Delete instances

This page shows you how to delete a Filestore instance.

Delete an instance

Before deleting a Filestore instance, unmount it from client VMs first. Not doing so causes file operations to stop responding.

Google Cloud console

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Filestore Instances page.

    Go to the Filestore instances page

  2. Click the Filestore instance ID to open the instance details page.

  3. Click Delete .

  4. When prompted, type the instance ID.

  5. Click Delete.


Before you begin

To use the gcloud CLI, you must either install the gcloud CLI or use the Cloud Shell that's built into the Google Cloud console:

Go to the Google Cloud console

You can delete a Filestore instance by running the instances delete command:

  gcloud filestore instances delete instance-id \
  --project="project-id" \


  • instance-id is the instance ID of the Filestore instance you want to delete.
  • project-id is the project ID of the Google Cloud project that contains the Filestore instance. You can skip this flag if the Filestore instance is in the gcloud default project. You can set the default project by running the config set project command:

    gcloud config set project project-id
  • zone is the zone where the Filestore instance resides. Run the gcloud filestore zones list command to get a list of supported zones. You can skip this flag if the Filestore instance is in the gcloud default zone. You can set the default zone by running the config set filestore/zone command:

     gcloud config set filestore/zone zone
  • --force Optional. Use this flag with the command to delete the Filestore instance and any associated snapshots.


  1. Have gcloud CLI installed and initialized, which lets you generate an access token for the Authorization header.

  2. Use cURL to call the Filestore API:

    curl -s \
      --header "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
      --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
      --request DELETE ""


    • PROJECT is the name of the project where your instance is located. For example, my-genomics-project.
    • LOCATION is the location where your instance resides. For example, us-west1-a.
    • INSTANCE_NAME is the name of the instance you want to delete. For example, my-genomics-instance.

Zonal with a higher capacity range (previously high scale SSD) tier instances can take up to 10 minutes to delete, depending on the instance size.

The Filestore quota is released when instance deletion completes but you are not be billed for the instance during this time.

Delete instances that have snapshots

If you want to delete a zonal, regional, or enterprise instance that contains snapshots, you must complete either of the following tasks:

  • Delete the instance's snapshots before deleting the instance.
  • Include the --force flag in the gcloud filestore instances delete command.

The Google Cloud console allows for the deletion of instances containing snapshots and automatically deletes the snapshots.

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