Abandon a release

This page describes how to permanently abandon a Cloud Deploy release.

You can permanently abandon a release. An abandoned release has the following characteristics:

  • You can't promote an abandoned release.

  • You can't roll back to an abandoned release.

  • You can't unabandon a release. After you abandon a release, it's permanently deactivated.

Reasons for abandoning a release include the following, for example:

  • There's a bug in the release

  • There's a security issue in the release

  • A feature included in the release has been deprecated

To abandon a release, run the following command:

gcloud deploy releases abandon RELEASE_NAME --delivery-pipeline=PIPELINE_NAME --region=REGION



    Is the name of the release to abandon. This is required.


    Is the name of the delivery pipeline that created the release. This is required.


    Is the name of the region in which the release was created, for example us-central1. This is required.

IAM permissions

The IAM permissions required for abandoning a release are included in the following roles:

  • roles/clouddeploy.admin

  • roles/clouddeploy.operator

  • roles/clouddeploy.developer

Rollouts from abandoned releases

When you abandon a release, any rollouts created from that release that are in progress or queued continue to completion—they are not cancelled. However, you can't create new rollouts from an abandoned release.

View abandoned releases

In Google Cloud console, you can see if a release has been abandoned. The Releases tab, on the Delivery pipeline details page, labels the release as "abandoned":

List of releases in Google Cloud console showing an abandoned release