Table functions (built in)

GoogleSQL for BigQuery supports built-in table functions.

This topic includes functions that produce columns of a table. You can only use these functions in the FROM clause.

Function list

Name Summary
APPENDS Returns all rows appended to a table for a given time range.
For more information, see Time series functions.
CHANGES Returns all rows that have changed in a table for a given time range.
For more information, see Time series functions.
EXTERNAL_OBJECT_TRANSFORM Produces an object table with the original columns plus one or more additional columns.
GAP_FILL Finds and fills gaps in a time series.
For more information, see Time series functions.
RANGE_SESSIONIZE Produces a table of sessionized ranges.
For more information, see Range functions.


EXTERNAL_OBJECT_TRANSFORM(TABLE object_table_name, transform_types_array)


This function returns a transformed object table with the original columns plus one or more additional columns, depending on the transform_types values specified.

This function only supports object tables as inputs. Subqueries or any other types of tables are not supported.

object_table_name is the name of the object table to be transformed, in the format dataset_name.object_table_name.

transform_types_array is an array of STRING literals. Currently, the only supported transform_types_array value is SIGNED_URL. Specifying SIGNED_URL creates read-only signed URLs for the objects in the identified object table, which are returned in a signed_url column. Generated signed URLs are valid for 6 hours.

Return Type



Run the following query to return URIs and signed URLs for the objects in the mydataset.myobjecttable object table.

SELECT uri, signed_url

--The preceding statement returns results similar to the following:
 |  uri                                 | signed_url                                                                           |
 | gs://myobjecttable/1234_Main_St.jpeg |… |
 | gs://myobjecttable/345_River_Rd.jpeg |… |