Certificate Authority Service | privateca.googleapis.com |
Chrome Enterprise Premium | beyondcorp.googleapis.com |
Cloud Bigtable Admin API | bigtableadmin.googleapis.com |
Cloud Billing | cloudbilling.googleapis.com |
Cloud Build | cloudbuild.googleapis.com |
Cloud CDN | compute.googleapis.com |
Cloud Commerce Consumer Procurement | cloudcommerceconsumerprocurement.googleapis.com |
Cloud Composer | composer.googleapis.com |
Cloud Customer Care | cloudsupport.googleapis.com |
Cloud Data Fusion | datafusion.googleapis.com |
Cloud Deploy | clouddeploy.googleapis.com |
Cloud Deployment Manager | deploymentmanager.googleapis.com |
Cloud DNS | dns.googleapis.com |
Cloud Domains | domains.googleapis.com |
Cloud Healthcare API | healthcare.googleapis.com |
Cloud IDS | ids.googleapis.com |
Cloud Key Management Service | cloudkms.googleapis.com |
Cloud KMS 인벤토리 서비스 | kmsinventory.googleapis.com |
Cloud Life Sciences | lifesciences.googleapis.com |
Cloud Load Balancing | compute.googleapis.com |
Cloud Logging | logging.googleapis.com |
Cloud Monitoring | monitoring.googleapis.com |
Cloud NAT | compute.googleapis.com |
Cloud Next Generation Firewall Enterprise | networksecurity.googleapis.com |
Cloud Profiler | cloudprofiler.googleapis.com |
Cloud Quotas | cloudquotas.googleapis.com |
Cloud Run | run.googleapis.com |
Cloud Run 함수 | cloudfunctions.googleapis.com |
Cloud Scheduler | cloudscheduler.googleapis.com |
Cloud Service Mesh | meshconfig.googleapis.com |
Cloud Service Mesh | meshca.googleapis.com |
Cloud Service Mesh | trafficdirector.googleapis.com networkservices.googleapis.com networksecurity.googleapis.com |
Cloud Source Repositories | sourcerepo.googleapis.com |
Cloud SQL | cloudsql.googleapis.com |
Cloud Storage | storage.googleapis.com |
Cloud Tasks | cloudtasks.googleapis.com |
Cloud TPU | tpu.googleapis.com |
Cloud Trace | cloudtrace.googleapis.com |
Cloud Translation | translate.googleapis.com |
Cloud Vision | vision.googleapis.com |
Cloud Workstations | workstations.googleapis.com |
Cloud 애셋 인벤토리 | cloudasset.googleapis.com |
Compute Engine | compute.googleapis.com |
Connect | gkeconnect.googleapis.com |
Connect 게이트웨이 | connectgateway.googleapis.com |
Contact Center AI Insights | contactcenterinsights.googleapis.com |
Contact Center AI Platform | contactcenteraiplatform.googleapis.com |
Container Security API | containersecurity.googleapis.com |
Data Catalog | datacatalog.googleapis.com |
Database Migration Service | datamigration.googleapis.com |
Dataflow | dataflow.googleapis.com |
Dataform | dataform.googleapis.com |
Dataplex | dataplex.googleapis.com |
Dataplex Data Lineage API | datalineage.googleapis.com |
Dataproc | dataproc.googleapis.com |
Dataproc Metastore | metastore.googleapis.com |
Datastore | datastore.googleapis.com |
Datastream | datastream.googleapis.com |
Developer Connect | developerconnect.googleapis.com |
Dialogflow | dialogflow.googleapis.com |
Document AI | documentai.googleapis.com |
Document AI Warehouse | contentwarehouse.googleapis.com |
Earth Engine API | earthengine.googleapis.com |
Enterprise Knowledge Graph | enterpriseknowledgegraph.googleapis.com |
Enterprise Purchasing API | enterprisepurchasing.googleapis.com |
Error Reporting | clouderrorreporting.googleapis.com |
Eventarc | eventarc.googleapis.com |
Filestore | file.googleapis.com |
Firebase Management | firebase.googleapis.com |
Firebase Notifications Console | gcmcontextualcampaign-pa.googleapis.com |
Firebase Storage | firebasestorage.googleapis.com |
Firebase 보안 규칙 | firebaserules.googleapis.com |
Firebase 실시간 데이터베이스 | firebasedatabase.googleapis.com |
Firebase 앱 체크 | firebaseappcheck.googleapis.com |
Firestore | firestore.googleapis.com |
GKE On-Prem API | gkeonprem.googleapis.com |
GKE 연결 클러스터 | gkemulticloud.googleapis.com |
GKE 허브 | gkehub.googleapis.com |
Google Cloud Armor | compute.googleapis.com |
Google Cloud Migration Center | migrationcenter.googleapis.com |
Google Cloud Migration Center | rapidmigrationassessment.googleapis.com |
Google Cloud NetApp Volumes | netapp.googleapis.com |
Google Cloud VMware Engine | vmwareengine.googleapis.com |
Google Cloud를 위한 Gemini | cloudaicompanion.googleapis.com |
Google Distributed Cloud | edgenetwork.googleapis.com |
Google Distributed Cloud | edgecontainer.googleapis.com |
Google Kubernetes Engine | k8s.io |
Google Kubernetes Engine | container.googleapis.com |
Google Security Operations | chronicle.googleapis.com chronicleservicemanager.googleapis.com malachitefrontend-pa.googleapis.com |
Google Workspace Add-ons API | gsuiteaddons.googleapis.com |
IAP(Identity-Aware Proxy) | iap.googleapis.com |
Identity and Access Management(IAM) | iam.googleapis.com |
Identity Platform | identitytoolkit.googleapis.com |
Immersive Stream for XR | stream.googleapis.com |
Infrastructure Manager | config.googleapis.com |
Integration Connectors | connectors.googleapis.com |
Kubernetes 메타데이터 API | kubernetesmetadata.googleapis.com |
Live Stream API | livestream.googleapis.com |
Looker(Google Cloud 핵심 서비스) | looker.googleapis.com |
Memorystore for Memcached | memcache.googleapis.com |
Memorystore for Redis | redis.googleapis.com |
Microsoft Active Directory용 관리형 서비스 | managedidentities.googleapis.com |
Migrate to Virtual Machines | vmmigration.googleapis.com |
Network Connectivity Center | networkconnectivity.googleapis.com |
Payments Reseller Subscription API | paymentsresellersubscription.googleapis.com |
Personalized Service Health | servicehealth.googleapis.com |
PostgreSQL용 AlloyDB | alloydb.googleapis.com |
Privileged Access Manager | privilegedaccessmanager.googleapis.com |
Pub/Sub | pubsub.googleapis.com |
Pub/Sub Lite | pubsublite.googleapis.com |
Public Certificate Authority | publicca.googleapis.com |
reCAPTCHA | recaptchaenterprise.googleapis.com |
Resource Manager | cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com |
Secret Manager | secretmanager.googleapis.com |
Security Center Management API | securitycentermanagement.googleapis.com |
Security Command Center | securitycenter.googleapis.com |
Sensitive Data Protection | dlp.googleapis.com |
Service Control | servicecontrol.googleapis.com |
Service Management | servicemanagement.googleapis.com |
Service Metadata API | cloud.googleapis.com |
Spanner | spanner.googleapis.com |
Speaker ID | speakerid.googleapis.com |
Speech-to-Text | speech.googleapis.com |
Storage Insights | storageinsights.googleapis.com |
Storage Transfer Service | storagetransfer.googleapis.com |
Telco Automation API | telcoautomation.googleapis.com |
Timeseries Insights API | timeseriesinsights.googleapis.com |
Transcoder API | transcoder.googleapis.com |
Transfer Appliance | transferappliance.googleapis.com |
Translation Hub API | translationhub.googleapis.com |
Vertex AI | aiplatform.googleapis.com |
Vertex AI Agent Builder/검색 엔진 | discoveryengine.googleapis.com |
Vertex AI Search | retail.googleapis.com |
Vertex AI Vision | visionai.googleapis.com |
Vertex AI Workbench 관리형 노트북 | notebooks.googleapis.com |
Vertex AI Workbench 사용자 관리 노트북 | notebooks.googleapis.com |
Video Intelligence API | videointelligence.googleapis.com |
Video Stitcher API | videostitcher.googleapis.com |
Virtual Private Cloud(VPC) | networkconnectivity.googleapis.com compute.googleapis.com |
VM Manager | osconfig.googleapis.com |
Web Security Scanner | websecurityscanner.googleapis.com |
Workflows | workflows.googleapis.com |
Workflows | workflowexecutions.googleapis.com |
감사 관리자 | auditmanager.googleapis.com |
권장사항 | recommendationengine.googleapis.com |
데이터 파이프라인 | datapipelines.googleapis.com |
리소스 설정 | resourcesettings.googleapis.com |
백업 및 DR 서비스 | backupdr.googleapis.com |
베어메탈 솔루션 | baremetalsolution.googleapis.com |
보안 상황 | securityposture.googleapis.com |
보안 토큰 서비스 | sts.googleapis.com |
블록체인 노드 엔진 | blockchainnodeengine.googleapis.com |
서버리스 VPC 액세스 | vpcaccess.googleapis.com |
서비스 계정 사용자 인증 정보 | iamcredentials.googleapis.com |
서비스 디렉터리 | servicedirectory.googleapis.com |
서비스 사용량 | serviceusage.googleapis.com |
서비스 소비자 관리 | serviceconsumermanagement.googleapis.com |
액세스 승인 | accessapproval.googleapis.com |
연결 테스트 | networkmanagement.googleapis.com |
워크로드 관리자 | workloadmanager.googleapis.com |
인증서 관리자 | certificatemanager.googleapis.com |
자금 세탁 방지 AI | financialservices.googleapis.com |
정책 시뮬레이터 | policysimulator.googleapis.com |
조직 정책 | orgpolicy.googleapis.com |
추천자 | recommender.googleapis.com |
컨피덴셜 VM | confidentialcomputing.googleapis.com |
투명성 및 제어 센터 | customerusagedataprocessing.googleapis.com |
필수 연락처 | essentialcontacts.googleapis.com |