Control Pod egress traffic using FQDN network policies

This page explains how to control egress communication between Pods and resources outside of the Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster using fully qualified domain names (FQDN). The custom resource that you use to configure FQDNs is the FQDNNetworkPolicy resource.

Before you begin

Before you start, make sure you have performed the following tasks:

  • Enable the Google Kubernetes Engine API.
  • Enable Google Kubernetes Engine API
  • If you want to use the Google Cloud CLI for this task, install and then initialize the gcloud CLI. If you previously installed the gcloud CLI, get the latest version by running gcloud components update.

Requirements and limitations

FQDNNetworkPolicy resources have the following requirements and limitations:

  • You must have a GKE cluster running one of the following versions:
    • 1.26.4-gke.500 or later
    • 1.27.1-gke.400 or later
  • Your cluster must use GKE Dataplane V2.
    • You must use one of the DNS providers in your GKE cluster, kube-dns or Cloud DNS. Custom kube-dns or Core DNS deployments are not supported.
  • Google Cloud CLI version 462.0.0 or later.
  • Windows node pools are not supported.
  • Cloud Service Mesh is not supported.
  • If you have hard-coded IP addresses in your application, use the IPBlock field of Kubernetes NetworkPolicy instead of a FQDNNetworkPolicy.
  • Results returned by non-cluster DNS name servers such as alternate name servers in resolv.conf are not considered valid to be programmed in the allowlist in the GKE data plane.
  • The maximum number of IPv4 and IPv6 IP addresses that a FQDNNetworkPolicy can resolve to is 50.
  • You cannot allow traffic to a ClusterIP or Headless Service as an egress destination in a FQDNNetworkPolicy because GKE translates the Service virtual IP address (VIP) to backend Pod IP addresses before evaluating network policy rules. Instead, use a Kubernetes label-based NetworkPolicy.
  • There is a maximum quota of 100 IP addresses per hostname.
  • Inter-node transparent encryption is not supported with FQDN Network Policies.
  • FQDN network policies using the pattern match only match subdomains at the same level as the wild-card. For example, pattern: * matches or, but not or

Enable FQDN Network Policy

You can enable FQDN Network Policy on a new or an existing cluster.

Enable FQDN Network Policy in a new cluster

Create your cluster using the --enable-fqdn-network-policy flag:

gcloud container clusters create CLUSTER_NAME  \

Replace CLUSTER_NAME with the name of your cluster.

Enable FQDN Network Policy in an existing cluster

  1. For both Autopilot and Standard clusters, update the cluster using the --enable-fqdn-network-policy flag:

    gcloud container clusters update CLUSTER_NAME  \

    Replace CLUSTER_NAME with the name of your cluster.

  2. For Standard clusters only, restart the GKE Dataplane V2 anetd DaemonSet:

    kubectl rollout restart ds -n kube-system anetd

Create a FQDNNetworkPolicy

  1. Save the following manifest as fqdn-network-policy.yaml:

    kind: FQDNNetworkPolicy
      name: allow-out-fqdnnp
          app: curl-client
      - matches:
        - pattern: "*"
        - name: ""
        - protocol: "TCP"
          port: 443

    This manifest has the following properties:

    • name: the fully qualified domain name. IP addresses provided by the name server associated with are allowed. You must specify either name or pattern, or both.
    • pattern: "*": IP addresses provided by name servers matching this pattern are allowed. You can use the following regular expressions for the pattern key: ^([a-zA-Z0-9*]([-a-zA-Z0-9_*]*[a-zA-Z0-9*])*\.?)*$. Match criteria are additive. You can use multiple pattern fields. You must specify either name or pattern, or both.
    • protocol: "TCP" and port: 443: specifies a protocol and port. If a Pod tries to establish a connection to IP addresses using this protocol and port combination, the name resolution works, but the data plane blocks the outbound connection. This field is optional.
  2. Verify that the network policy is selecting your workloads:

    kubectl describe fqdnnp

    The output is similar to the following:

    Name:         allow-out-fqdnnp
    Labels:       <none>
    Annotations:  <none>
    API Version:
    Kind:         FQDNNetworkPolicy
          Pattern:  *
          Port:      443
          Protocol:  TCP
      Pod Selector:
        Match Labels:
          App: curl-client
    Events:     <none>

Delete a FQDNNetworkPolicy

You can delete a FQDNNetworkPolicy using the kubectl delete fqdnnp command:

kubectl delete fqdnnp FQDN_POLICY_NAME

Replace FQDN_POLICY_NAME with the name of your FQDNNetworkPolicy.

GKE deletes the rules from policy enforcement, but existing connections remain active until they close following the conntrack standard protocol guidelines.

How FQDN network policies work

FQDNNetworkPolicies are egress-only policies which control which endpoints selected Pods can send traffic to. Similar to Kubernetes NetworkPolicy, a FQDNNetworkPolicy that selects a workload creates an implicit deny rule to endpoints not specified as allowed egress destinations. FQDNNetworkPolicies can be used with Kubernetes NetworkPolicies as described in FQDNNetworkPolicy and NetworkPolicy.

FQDNNetworkPolicies are enforced on the IP address and port level. They are not enforced using any Layer 7 protocol information (e.g. the Request-URI in a HTTP request). The specified domain names are translated to IP addresses using the DNS information provided by the GKE cluster's DNS provider.

DNS requests

An active FQDNNetworkPolicy that selects workloads does not affect the ability of workloads to make DNS requests. Commands such as nslookup or dig work on any domains without being affected by the policy. However, subsequent requests to the IP address backing domains not in the allowist would be dropped.

For example, if a FQDNNetworkPolicy allows egress to, then DNS requests for all domains are allowed but traffic sent to an IP address backing is dropped.

TTL expiration

FQDNNetworkPolicy honors the TTL provided by a DNS record. If a Pod attempts to contact an expired IP address after the TTL of the DNS record has elapsed, new connections are rejected. Long lived connections whose duration exceeds the TTL of the DNS record shouldn't experience traffic disruption while conntrack considers the connection still active.

FQDNNetworkPolicy and NetworkPolicy

When both a FQDNNetworkPolicy and a NetworkPolicy apply to the same Pod, meaning the Pod's labels match what is configured in the policies, egress traffic is allowed as long as it matches one of the policies. There is no hierarchy between egress NetworkPolicies specifying IP addresses or label-selectors and FQDNNetworkPolicies.

Shared IP Address Endpoints (Load Balancers, CDN, VPN Gateway, etc)

Many domains don't have dedicated IP addresses backing them and are instead exposed using shared IP addresses. This is especially common when the application is served by a Load Balancer or CDN. For example, Google Cloud APIs (,, etc.) don't have unique IP addresses for each API. Instead all APIs are exposed using a shared range.

When configuring FQDNNetworkPolicies, it is important to consider whether the allowed domains are using dedicated IP addresses or shared IP addresses. Because FQDNNetworkPolicies are enforced at the IP address and port level, they can't distinguish between multiple domains served by the same IP address. Allowing access to a domain that is backed by a shared IP address will allow your Pod to communicate with all other domains served by that IP address. For example, allowing traffic to will also allow the Pod to communicate with other Google Cloud APIs.

CNAME Chasing

If the FQDN object in the FQDNNetworkPolicy includes a domain that has CNAMEs in the DNS record, you must configure your FQDNNetworkPolicy with all domain names that your Pod can query directly, including all potential aliases, in order to ensure a reliable FQDNNetworkPolicy behavior.

If your Pod queries, then is what you should write in the rule. Even if you get back a chain of aliases from your upstream DNS servers (e.g. to to, the FQDN Network Policy will still allow your traffic through.

Known Issues

This section lists all known issues for the fully qualified domain names (FQDN).

Specifying protocol: ALL causes policy to be ignored

This known issue has been fixed for GKE versions 1.27.10-gke.1055000+ and 1.28.3-gke.1055000+

If you create a FQDNNetworkPolicy which specifies protocol: ALL in the ports section, GKE does not enforce the policy. This issue occurs because of an issue with parsing the policy. Specifying TCP or UDP does not cause this issue.

As a workaround, if you don't specify a protocol in the ports entry, the rule matches all protocols by default. Removing the protocol: ALL bypasses the parsing issue and GKE enforces the FQDNNetworkPolicy.

In GKE version 1.27.10-gke.1055000+ and 1.28.3-gke.1055000+, policies with protocol: ALL are correctly parsed and enforced.

NetworkPolicy Logging causes incorrect or missing logs

This known issue has been fixed for GKE versions 1.27.10-gke.1055000+ and 1.28.2-gke.1157000+

If your cluster is using Network Policy Logging and FQDN network policies, there is a bug which can cause missing or incorrect log entries.

When using network policy logging without delegate, the policy logs for DNS connections leaving a workload incorrectly claim that the traffic was dropped. The traffic itself was allowed (per the FQDNNetworkPolicy), but the logs were incorrect.

When using network policy logging with delegation, policy logs are missing. The traffic itself is unaffected.

In GKE version 1.27.10-gke.105500+ and 1.28.2-gke.1157000+, this bug has been fixed. DNS connections will now be correctly logged as ALLOWED, when the traffic is selected by a NetworkPolicy or a FQDNNetworkPolicy.

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