Use a canary deployment strategy

This document describes how to configure and use a canary deployment strategy.

What is a canary deployment?

A canary deployment is a progressive rollout of an application that splits traffic between an already-deployed version and a new version, rolling it out to a subset of users before rolling out fully.

Supported target types

Canary deployment in Cloud Deploy supports all target types, including the following:

Canary also works with multi-targets.

Why use a canary deployment strategy?

A canary deployment gives you a chance to partially release your application. In this way, you can ensure the new version of your application is reliable before you deliver it to all users.

If you're deploying to GKE or GKE Enterprise, for example, you would deploy the new version of your application to a limited number of pods. The old version would continue to run, but with more of the traffic being sent to the new pods.

If you're deploying to Cloud Run, Cloud Run itself splits traffic between the old and new revisions, according to the percentages you configure.

Types of canary

Cloud Deploy lets you configure the following types of canary deployment:

  • Automated

    With an automated canary deployment, you configure Cloud Deploy with a series of percentages that express a progressive deployment. Cloud Deploy performs additional operations on your behalf, to apportion traffic percentages between the old and new versions.

  • Custom-automated

    For a custom-automated canary, you can provide the following:

    • The phase name
    • The percentage goal
    • The Skaffold profile to use for the phase
    • Whether or not to include a verify job
    • Whether or not to include a predeploy or postdeploy job, or both

    But you don't need to provide traffic-balancing information; Cloud Deploy creates the necessary resources.

  • Custom

    With a custom canary, you configure each canary phase separately, including the following:

    • The phase name
    • The percentage goal
    • The Skaffold profile to use for the phase
    • Whether or not to include a verify job
    • Whether or not to include a predeploy or postdeploy job, or both

    Additionally for a fully custom canary, you provide all of the traffic-balancing configuration, as described here.

Phases of a canary deployment

When you create a release for a canary deployment, the rollout is created with a phase for each canary increment, plus a final stable phase for 100%.

For example, if you configure a canary for 25%, 50%, and 75% increments, the rollout will have the following phases:

  • canary-25
  • canary-50
  • canary-75
  • stable

You can read more about rollout phases, jobs, and job runs in Manage rollouts.

What happens during an automated or custom-automated canary

To support your canary deployment, Cloud Deploy includes special processing steps when rendering your Kubernetes manifest or Cloud Run service configuration:


Here's how Cloud Deploy executes a canary deployment in network-based GKE and GKE Enterprise:

  1. You provide the name of the Deployment resource and the Service resource.

  2. Cloud Deploy creates an additional Deployment resource, with the name of your current Deployment plus -canary.

  3. Cloud Deploy modifies the Service to adjust the selector to select the pods in the current Deployment and the canary pods.

    Cloud Deploy calculates the number of pods to use for the canary based on the calculation described here. That calculation differs depending on whether you enable or disable pod overprovisioning.

    If we're skipping to the stable phase Cloud Deploy adds the labels to be used to match pods, so they're available for subsequent canary runs.

    Cloud Deploy creates a Deployment that includes the phase-specific percentage of pods, updating it for each phase. This is done by calculating the number of pods as a percentage of the original number of pods. This can result in an inexact traffic split. If you need an exact traffic split, you can achieve that using Gateway API.

    Also, Secrets and ConfigMaps are also copied and renamed with -canary.

  4. During the stable phase, the -canary Deployment is scaled down to zero, and the original Deployment is replaced with the new Deployment.

    Cloud Deploy doesn't modify the original Deployment until the stable phase.

Cloud Deploy provisions pods to achieve the requested canary percentage as closely as possible. This is based on the number of pods, not traffic to the pods. If you want your canary to be based on traffic, you need to use Gateway API.

For GKE network-based canary, you can enable or disable pod overprovisioning. The following sections describe how Cloud Deploy calculates the number of pods to provision for the canary deployment for each canary phase.

Pod provisioning with overprovisioning enabled

Enabling overprovisioning (disablePodOverprovisioning: false) allows Cloud Deploy to create enough additional pods to run the canary percentage you want, based on the number of pods running your existing deployment. The following formula shows how Cloud Deploy calculates the number of pods to provision for the canary deployment for each canary phase, when pod overprovisioning is enabled:

math.Ceil( percentage * ReplicaCountOfDeploymentOnCluster / (100-percentage))

With this formula, the current replica count (the number of pods you already have, before this canary) is multiplied by the canary percentage for the phase, and the result of that is divided by (100 minus the percentage).

For example, if you have 4 pods aleady, and your canary phase is 50%, then the number of canary pods is 4. (The result of 100-percentage is used as a percentage: 100-50=50, treated as .50.)

Pod overprovisioning is the default behavior.

Pod provisioning with overprovisioning disabled

You can disable overprovisioning (disablePodOverprovisioning: true), to ensure that Cloud Deploy doesn't increase your replica count.

The following formula shows how Cloud Deploy calculates pod provisioning for the canary deployment for each canary phase, when pod overprovisioning is disabled:

math.Ceil( (ReplicaCountOfDeploymentOnCluster + ReplicaCountOfCanaryDeploymentOnCluster) * percentage)

In this formula, ReplicaCountOfCanaryDeploymentOnCluster only exists if there was already a canary phase. If this is the first canary phase, there is no ReplicaCountOfCanaryDeploymentOnCluster.

If you begin with 4 pods, that number is multiplied by the canary percentage (for example, 50%, or .5) to get 2. So the original deployment is now scaled down to 2, and 2 new pods are created for the canary deployment. If you then have a 75% canary stage, you have 2 (original deployment) +2 (first canary stage), *.75, to get 3 canary pods and 1 pod running the original deployment.

Gateway GKE/Enterprise

Here's how Cloud Deploy executes a canary deployment in GKE and GKE Enterprise using Gateway API:

  1. In addition to the Deployment and Service references, you provide an HTTPRoute resource, with a backendRefs rule that references the Service.

  2. Cloud Deploy creates a new Deployment, with the name of your original Deployment plus -canary, and a new Service with the original Service name plus -canary.

    Also, Secrets, ConfigMaps, and Horizontal Pod Autoscalers are also copied and renamed with -canary.

  3. For each canary phase Cloud Deploy modifies the HTTPRoute to update the weighting between the original Deployment's pods and the canary Deployment's pods, based on the percentage for that phase.

    Because there can be a delay propagating changes to HTTPRoute resources, you can include the routeUpdateWaitTime property in your configuration, so the system waits a specified amount of time for this propagation.

  4. During the stable phase, the -canary Deployment is scaled down to zero, and the original Deployment is updated to use the new release's Deployment.

    Also, the HTTPRoute is now reverted to the original which you supplied.

    Cloud Deploy doesn't modify the original Deployment or Service until the stable phase.

Cloud Run

Here's how Cloud Deploy executes a canary deployment for Cloud Run:

  • For a canary deployment to Cloud Run, don't supply a traffic stanza in your service YAML.

  • When creating a new rollout for canary, Cloud Deploy splits traffic between the previous revision that was successfully deployed by Cloud Deploy and a new revision.

If you want to see the differences among phases of a canary deployment, you can view changes in the per-phase rendered manifest available in the release inspector. You can do this even before the rollout has started. Also, if you're using parallel deployment, you can also inspect each child's rendered manifest.

Configure a canary deployment

This section describes how to configure your delivery pipeline and targets for a canary deployment.

The instructions here include only what is specific to canary configuration. The document Deploy your application has the general instructions for configuring and executing your deployment pipeline.

Make sure you have the required permissions

In addition to other Identity and Access Management permissions you need for using Cloud Deploy, you need the following permissions in order to perform additional actions that might be needed for a canary deployment:

  • clouddeploy.rollouts.advance
  • clouddeploy.rollouts.ignoreJob
  • clouddeploy.rollouts.cancel
  • clouddeploy.rollouts.retryJob
  • clouddeploy.jobRuns.get
  • clouddeploy.jobRuns.list
  • clouddeploy.jobRuns.terminate

See IAM roles and permissions for more information about what available roles include these permissions.

Prepare your skaffold.yaml

As with a standard deployment, your canary needs a skaffold.yaml file, which defines how manifests and service definitions are rendered and deployed.

The skaffold.yaml you create for a canary deployment does not have any special requirements beyond what's needed for standard deployment.

Prepare your manifest or service definition

As with a standard deployment, your canary needs a Kubernetes manifest or a Cloud Run service definition.

GKE and GKE Enterprise

For canary, your manifest must have the following:

  • A Deployment and a Service.

  • The Service must define a selector, and that selector must select the Pods of the Deployment specified. The default is app.

  • If you're using a Gateway API-based canary, the manifest must also have an HTTPRoute.

Cloud Run

For canary on Cloud Run, your normal Cloud Run service definition file is sufficient, but without a traffic stanza. Cloud Deploy manages splitting traffic for you between the last successful revision and the new revision.

Configure an automated canary

The following instructions are for Cloud Run and GKE and GKE Enterprise service-based networking targets. If you're using Kubernetes Gateway API with GKE or GKE Enterprise, see this documentation.

You configure the automated canary in your delivery pipeline definition:

GKE and GKE Enterprise

In the pipeline stage, include a strategy property, as follows:

  - targetId: prod
    profiles: []
              service: "SERVICE_NAME"
              deployment: "DEPLOYMENT_NAME"
              podSelectorLabel: "LABEL"
          percentages: [PERCENTAGES]
          verify: true|false
            actions: "PREDEPLOY_ACTION"
            actions: "POSTDEPLOY_ACTION"

In this configuration...

  • SERVICE_NAME is the name of the Kubernetes Service, defined in your manifest.

  • DEPLOYMENT_NAME is the name of your Kubernetes Deployment, defined in your manifest.

  • LABEL is a pod selector label. This must match the label selector in the Kubernetes Service defined in your manifest. This is optional. The default is app.

  • PERCENTAGES is a comma-separated list of percentage values representing your canary increments, for example [5, 25, 50].

    Also, this doesn't include 100, because 100% percent deployment is assumed in the canary, and is handled by the stable phase.

  • You can enable deployment verification (verify: true). If you do so, a verify job is enabled on each phase.


    Is the same as the ACTION_NAME that you used in your skaffold.yaml to define the custom action you want to run before deploying.


    Is the same as the ACTION_NAME that you used in your skaffold.yaml to define the custom action you want to run after deploying.

Cloud Run

In the pipeline stage, include a strategy property, as follows:

  - targetId: prod
    profiles: []
            automaticTrafficControl: true
          percentages: [PERCENTAGES]
          verify: true|false
            actions: "PREDEPLOY_ACTION"
            actions: "POSTDEPLOY_ACTION"

In this configuration...

  • PERCENTAGES is a comma-separated list of percentage values representing your canary increments, for example [25, 50, 75]. Note that this doesn't include 100, because 100% percent deployment is assumed in the canary, and is handled by the stable phase.

  • You can enable deployment verification (verify: true). If you do so, a verify job is added to each canary phase.


    Is the same as the ACTION_NAME that you used in your skaffold.yaml to define the custom action you want to run before deploying.


    Is the same as the ACTION_NAME that you used in your skaffold.yaml to define the custom action you want to run after deploying.

Configure a custom canary

You can configure your canary manually instead of relying fully on the automation provided by Cloud Deploy. With custom canary configuration, you specify the following, in your delivery pipeline definition:

  • Rollout phase names

    In a fully-automated canary, Cloud Deploy names the phases for you (canary-25, canary-75, stable, for example). With a custom canary, however, you can give each phase any name, as long as it's unique among all phases for this canary stage, and it honors resource name restrictions. But the final (100%) phase name must be stable.

  • Percentage goals for each phase

    Specify the percentages separately, per phase.

  • Skaffold profiles to use for the phase

    You can use a separate Skaffold profile for each phase, or the same profile, or any combination. And each profile can use a different Kubernetes manifest or Cloud Run service definition. You can also use more than one profile for a given phase. Cloud Deploy combines them.

  • Whether there is a verify job for the phase

    Remember that if you're enabling verify, you need to configure your skaffold.yaml for verification also.

  • Whether there are predeploy or postdeploy jobs for the phase

    If you're enabling predeploy or postdeploy jobs, you need to configure your skaffold.yaml for those jobs.

All target types are supported for custom canary.

Custom canary configuration elements

The following YAML shows the configuration for the phases of fully custom canary deployment:

    # Custom configuration for each canary phase
      - phaseId: "PHASE1_NAME"
        percentage: PERCENTAGE1
        profiles: [ "PROFILE_NAME" ]
        verify: true | false
          actions: "PREDEPLOY_ACTION"
          actions: "POSTDEPLOY_ACTION"
      - …
      - phaseId: "stable"
        percentage: 100
        profiles: [ "LAST_PROFILE_NAME" ]
        verify: true|false
          actions: "PREDEPLOY_ACTION"
          actions: "POSTDEPLOY_ACTION"

In this YAML


    Is the name of the phase. Each phase name must be unique.

  • [ "PROFILE_NAME" ]

    Is the name of the profile to use for the phase. You can use the same profile for each phase, or a different one for each, or any combination. Also, you can specify more than one profile. Cloud Deploy uses all of the profiles you specify, plus the profile or manifest used by the overall stage.

  • stable

    The final phase must be named stable.


    Is the percentage to deploy for the first phase. Each phase must have a unique percentage value, and that value must be a whole percentage (not 10.5, for example), and the phases must be in ascending order.

  • verify: true|false

    Tells Cloud Deploy whether to include a verify job for the phase. Note that for each phase to use verify, Skaffold uses the same profile for verify that is specified for render and deploy for that phase.


    Is the same as the ACTION_NAME that you used in your skaffold.yaml to define the custom action you want to run before deploying.


    Is the same as the ACTION_NAME that you used in your skaffold.yaml to define the custom action you want to run after deploying.

The percentage for the last phase must be 100. Phases are executed according in the order you configure them in this ​customCanaryDeployment stanza, but if the percentage values are not in ascending order, the command to register the delivery pipeline fails with an error.

Note that the configuration for a custom canary doesn't include a runtimeConfig stanza. If you include runtimeConfig, it's considered a custom-automated canary.

Configure a custom-automated canary

A custom-automated canary is similar to a custom canary because you specify the separate canary phases, with custom phase names, percentage values, Skaffold profiles, verify jobs, and predeploy and postdeploy jobs. But with a custom canary, you don't provide the configurations that define the traffic apportionment—Cloud Deploy does that for you, but you still provide the Skaffold profiles to be used for each stage.

To configure a custom-automated canary, include a runtimeConfig stanza, as shown here, and include the customCanaryDeployment stanza, as shown here.

Configure a canary deployment using Kubernetes Gateway API service mesh

Although you can use a Cloud Deploy canary deployment to deploy your application to Kubernetes service-based networking, An alternative is to use the Kubernetes Gateway API service mesh. This section describes how to do so.

You can use Gateway API with Istio or any supported implementation.

  1. Set up your Gateway API resources:

    These are examples only.

  2. In your Kubernetes manifest, provided to Cloud Deploy when you created the release, include the following:

    • An HTTPRoute that references your Gateway resource

    • A Deployment

    • A Service

  3. Configure your delivery pipeline and the target that you will canary-deploy to:

    • Configuration for the target is the same as for any target.

    • The delivery pipeline configuration, in the progression sequence for the specific target, includes a gatewayServiceMesh stanza to reference your Kubernetes Gateway API HTTPRoute configuration, as well as your Deployment and Service.

               httpRoute: "ROUTE"
               service: "SERVICE"
               deployment: "DEPLOYMENT"
               routeUpdateWaitTime: "WAIT_TIME"
               podSelectorLabel: "LABEL"
           - 50


      • ROUTE is your httpRoute configuration that defines the routing behavior you want.

      • SERVICE is your Service configuration, which Cloud Deploy requires for canary deployments to GKE and GKE Enterprise.

      • DEPLOYMENT is your Deployment configuration, which Cloud Deploy requires for canary deployments to GKE and GKE Enterprise.

      • WAIT_TIME is an amount of time for Cloud Deploy to wait for changes to the HTTPRoute resource to finish propagating, to avoid dropped requests. For example: routeUpdateWaitTime: 60s.

        If you're running canary using Gateway API without Istio, and the Gateway API is connected to a Google Cloud load balancer, a small amount of traffic may be lost when the canary instance is scaled down. You can configure this setting if you observe this behavior.

      • LABEL is a pod selector label. This must match the label selector in the Kubernetes Service and Deployment defined in your manifest. This is optional. The default is app.

Use parallel deployment with a canary deployment strategy

You can run a canary deployment using parallel deployment. This means the target you're progressively deploying to can comprise two or more child targets. For example, you can deploy progressively to clusters in separate regions, at the same time.

How is a parallel canary different from single-target canaries

  • As with single-target canary deployment, if you're deploying to GKE targets, you need a Kubernetes Deployment configuration and a Kubernetes Service configuration in your manifest.

  • As with single-target canary deployment, your delivery pipeline configuration must include a strategy.canary stanza inside the stage definition for the applicable stage.

  • Additionally, you need to configure a multi-target, and you need to configure the child targets which that multi-target references.

  • When you create a release, a controller rollout and the child rollouts are created.

    Both types of rollout—controller and child—have separate phases for all of the configured canary percentages, and a stable phase for the canary 100%.

  • You can't advance a child rollout.

    You can advance controller rollouts only. When you advance the controller rollout to the next stage, the child rollouts are advanced too, by Cloud Deploy.

  • You can't retry failed jobs in the controller rollout.

    You can retry a job in child rollouts only.

  • You can't ignore failed jobs in the controller rollout.

    You can ignore failed jobs in child rollouts only.

  • You can cancel a controller rollout, but you can't cancel child rollouts.

  • You can terminate job runs under a child rollout only, not a controller rollout.

What to do if a parallel rollout fails in canary

When a child rollout fails, the controller rollout can transition to different states, depending on what happens with the child rollouts:

  • If one or more child rollouts fail, but at least one child rollout is still IN_PROGRESS, the controller rollout remains IN_PROGRESS.

  • If one or more child rollouts fail, but at least one child rollout succeeds, the controller rollout is HALTED if there are more phases after the current one.

    If this is the stable phase, the controller rollout is FAILED.

    HALTED gives you a chance to either ignore, retry failed jobs within the failed child rollout, or cancel the controller rollout and prevent further actions on the child rollouts.

  • If the controller rollout is in a HALTED state because of a failed child rollout, and you ignore the failed job in the child rollout, the controller rollout reverts to an IN_PROGRESS state.

Execute the configured canary

To run the canary deployment:

  1. Register the configured delivery pipeline and targets.

    gcloud deploy apply --file=PIPELINE

    The delivery pipeline includes the automated or custom canary configuration, for your chosen runtime.

    This command assumes your targets are defined in the same file or have otherwise already been registered. If not, be sure to register your targets too.

  2. Create a release:

    gcloud deploy releases create RELEASE_NAME \
                                  --delivery-pipeline=PIPELINE_NAME \

    The delivery pipeline identified by PIPELINE_NAME contains the automated or custom canary configuration described in this document.

  3. Advance the canary:

    gcloud CLI

    gcloud deploy rollouts advance ROLLOUT_NAME \
                                --release=RELEASE_NAME \
                                --delivery-pipeline=PIPELINE_NAME \


    ROLLOUT_NAME is the name of the current rollout which you're advancing to the next phase.

    RELEASE_NAME is the name of the release that this rollout is part of.

    PIPELINE_NAME is the name of the delivery pipeline you're using to manage deployment of this release.

    REGION is the name of the region in which the release was created, for example us-central1. This is required.

    See the Google Cloud SDK reference for more information about the gcloud deploy rollouts advance command.

    Google Cloud console

    1. Open the Delivery pipelines page.

    2. Click your pipeline shown in the list of delivery pipelines.

      The Delivery pipeline details page shows a graphical representation of your delivery pipeline's progress.

    3. On the Rollouts tab, under Delivery pipeline details, click the name of your rollout.

      The rollout details page is shown, for that rollout.

      rollout details in Google Cloud console

      Notice that in this example, the rollout has a canary-50 phase and a stable phase. Your rollout might have more phases or different phases.

    4. Click Advance rollout.

      The rollout is advanced to the next phase.

Skipped phases

If you deploy a canary and your application has not been deployed to that runtime yet, Cloud Deploy skips the canary phase and runs the stable phase. See Skipping phases the first time to find out why this happens.

What's next