Managing labels

This page shows you how to use labels with your Filestore instances. Labels let you group related instances and store metadata about an instance.

Adding or updating an instance's labels

You can add labels to a Filestore instance when you create the instance. After an instance is created, you can add more labels to the instance, as well as update or delete existing labels.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Filestore Instances page.

    Go to the Filestore instances page

  2. Select the checkbox next to each instance whose labels you want to modify.

  3. Click Show info panel.

  4. Add and update labels as needed:

    Operation Instructions
    Add a label Click Add label and type the key and value for the label.
    Update a label Update the Value field. You cannot update the Key of an existing label.
    Delete a label Click Delete item next to the label.
  5. Click Save to save your changes once you are finished with your updates.

You can edit the labels of a Filestore instance's by running the instances update command. To add new labels or change the values of existing labels, use the --update-labels flag. To delete one or more labels, use the --remove-labels flag. The --clear-labels flag removes all labels from an instance.

gcloud filestore instances update instance-id \
    --project=project-id \
    --zone=zone \
    --update-labels key=value,[key=value,…] \
    --remove-labels key,[key,…] \


  • instance-id is the instance ID of the instance you want to edit.
  • project-id is the project ID of the Google Cloud project that contains the Filestore instance. You can skip this flag if the Filestore instance is in the gcloud default project. You can set the default project by running:

     gcloud config set project project-id
  • zone is the zone where the Filestore instance resides. Run the gcloud filestore zones list command to get a list of supported zones. You can skip this flag if the Filestore instance is in the gcloud default zone. You can set the default zone by running:

     gcloud config set filestore/zone zone
  • key is a new label, or an existing label you want to change or remove.

  • value is the value for a label.


The following example updates the nfs-server instance by adding the status label, updating the dept label value, and removing the admin label.

gcloud filestore instances update nfs-server \
    --project=myproject \
    --zone=us-central1-c \
    --update-labels status=active \
    --update-labels dept=accounting \
    --remove-labels admin

What's next

Learn how to edit other properties of a Filestore instance.