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코드 샘플
이 샘플을 사용해 보기 전에 BigQuery 빠른 시작: 클라이언트 라이브러리 사용의 Java 설정 안내를 따르세요. 자세한 내용은 BigQuery Java API 참고 문서를 확인하세요.
BigQuery에 인증하려면 애플리케이션 기본 사용자 인증 정보를 설정합니다. 자세한 내용은 클라이언트 라이브러리의 인증 설정을 참조하세요.
import com.google.api.core.ApiFuture;
import com.google.api.core.ApiFutureCallback;
import com.google.api.core.ApiFutures;
import com.google.api.gax.retrying.RetrySettings;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1.AppendRowsResponse;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1.BatchCommitWriteStreamsRequest;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1.BatchCommitWriteStreamsResponse;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1.BigQueryWriteClient;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1.CreateWriteStreamRequest;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1.Exceptions;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1.Exceptions.StorageException;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1.FinalizeWriteStreamResponse;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1.JsonStreamWriter;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1.StorageError;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1.TableName;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1.WriteStream;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.MoreExecutors;
import com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.DescriptorValidationException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Phaser;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.threeten.bp.Duration;
public class WritePendingStream {
public static void runWritePendingStream()
throws DescriptorValidationException, InterruptedException, IOException {
// TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
String projectId = "MY_PROJECT_ID";
String datasetName = "MY_DATASET_NAME";
String tableName = "MY_TABLE_NAME";
writePendingStream(projectId, datasetName, tableName);
public static void writePendingStream(String projectId, String datasetName, String tableName)
throws DescriptorValidationException, InterruptedException, IOException {
BigQueryWriteClient client = BigQueryWriteClient.create();
TableName parentTable = TableName.of(projectId, datasetName, tableName);
DataWriter writer = new DataWriter();
// One time initialization.
writer.initialize(parentTable, client);
try {
// Write two batches of fake data to the stream, each with 10 JSON records. Data may be
// batched up to the maximum request size:
// https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/quotas#write-api-limits
long offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
// Create a JSON object that is compatible with the table schema.
JSONArray jsonArr = new JSONArray();
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
JSONObject record = new JSONObject();
record.put("col1", String.format("batch-record %03d-%03d", i, j));
writer.append(jsonArr, offset);
offset += jsonArr.length();
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
// If the wrapped exception is a StatusRuntimeException, check the state of the operation.
// If the state is INTERNAL, CANCELLED, or ABORTED, you can retry. For more information, see:
// https://grpc.github.io/grpc-java/javadoc/io/grpc/StatusRuntimeException.html
System.out.println("Failed to append records. \n" + e);
// Final cleanup for the stream.
System.out.println("Appended records successfully.");
// Once all streams are done, if all writes were successful, commit all of them in one request.
// This example only has the one stream. If any streams failed, their workload may be
// retried on a new stream, and then only the successful stream should be included in the
// commit.
BatchCommitWriteStreamsRequest commitRequest =
BatchCommitWriteStreamsResponse commitResponse = client.batchCommitWriteStreams(commitRequest);
// If the response does not have a commit time, it means the commit operation failed.
if (commitResponse.hasCommitTime() == false) {
for (StorageError err : commitResponse.getStreamErrorsList()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error committing the streams");
System.out.println("Appended and committed records successfully.");
// A simple wrapper object showing how the stateful stream writer should be used.
private static class DataWriter {
private JsonStreamWriter streamWriter;
// Track the number of in-flight requests to wait for all responses before shutting down.
private final Phaser inflightRequestCount = new Phaser(1);
private final Object lock = new Object();
private RuntimeException error = null;
void initialize(TableName parentTable, BigQueryWriteClient client)
throws IOException, DescriptorValidationException, InterruptedException {
// Initialize a write stream for the specified table.
// For more information on WriteStream.Type, see:
// https://googleapis.dev/java/google-cloud-bigquerystorage/latest/com/google/cloud/bigquery/storage/v1/WriteStream.Type.html
WriteStream stream = WriteStream.newBuilder().setType(WriteStream.Type.PENDING).build();
// Configure in-stream automatic retry settings.
// Error codes that are immediately retried:
// Error codes that are retried with exponential backoff:
RetrySettings retrySettings =
CreateWriteStreamRequest createWriteStreamRequest =
WriteStream writeStream = client.createWriteStream(createWriteStreamRequest);
// Use the JSON stream writer to send records in JSON format.
// For more information about JsonStreamWriter, see:
// https://cloud.google.com/java/docs/reference/google-cloud-bigquerystorage/latest/com.google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1.JsonStreamWriter
streamWriter =
JsonStreamWriter.newBuilder(writeStream.getName(), writeStream.getTableSchema())
public void append(JSONArray data, long offset)
throws DescriptorValidationException, IOException, ExecutionException {
synchronized (this.lock) {
// If earlier appends have failed, we need to reset before continuing.
if (this.error != null) {
throw this.error;
// Append asynchronously for increased throughput.
ApiFuture<AppendRowsResponse> future = streamWriter.append(data, offset);
future, new AppendCompleteCallback(this), MoreExecutors.directExecutor());
// Increase the count of in-flight requests.
public void cleanup(BigQueryWriteClient client) {
// Wait for all in-flight requests to complete.
// Close the connection to the server.
// Verify that no error occurred in the stream.
synchronized (this.lock) {
if (this.error != null) {
throw this.error;
// Finalize the stream.
FinalizeWriteStreamResponse finalizeResponse =
System.out.println("Rows written: " + finalizeResponse.getRowCount());
public String getStreamName() {
return streamWriter.getStreamName();
static class AppendCompleteCallback implements ApiFutureCallback<AppendRowsResponse> {
private final DataWriter parent;
public AppendCompleteCallback(DataWriter parent) {
this.parent = parent;
public void onSuccess(AppendRowsResponse response) {
System.out.format("Append %d success\n", response.getAppendResult().getOffset().getValue());
public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) {
synchronized (this.parent.lock) {
if (this.parent.error == null) {
StorageException storageException = Exceptions.toStorageException(throwable);
this.parent.error =
(storageException != null) ? storageException : new RuntimeException(throwable);
System.out.format("Error: %s\n", throwable.toString());
private void done() {
// Reduce the count of in-flight requests.
이 샘플을 사용해 보기 전에 BigQuery 빠른 시작: 클라이언트 라이브러리 사용의 Node.js 설정 안내를 따르세요. 자세한 내용은 BigQuery Node.js API 참고 문서를 확인하세요.
BigQuery에 인증하려면 애플리케이션 기본 사용자 인증 정보를 설정합니다. 자세한 내용은 클라이언트 라이브러리의 인증 설정을 참조하세요.
const {adapt, managedwriter} = require('@google-cloud/bigquery-storage');
const {WriterClient, JSONWriter} = managedwriter;
async function appendRowsPendingStream() {
* TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines before running the sample.
// projectId = 'my_project';
// datasetId = 'my_dataset';
// tableId = 'my_table';
const destinationTable = `projects/${projectId}/datasets/${datasetId}/tables/${tableId}`;
const streamType = managedwriter.PendingStream;
const writeClient = new WriterClient({projectId: projectId});
try {
const writeStream = await writeClient.createWriteStreamFullResponse({
const streamId = writeStream.name;
console.log(`Stream created: ${streamId}`);
const protoDescriptor = adapt.convertStorageSchemaToProto2Descriptor(
const connection = await writeClient.createStreamConnection({
const writer = new JSONWriter({
let rows = [];
const pendingWrites = [];
// Row 1
let row = {
row_num: 1,
bool_col: true,
bytes_col: Buffer.from('hello world'),
float64_col: parseFloat('+123.44999694824219'),
int64_col: 123,
string_col: 'omg',
// Row 2
row = {
row_num: 2,
bool_col: false,
// Row 3
row = {
row_num: 3,
bytes_col: Buffer.from('later, gator'),
// Row 4
row = {
row_num: 4,
float64_col: 987.6539916992188,
// Row 5
row = {
row_num: 5,
int64_col: 321,
// Row 6
row = {
row_num: 6,
string_col: 'octavia',
// Set an offset to allow resuming this stream if the connection breaks.
// Keep track of which requests the server has acknowledged and resume the
// stream at the first non-acknowledged message. If the server has already
// processed a message with that offset, it will return an ALREADY_EXISTS
// error, which can be safely ignored.
// The first request must always have an offset of 0.
let offsetValue = 0;
// Send batch.
let pw = writer.appendRows(rows, offsetValue);
// Reset rows.
rows = [];
// Row 7
row = {
row_num: 7,
date_col: new Date('2019-02-07'),
// Row 8
row = {
row_num: 8,
datetime_col: new Date('2019-02-17T11:24:00.000Z'),
// Row 9
row = {
row_num: 9,
geography_col: 'POINT(5 5)',
// Row 10
row = {
row_num: 10,
numeric_col: 123456,
bignumeric_col: '99999999999999999999999999999.999999999',
// Row 11
row = {
row_num: 11,
time_col: '18:00:00',
// Row 12
row = {
row_num: 12,
timestamp_col: new Date('2022-01-09T03:49:46.564Z'),
// Offset must equal the number of rows that were previously sent.
offsetValue = 6;
// Send batch.
pw = writer.appendRows(rows, offsetValue);
rows = [];
// Row 13
row = {
row_num: 13,
int64_list: [1999, 2001],
// Row 14
row = {
row_num: 14,
struct_col: {
sub_int_col: 99,
// Row 15
row = {
row_num: 15,
struct_list: [{sub_int_col: 100}, {sub_int_col: 101}],
// Row 16
row = {
row_num: 16,
range_col: {
start: new Date('2022-01-09T03:49:46.564Z'),
end: new Date('2022-01-09T04:49:46.564Z'),
offsetValue = 12;
// Send batch.
pw = writer.appendRows(rows, offsetValue);
const results = await Promise.all(
pendingWrites.map(pw => pw.getResult())
console.log('Write results:', results);
const {rowCount} = await connection.finalize();
console.log(`Row count: ${rowCount}`);
const response = await writeClient.batchCommitWriteStream({
parent: destinationTable,
writeStreams: [streamId],
} catch (err) {
console.log(err.message, err);
} finally {
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