This document describes the ML.VALIDATE_DATA_SKEW function, which you can use to compute the data skew between a model's training and serving data. This function computes the statistics for the serving data, compares them to the statistics that were computed for the training data at the time the model was created, and identifies where there are anomalous differences between the two data sets.

You can optionally visualize the function output by using Vertex AI model monitoring (Preview). For more information, see Monitoring visualization.

Statistics are only computed for feature columns in the serving data that match feature columns in the training data, in order to achieve better performance and lower cost. For models that were created with use of the TRANSFORM clause, the statistics are based on the raw feature data before feature preprocessing within the TRANSFORM clause.


  MODEL `project_id.dataset.model`,
  { TABLE `project_id.dataset.table` | (query_statement) },
    [categorical_default_threshold AS categorical_default_threshold]
    [, categorical_metric_type AS categorical_metric_type]
    [, numerical_default_threshold AS numerical_default_threshold]
    [, numerical_metric_type AS numerical_metric_type]
    [, thresholds AS thresholds]
    [, enable_visualization_link AS enable_visualization_link])


ML.VALIDATE_DATA_SKEW takes the following arguments:

  • project_id: your project ID.
  • dataset: the BigQuery dataset that contains the model.
  • model: the name of the model.
  • table: the name of the input table that contains the serving data to calculate statistics for.
  • query_statement: a query that generates the serving data to calculate statistics for. For the supported SQL syntax of the query_statement clause, see GoogleSQL query syntax.
  • categorical_default_threshold: a FLOAT64 value that specifies the custom threshold to use for anomaly detection for categorical and ARRAY<categorical> features. The value must be in the range [0, 1). The default value is 0.3.
  • categorical_metric_type: a STRING value that specifies the metric used to compare statistics for categorical and ARRAY<categorical> features. Valid values are as follows:
  • numerical_default_threshold: a FLOAT64 value that specifies the custom threshold to use for anomaly detection for numerical, ARRAY<numerical>, and ARRAY<STRUCT<INT64, numerical>> features. The value must be in the range [0, 1). The default value is 0.3.
  • numerical_metric_type: a STRING value that specifies the metric used to compare statistics for numerical, ARRAY<numerical>, and ARRAY<STRUCT<INT64, numerical>> features. The only valid value is JENSEN_SHANNON_DIVERGENCE.
  • thresholds: an ARRAY<STRUCT<STRING, FLOAT64>> value that specifies the anomaly detection thresholds for one or more columns for which you don't want to use the default threshold. The STRING value in the struct specifies the column name, and the FLOAT64 value specifies the threshold. The FLOAT64 value must be in the range [0, 1). For example, [('col_a', 0.1), ('col_b', 0.8)].
  • enable_visualization_link: a BOOL value that determines whether to return links to the visualized function output. When you specify TRUE for this argument, the ML.VALIDATE_DATA_DRIFT output includes the visualization_link column. The visualization_link column provides URLs that link to visualizations of the function results in Vertex AI monitoring.

    When you specify TRUE for this argument, the model argument value must refer to a BigQuery ML model that is registered with Vertex AI. If the model isn't registered, an invalid query error is returned.


ML.VALIDATE_DATA_SKEW returns one row for each column in the input data. ML.VALIDATE_DATA_SKEW output contains the following columns:

  • input: a STRING column that contains the input column name.
  • metric: a STRING column that contains the metric used to compare the input column statistical value between the training and serving data sets. This column value is JENSEN_SHANNON_DIVERGENCE for numerical features, and either L_INFTY or JENSEN_SHANNON_DIVERGENCE for categorical features.
  • threshold: a FLOAT64 column that contains the threshold used to determine whether the statistical difference in the input column value between the training and serving data is anomalous.
  • value: a FLOAT64 column that contains the statistical difference in the input column value between the serving and the training data sets.
  • is_anomaly: a BOOL column that indicates whether the value value is higher than the threshold value.
  • visualization_link (Preview): a URL that links to a Vertex AI visualization of the results for the given feature. The URL is formatted as follows:

    For example:

    This column is only returned when the enable_visualization_link argument value is TRUE.

    For more information, see Monitoring visualization.


The following examples demonstrate how to use the ML.VALIDATE_DATA_SKEW function.


The following example computes data skew between the serving data and the training data used to create the model, with a categorical feature threshold of 0.2:

  MODEL `myproject.mydataset.mymodel`,
  TABLE `myproject.mydataset.serving`,
  STRUCT(0.2 AS categorical_default_threshold)

The output looks similar to the following:

| input            | metric                   | threshold |  value | is_anomaly |
| dropoff_latitude | JENSEN_SHANNON_DIVERGENCE| 0.2       | 0.7    | true       |
| payment_type     | L_INTFY                  | 0.3       | 0.2    | false      |

Run ML.VALIDATE_DATA_SKEW and visualize the results

The following example computes data skew between the serving data and the training data used to create the model, with a categorical feature threshold of 0.2:

  MODEL `myproject.mydataset.mymodel`,
  TABLE `myproject.mydataset.serving`,
  STRUCT(0.2 AS categorical_default_threshold,
    TRUE AS enable_visualization_link)

The output looks similar to the following:

| input            | metric                   | threshold |  value | is_anomaly | visualization_link                                     |
| dropoff_latitude | JENSEN_SHANNON_DIVERGENCE| 0.2       | 0.7    | true       |            |
|                  |                          |           |        |            | model-monitoring/locations/us-central1/model-monitors/ |
|                  |                          |           |        |            | bq1111222233334444555/model-monitoring-jobs/           |
|                  |                          |           |        |            | bqjob1234512345123451234/feature-drift?project=        |
|                  |                          |           |        |            | myproject&featureName=dropoff_latitude                 |
| payment_type     | L_INTFY                  | 0.3       | 0.2    | false      |            |
|                  |                          |           |        |            | model-monitoring/locations/us-central1/model-monitors/ |
|                  |                          |           |        |            | bq1111222233334444555/model-monitoring-jobs/           |
|                  |                          |           |        |            | bqjob1234512345123451234/feature-drift?project=        |
|                  |                          |           |        |            | myproject&featureName=payment_type                     |

Copying and pasting the visualization link into a browser tab returns results similar to the following for numerical features:

A graph that visualizes the monitoring output for the `ML.VALIDATE_DATA_SKEW` function

Copying and pasting the visualization link into a browser tab returns results similar to the following for categorical features:

A bar chart that visualizes the monitoring output for the `ML.VALIDATE_DATA_SKEW` function

Automate skew detection

The following example shows how to automate skew detection for a linear regression model:


SET anomalies = (
      MODEL mydataset.model_linear_reg,
      TABLE mydataset.serving,
        0.3 AS categorical_default_threshold,
        0.2 AS numerical_default_threshold,
        'JENSEN_SHANNON_DIVERGENCE' AS numerical_metric_type,
        [STRUCT('fare', 0.15), STRUCT('company', 0.25)] AS thresholds))
  WHERE is_anomaly

IF(ARRAY_LENGTH(anomalies) > 0)
    CREATE OR REPLACE MODEL mydataset.model_linear_reg
      ML.MIN_MAX_SCALER(fare) OVER() AS f1,
      ML.ROBUST_SCALER(pickup_longitude) OVER() AS f2,
      ML.LABEL_ENCODER(company) OVER() AS f3,
      ML.ONE_HOT_ENCODER(payment_type) OVER() AS f4,
      model_type = 'linear_reg',
      max_iterations = 1)
    AS (
        2 AS label
      FROM mydataset.new_training_data

          "Found data skew in features: ",
          ARRAY_TO_STRING(anomalies, ", "),
          ". Model is retrained with the latest data."));
    SELECT *
        MODEL mydataset.model_linear_reg,
        TABLE mydataset.serving);
